//------------------------------// // Perfect Timing // Story: Doctor Whooves Episode 3: Aliens Among Us // by Doctor Perseus //------------------------------// Chapter 1: Perfect Timing Don Pass, Outskirts of Fort Rice, The Forest of Shadows, Eugora, Autumn, 1899 C.E. "So what's the probability of us arriving back in my own time right now?" Twilight asked as the TARDIS gave a final lurch to the left. "About one in a trillion," replied the Doctor with a smile. "Well at least it's nice to see that the odds are in my favor." The Doctor chuckled as he disappeared behind the control console. A series of clangs and metallic rings rang out from the console until the Doctor reappeared. "She's healing but it's going to be a little while until everything begins working the way it should," he said. "So the ship is...mending itself?" Twilight asked. "Yes and no. It can mend itself but it sometimes needs a little outside help from yours truly." "How can it mend itself? It would have to be alive in order to do that." "But it is alive. The TARDIS has a soul too." "How can a time machine have a soul?" "Because it's not just a time machine. It's a TARDIS. Ships created and used by the Time Lords." "The who?" "Time Lords. That's who built the TARDIS and all of her sisters. That's also the name of my species." "Wait. I thought you said before you became a pony you were a...what was that species again? Oh, I remember! A human being! I thought you said you were one of those." "No. I said that I resembled a human being. All Time Lords, for the most part, resemble human beings, though we can come in many different shapes and sizes." "So there are more time travelers like you and more ships like the TARDIS?" "There were." "There were? What happened to the rest?" "That...is a story for another day." "Come on! Don't leave me hanging right there!" "But cliffhangers are what make a series of stories so exciting! They make you lust for more! Now I do believe we have another surprise destination to explore." "Please promise me that I won't get kidnapped by clones this time!" "I promise. I will keep an eye on you at all times. That is until something distracts me in which case you will be completely on your own." "My hero." "After you, Ms. Sparkle." The Doctor smiled childishly and bowed. Twilight chuckled, bowed, and walked through the doors. They stepped out of the TARDIS to find themselves situated on the side of a gravel road in the middle of a dense forest. It was somewhere in the early afternoon but nearly all the sunlight was blocked by a sea of leaves and limbs above them. "I wonder where we've landed now," said Twilight. Just then, the sound of a loud horn rang through their ears and they turned to see something resembling a jeep driving down the road. It came to a stop next to the TARDIS and it was driven by an orange unicorn with short white hair. He was dressed in a green uniform and looked to be about Twilight's age. "What are you two doing out here?" he asked. "Civilians are not allowed in the forest without military supervision. "I do apologize," said the Doctor as he presented his psychic paper. "I'm Doctor Smith and this is my lovely partner, Judith Springs. We're here under the orders of...Queen Celestia." "You're a doctor?! Perfect timing! We could really use one up at the fort. I assume that's where you were headed because that's where the Queen sends most soldiers, scientists, and etc." "Indeed we are!" "Well hop on in then! Name's Vincent." "Pleasure to meet you, Vincent." The Doctor hopped up into the passenger seat while Twilight found a seat in the back. The Doctor smiled at her sudden interest in the futuristic vehicle. Vincent started the jeep up again and they were off. "So Vincent," said the Doctor. "I seem to have lost my calender and the date has slipped my mind. Could you give it to me in full?" "Ah. You're not the first one to do that, Doctor," said Vincent. "Date's Friday, October 16, 1899 C.E." "Thank you. I don't know why I forgot the darn date. Must be the forest." "Yeah. The forest can do some pretty weird stuff to the mind. There have been many ponies who have lost their minds and even gone missing in those trees." "1899. Still a long way to go," Twilight whispered to the Doctor. The Doctor patted Twilight on her hoof and she leaned back. "So Vincent. You said that we came at a perfect time. Is there something wrong up at the fort?" "Yes. Some of the soldiers and scientists there have fallen gravely ill." "Have you been able to identify the illness?" asked the Doctor. "That's the strange part, Doctor. Their bodily organs are all running perfectly...and yet they're sick. How is that possible?" "I don't know. But I promise you that I'm going to find out." Outside the Laboratory Building, Fort Rice, The Forest of Shadows, Eugora, Autumn, 1899 C.E. Florence had decided to take her lunch hour late that day. She sat at a table and munched on a salad that she had prepared that morning. Her co-worker, a fellow earth pony named Cornflower, came up and sat next to