Gilda's Apologies

by The Amazing Horse Man

Chapter One: Gilda's Return, and Warm Welcome

Chapter One: "Gilda's return, and Warm Welcome."

"Hello!" Shouted the Pink Party Pony. "And Welcome to... wait. Oh... Hai" was all the sords the Pony stammered before disappearing somewhere without a trace.
"No, I can't be back in Ponyville! I flew for a day, if anything, I should at least be in Zebrica!"
"You're not the only one surprised by your return" said an edgy voice from behind the griffon.
"Oh... Hi Dash."
"Don't you "Hi Dash" me! I thought you left this town full of 'Dweebs'" that last word held in the air for a while, stinging Gilda.
"I know what I said. I came to apologize?" The last word came out stammered and awkward, sounding like a question more than a statement.
"After how you treated me and my friends? How about we try out these three words? Oh. Hell. Nah"
"Dash, please I have no where else to go!" The griffon pleaded, which was knew to her.
"You should of thought of that when to talked spit about my home." Retorted the Cyan Rainbow of a mare.
"You know how I act when I get mad."
"Well try to unlearn that mental click!"
"Please Dash. I know how I treated you. I know I was being a complete and total pain in the wind, but please, give me one more chance!"
"Fine, but if you do ONE thing, and I mean ONE thing wrong, you're getting booted off the island, understood!"
"Yes Ma'am" said the griffon with a salute.
"Okay good! I still don't forgive you. Now if you want to live in Ponyville, you need to go to Town Hall, and get a house, presumably in the sky as you'll be considered as a Pegasus in the citizenship test. Now, get out of my sight."


After what seemed like decades, she finally had her I.D. and Ponyville Bank Check Book, which had the Sky and Clouds in the background, and she was on her way to the DFP when she was stopped by the Pink Pony that was her first sight in Ponyville.
"Sooooooo... Gilda... how are things?" Asked the overly excited Fourth-Wall Breaking Pony cooly
"Good. You?" Replied Gilda smoothly, actually having a pleasant (for the most part) conservation since her moving to Ponyville.
"Oh I was just at my home, improving my Party Cannon to have more accuracy, for certain... things that could happen."
"Ooookay," replied the now spooked griffon. "What things?" she asked sheeply.
"Cockroaches, muggers, for fireworks, anything you can name, this baby," she rubbed the canon, "will take care of it"
"Cool" Said the now Shakey Gilda.
"better not get on her bad side." She thought.
"Eeeyupe" called the Mare before she disappeared off somewhere only Celestia knows.