//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: The New Beginning // Story: Battle Scars // by DisHarmonize //------------------------------// I turn toward her and trying to walk out carefully though I stumble, I finally make it out. I was about to speak when I looked into her eyes and saw the sparkle of the sun that was rising behind me. That sparkle in her eyes had me at a loss for words, to me it didn't matter that her eyes were crooked she looked cute all the same. "Hi, I'm Derpy Hooves. I deliver the mail around here and I couldn't help but notice you fall from the sky into the ground, are you okay?" Well this is something I really wouldn't expect, her coming up and talking to me even though I look like this. Truly I was shocked but, finally I regain the ability to talk. "Nice to meet you Derpy, I'm.........I'm......I don't know who I am to be honest." I said. I guess the fall made me lose my memory, though I remember falling and what the voice said to me, anything before that I can't recall. "Well, I better get going I don't want to be late on my route," says Derpy, "I'll see you later." She turns to go and pulls an envelope out of her bag, she holds it in her mouth as she joyfully skips away. My only though was, "Wow, shes amazing.", and before she was out of earshot I could hear her humming an unfamiliar tune. I start making my way towards the town Derpy was headed to, maybe somepony could tell me where I am and possibly who I am. I get to the edge of town and I look around and I see a sign that says, "Welcome to Ponyville". I'll be damned if there weren't ponies here, everywhere you looked there are ponies. There were some Pegasai, they were so fast that all you could see was the trail of color they left behind. Some were unicorns, their horns glowing as they performed their magic. This town was huge, there were houses and shops as far as the eye could see. There were apple orchards and others with other plants like wheat growing alongside the trees. Just then something caught my eye, a trail of rainbows appeared off to my right. This trail, lead by a Pegasus, who was faster than the rest and accomplished tricks so amazing I couldn't help but stop and watch. As I stare, open mouthed at this amazing pony doing flips and twists, I didn't notice her mess up. "LOOK OUT!" I felt a sharp pain on my head as the pony came crashing from the sky and I was knocked back quite a ways. Coming out of the confusion of what just happened, I open my eyes to see a stunning cyan Pegasus with a rainbow mane. "Are you alright? I'm SO sorry for crashing into you like that, I lost control while flying. Are you hurt? Because you look like your hurt really bad with all those scars.", Says the pony. "I'm alright, I just have a headache now but it's fine.", I say as I roll off of my back and stand up. "Oh no, did I break your horn and your wings! I'm super sorry if I did.", she says, looking sad about what she thought she did, but then she looked confused. "No you didn't break my horn or my wings, they broke during my fall from the sky.", I said causing her to give a sigh of relief and another puzzled look. "Wait, that was you falling from the sky! We thought it was some sort of meteor, man you must have crashed hard. So, whats your name tough stallion?" "To tell you the truth, I don't have a name, I lost my memory after I crashed. All I know is that I'm not from around here.", I say, "and whats with all those weird looks?" "Well, it's just that I realized that you're an Alicorn and normally they all live in Canterlot. I mean Celestia, Luna, and Cadence are all Alicorns and they are royalty, so why would you be in Ponyville? If your an Alicorn that should mean that you are royalty, right?" Rainbow Dash said trying to piece things together that I wasn't aware of. "I don't think I'm royalty, at least I don't feel like it and I don't even look the least bit regal. So I wouldn't see how I could be any kind of royalty." I said confused as well. "Oh well never mind then, by the way, I'm Rainbow Dash, future wonderbolt and most awsome pony in Equestria! Nice to meet you No Name!", she exclaims holding out her hoof. So I hold out mine and she shakes it vigorously. "Nice to meet you Rainbow Dash, and I must say you looked amazing doing all those tricks." "Oh it was nothing," Rainbow Dash said blushing. "Just wait till you see my Sonic Rainboom." "With me being new around here I have to ask, what is a Sonic Rainboom?" I said. It sounded really cool and coming from Rainbow Dash and what I've seen her do, it can't anything short of amazing. "It's only the most awesome thing EVER!" she announced. "Well then I can't wait to see one, but I best be on my way. I need to figure out somethings about this place and maybe I can find a place to stay." I said. "I know someone who can tell you almost anything about EVERYTHING!" she exclaimed. "See that big tree over there?" She points