her. "Long day, huh?" asked Cornflower. "I guess. I don't really mind the work. Science is my bread and butter," Florence replied. "Everypony's shown up for work today...except Davis." "Maybe he got sick like the others." "Or maybe he's having some fun with Roxanne Fox." "If he is then I'm going to give them both a good smack." "I do hope that message got through to the Queen about the sudden outbreak." "Colonel James sent it out a couple days ago. Remember, Cornflower, it's at least a week's trip between Gaia and Eugora. That means we have at least another five days before a doctor arrives to help us out." The front gate leading into the fort opened and in rolled Vincent on his jeep. Florence noticed that he had two passengers with him. The chestnut stallion caught her eye. "I wonder who Vincent has brought," said Cornflower. "Maybe they're from town," Florence guessed. "They have to be. Isn't that where Vincent came from?" "Or maybe he picked them up from the side of the road." Florence placed her salad down, got up, and walked towards the jeep. The Doctor jumped down from the jeep as Vincent helped Twilight out. "Thanks but I didn't need any help getting out of your...uh...vehicle," said Twilight. "Just trying to be courteous," said Vincent. "Oh hey, Florence!" Florence was startled at first but she soon regained her composure and approached the visitors. "So, Vincent. I see you've brought some guests with you," she said. "Doctor Smith," said the Doctor. "Judith Springs," said Twilight with a grimace. "Florence Pipe. I'm one of the top scientists here at Fort Rice," replied Florence. "So you're a doctor, eh Smith?" "Yes. I can heal practically any injury or illness brought to me," said the Doctor proudly. Twilight rolled her eyes just before Florence turned towards her. "And you?" "I'm just his assistant. Wherever he goes, I go," replied Twilight. Florence walked up to Twilight and examined her carefully. "You look familiar. Have we met before?" "I don't believe so." "There's just something about you that makes me think that I've seen you somewhere before." "How about we save the smalltalk for later? So...where are the patients?" asked the Doctor. "Right this way," said Vincent. Vincent beckoned the Doctor towards a building with a large red cross on it. The Doctor headed towards the building and he was followed by Twilight, Florence, and Vincent. Infirmary, Fort Rice, The Forest of Shadows, Eugora, Autumn, 1899 C.E. The inside of the infirmary was calm and quiet. The air was also somewhat warm. "It's kind of warm in here," said Twilight. "Winter's going to be here soon," said Vincent. "Even autumn can bring some harsh weather. We had a heavy downpour last night. We don't want our patients to freeze to death." "Understandable," stated the Doctor. They walked down a long white hallway until they came to a large room full of sick ponies in hospital beds. Most were asleep but the ones who were awake were moaning and complaining. "How many are in here?" "About...31." "So, Doctor, shouldn't you be getting to work?" asked a suspicious Florence. "Of course. That's why I'm here," lied the Doctor. He walked over to a nearby victim and examined the body. He then pulled out his Sonic Screwdriver, making sure to hide it from Florence and Vincent's view, and scanned the body with it. He examined the results and put the Sonic Screwdriver away. "This...is beyond anything I've seen before. No bodily harm, no dying tissues, all organs are working normally, and yet they're all sick." "Amazing isn't it?" asked a deep voice. Everypony turned to the door to be confronted by a large gray pegasus. "Davis! You scared the hay out of me!" said Florence. "I apologize. So you're the Doctor that the Queen sent?" "The very same," replied the Doctor. Davis walked towards the Doctor and stared him in the eye. "Yeah...you look like somepony who would be working for the Queen." "Thank you?" "Your welcome. What do you think of our little situation?" "What do I think? I think it's...incredibly fascinating. No bodily harm, no infections, and yet...there's an illness. How can they be sick if there's no bodily harm?" "Well...it's your job to find that out, isn't it?" "Why yes it is!" "Is it just me or is there something different about Davis?" Vincent whispered to Florence. "Yeah. He seems a bit...darker than usual," Florence whispered back. The Doctor looked into Davis's cloudy eyes and smiled. "Is there something else you want to share with me?" he asked. "Nope. Nothing at all," replied Davis. He then turned around and walked out of the room. "Well he's certainly an odd character," said Twilight. "I think it's the stress. He's been working a lot recently," said Florence. "On what? His job or kissing up to Roxanne?" teased Vincent. The two colleagues laughed while the Doctor and Twilight stared at each other awkwardly. "Anyway, I might as well go and show you two to your quarters." "That would be nice," said the Doctor. Vincent nodded and proceeded to lead the Doctor, Twilight, and Florence out of the room.