a hoof towards the middle of town and well I don't know how I missed it. (Must have been too amazed at Rainbow's tricks.) "That's where Twilight lives, she knows EVERYTHING." "Thanks Rainbow, I'll go check it out. I'll see you around." I said and started down the street. Getting closer to the giant tree, I could see some windows protruding out of the leaves and wood, there were two balconies and at the very top, a platform with a telescope on it. I walk up to the door and I knock, from inside I hear, "Who is it?" So I reply with, "I would tell you if I had a clue myself." Just then the door opened, a smiling purple mare with a purple mane with a pink stripe stood in the door way. Just as I was about to say 'Hi' her expression changed to one of pure terror, let out a high-pitched scream and slammed the door rattling the leaves and branches. "Is there something wrong?" I ask. Completely forgetting my body was filled with scars, my wings were mangled, my horn busted, and realizing now that my left eye looked like it it was gauged out from what I could see in the glass. Backing away a little bit, I could see most of my figure and it was truly gruesome. "I'm sorry if I startled you, I can't help the way I look. A Pegasus named Rainbow Dash told me to come and see you, I can also explain some of why I look like this." The door started to creep open a little, just enough so she could peek out to get a better look at me. She opened the door fully and let me in, she was also smiling again. "So what is it you would like to know?" Twilight says. "What is this place?" I asked. I hear her giggle, apparently, asking this question made me look stupid. "This is the land of Equestria. Right now we are in a small town called Ponyville. Also not too far away from here is Canterlot, its a royal city where the princesses live." she says factually. "Now I have a question for you. Who are you? And where did you get those scars?" "Well to your first question, I don't know myself, I don't even have a name. As for your second question..." I explain to her how I got to the land called 'Equestria' from the time I heard the voice tell me about the scars up until now. "So let me get this straight, that wasn't a meteor that fell from the sky today?" she said quizzically. "Nope, it was me." looking a bit embarrassed. "And those scars just appeared there. What about your eye?" she asked. "From what I know, it was there from the start of my memory. I don't know what happened to it, but it just has a hole in it, the rest of it is still there. Though I am completely blind in it. Also, please don't tell anypony about my scars or how I fell from the sky because, they will think I am crazy for telling such a story. The only reason I am telling you is because you look trustworthy." "Okay, I won't tell anypony I pinkie-promise. 'Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my OWW' I always do that." Twilight says, rubbing her eye with her hoof. It was funny and I have to admit I laughed. Even shoving a hoof in her eye could not wipe the smile off her face, and what a beautiful smile it was. A stone cold heart would melt at the sight of such a beautiful thing. "So is there anything else you needed to know?" Twilight asked. "Well, since I am not from this land I am going to need a place to stay, do you know where I could find one?"I ask, hoping for a positive answer. "The last I checked, the inn was full, I don't know of any where else." "Oh, I guess I'll just have to look around I guess and just see what I can find." I say with a smile. "If you don't find anything just know, your always welcome to stay here until you do." Twilight said with her same beautiful smile, I couldn't help but smile back. Just then, I felt a tingling around my right hoof. Looking down I saw little sparkles around one of my scars, then a flash of light and the scar was gone. So, this was happiness, a warm feeling that makes you want to smile. "What was that?" she asked. "Remember what I told you about my scars? Every time I find happiness a void of sadness gets filled and the scar goes away. You made me happy by your kind gesture and accepting me for me and not for what I look like. Thank you." I said, smiling. "That's what friends are for, and you know what they say, 'friendship is magic'." Twilight said. "Thanks again, for being my friend Twilight. I'll see you around but for now I shall go explore the town." I said "Goodbye." Twilight said as I walked out the door. I didn't know where to start first, the town was so big so I picked a path and went with it. Walking along this path, off to my left I see a small shop. The sign above the window said "Mr.Breezy's Fan Shop". I guessed by the name that it obviously sold fans of different varieties. I walked towards it for a closer look. I saw a stallion with a stylish checkered hat on confirming a purchase of a customer. I start to walk farther along the street and my mind starts to wonder about my future in this small town. I agreed with myself when it came to needing to stay here. I must have crashed here for a reason. Until I find out why I should probably stay here. It seems like a nice town to live in temporarily. Suddnely I was pulled out of my reverie by the alluring smell of cooking sweets. A sugary cloud met with my nose and my mouth started to water. What is that delicious smell and where did it come from? I look to my right where a comical sight graces my eyes. It appeared to be a large as life gingerbread house, complete with a frosting roof. I look to the sign that hung at the edge of the building, a cupcake adorned the piece of wood. 'Must be a bakery' I thought. I walk up to the tasty looking house of candy and experimentally nibble at the corner of it. Just when I realize its not actually candy I hear a joyous giggle behind me. I turn around to see a pink earth pony who had a smile the size of a continent on her face. If her smile would be a sentence it would have and exclamation point on the end, maybe two. As I look closer I see she is repeatedly jumping up and down. Just watching her made me dizzy. "Well hiya there! You do know that Sugarcube Corner is not to eat right? My name's Pinkie Pie! Are you new here? Omygoshomygoshomygosh, you are new here! That means I need to throw you a PARTY! There will be balloons and cake an' Ice Cream, and the Pony Pokey, and..." As this 'Pinkie Pie' continued to speak about the many things that would be in a party I apparently was having, I started to loose focus. I wondered if she ever got tired. How the hell did one pony have so much energy? I came back to reality and saw that she was still speaking. "aaaaand STREAMERS! Hehehe, this will be sooooo much fun! OH! I gotta go plan, bye!" And with that she left in a woosh of air; leaving behind a Pinkie-shaped pink dust cloud. 'Well that was... Interesting." I think to myself as I start to leave the Candy House. I look back behind me and make a mental note to go back there and try a baked sweetly things. Now rounding a corner, I made it to what seemed to be the town square. There was a lot of ponies here all of them milling around finding shops or just going home. The magnificent colors of each pony amazed me, they were so bright and all of them were happy, or at least they were smiling. Making my way through the crowd wasn't as hard as I thought, most just parted to the side and gave me a path and kept walking, but others confused me. They would move to the side, stop and bowed like I was.......royalty? I couldn't tell, either that or they were shielding their eyes from the sight of me. I wouldn't blame them, I guess its not a pretty sight to see. Finally making it out of the crowd everything was pretty quiet, not many ponies came this way I guess. Off to my left was that huge apple orchard that I saw when I first came into this town. It went on as far as the eye could see, but in my case it was only as far as 'one' eye could see. Still from what I could see, the trees stretched over hills on both sides of a big barn and around the back side of it as well. Every once and a while a tree would shake and some apples would fall, and in between each time a tree shook, through the leaves a flash of an orange coat could be seen. I decided I would visit there later. A little ways up the road I could hear laughter, getting closer I saw it was a school house and all the little foals were exiting. A little yellow foal with a red mane walked into the apple orchard, while one headed in the direction I was intending on walking she was a white foal with a light purple and white mane. Not wanting to scare anypony I hid around the corner and waited till they all had passed. When all the laughter had died down quite a bit I was about to get back on my way, when from around the corner came a cute little sigh. "*Sigh* I wish I had a place to go home to. I mean all of my friends have a nice warm home, loving parents, and even brothers and sisters. Then there is little old Scoots' with no where to go." says the little pony. Not being able to see her made me curious, thoughts crossed my mind about if she would be scared or not of what I look like. So I decided to speak up and find out for myself. "Well at least I'm not the only pony." I said. I heard a brush against the dirt path, I guess I scared her. "Sorry to startle you." I say politely. Just after saying this, from around the corner peeked the head of a little orange pony with a purple mane. "So, you don't have a home? Or parents? Not even brothers or sisters?" She asked. With a nod of my head she seemed relieved. "Well, my name is Scootaloo, whats yours?" She asked. "Take a seat, why don't I just tell you the whole story." I said. I couldn't help but smile after I said 'story', because her eyes got really big and she came and sat next to me eager to hear what was to be told.