I Am Evil

by Sneaky

Who I am

 I am a monster.

 That will never change.

 I was no accident. I was made by Chaos, when Chaos ruled the lands. I hate him, I've always hated him for bringing me into my misery-filled existence.

 I should have never been born.

 When I was young, I stole, killed, and deceived. At first, I did only what I needed to survive. But as time went on, I learned to enjoy it. To enjoy the Evil. To exist, one must learn to take pleasure in things, no matter how small they are or how rarely they come.

 Greed is Evil. Hunger is not. But greed springs from hunger, and I am forever hungry.

 Hungry I was; I took advantage of a chance to fulfill that hunger, or at least satisfy it for the time being. My chance was a mare named Fluttershy; you may know her as the element of Kindness.

 Though I was no more than a few years old, I was very clever. I changed myself into a crying foal, and lay in a basket beside her door.

 She found me, and took me in. As planned. She fed me, nourished me, mothered me. She tried her best to guide me in the right direction. And for years I leeched off her kind spirit.

 But a byproduct of the plan. She not only took care of me; she influenced me. As I grew into a handsome young colt, I learned the value of Friendship. I loved her, and wanted to be like her.

 But Bad cannot become Good.

 I managed to fake it, however. All the time I was under her care, I did not commit one bad deed, at least not on a major scale. Nopony's perfect.

 At one point, when I was the fine age of seventeen (in my years as a pony), I wanted to come clean. I could deceive 'Mum' no longer. I showed her my true form; a shapeless, dark cloud of Greed.

 She shivered and hid. She did not like my true form. I changed back, to the handsome young stallion I wanted to be. To the pony she knew. But she did not see me; nay, she saw ME.

 Every step I made towards her would produce a high-pitched squeal. Her devilish rabbit came to her aid (how he was even still alive, I'm not sure) and bit me on the hoof. I did not respond at first; my physical form did not feel pain. When I noticed the blood running off my limb, I merely picked him up, and set him in his cage. Through this action, I wanted to show Mum that I was good. That I could be good.

 She did not fall for it. She knew who I was now, and who I would forever be.

 I stomped and screamed and cried. That only proved to make matters worse. Mum's eyes widened, and she sank even deeper into the corner that she tried to escape from me in.

 I cried some more, and ran. I ran out the door, and slammed it behind me. Looking back, I hoped she would follow me, to try and prevent me from reverting back to the old ways.

 But she did not. When Evil is afoot, Good does not always step out of its comfort zone to and stop it.

 I pillaged the neighboring towns. Ponyville was left alone, for I could not bear to bring trouble into the lives of the ones I loved.

 But I already had. They loved me too, and my departure broke their hearts. Not just broke; it shattered, burned their hearts to ashes. Even with my faults, they held me dear.

 This went on for some more time. During which, I grew stronger and stronger. But as I grew stronger, I became sadder. I could no longer take pleasure in the horrible things I did.

 Friendship is what I had been taught. Though the drive to cause mischief was written on my genes, the magic of Friendship was ingrained into my soul.

 If only I had known, that all this time, Fluttershy still followed me. But every time the trail grew hot, I was gone, and Goodness could not reach Evil.

 Kindness still tried to reach out to me. I would have stilled my sword, and let her convince me that I was not Evil. If she ever caught me. Inside, I wanted to experience her warming, reassuring embrace once more. I wanted to see her soft, sky blue eyes look deep into mine, and ask me to come home with her. I wouldn't have minded if she paralyzed me instead, even.

 But, when she finally found me, it was too late. Blood red stained the asphalt, and I was hiding away in a store, keeping occupancy there until I found some way to escape.

 For three days, I holed up in that building. I hated the shadows; they laughed at me, told me I would never get out. That I was good as dead anyways. I killed them. I killed all the shadows in the store. But their dead bodies still mocked me. They smiled when they died, and I could just hear them in my head, chanting my name over and over.

 And then, a voice. A voice soft, unlike the others. In fact, all the other voices fled at the sound of this one. This one was familiar.


 I turned, and saw her. Kindness stood, in the presence of Evil.

 I reared up, in my shapeless form, and prepared to strike. But she did not move, did not try to intercept my attacks.

 I came at her, howling. I hated her so much. For betraying me when I trusted her the most. For not loving me the way I was.

 I was out to kill. I. Wanted. Her. Blood.

 But I stopped, mid-strike. She hadn't budged an inch, hadn't even flinched. Then I caught sight of her eyes. Her sky blue eyes, filled with regret.

 I couldn't move.

 I literally couldn't move. I was paralyzed!

 But it wasn't because of her.

 Well, maybe it was. She was not using any form of hypnotism. She was showing me love. Love, in the form of trust. She trusted that I wouldn't send Harm her way.

 I shrieked. I tore open the carcasses of the shadows, and massacred them. Bits and pieces of shadows lay scattered around the building.

 I tried to scare her away. I loved her, but wanted her gone. I tried to scare her, tried to show her what I would do to her if she did not flee.

 She did not flee.

 I hated her so much now. I hated her for making me do what I was about to do to her.

 I reared up again, and bore my teeth. I came at her, full of anger and hatred.

 Right before I sliced off her head, I dissolved. Simply dissolved. I couldn't do it. I couldn't kill the one I held closest to me.

 Even Evil adheres to Love.

 I was defeated. Slowly, shamefully, I reformed in front of her, in both senses of the word. I hung my head, silently pleading for forgiveness.

 She hugged me. She hugged me, and I cried. Black tears ran down my face and dripped onto her shoulder, mixing with her clear ones. Breaking the hug, we smiled at each other, and walked out of the store together.

 We came into the sunlight. It was getting near evening, and the crisp air felt good to breathe in once more.

 But I suddenly realized the air was leaving my lungs in a way it shouldn't have.

 I looked down, slowly, full of fear and anticipation. Standing out like a sore thumb was a scorched hole, deep in my chest. An Guard must have fired a laser into me by mistake.

 Fluttershy screamed, and attempted to catch me as I fell. Despite her efforts, my head hit hard, causing some skin to break and bleed there, too. I did not feel the pain, not physically. But I was tortured to see her face; her construed, hopeless expression. Her tears diluted my blood as she cried upon my chest.

 But, I knew this was the only way. My Evil was not gone, merely subdued for the time being. The darkness would return, and I would sin again.

 I chuckled, knowing full well this was the end. My eyelids fluttered and closed. I slipped out of my mortal body, and watched the scene from a distance. Medics closed in, trying to bring me back to life. I shook my head, knowing it was all futile. I then saw Mum, and watched her scream in agony over my dead body. I wished I would've stayed a little longer, to bid her one last farewell.

 I walked up beside her, and placed a hoof, or whatever you would call my ghostly apparition of a limb, on her shoulder. It went through, causing me to lose my balance. I then saw my father laughing at me.

 Discord. I hated him so much. He created a being, just to watch it suffer.

 I wish I had never existed. So that me, nor Mum, nor any being could remember me, much less mourn me. I nearly begged Father to make it so. But, even if I did, he would not have listened.

 And so now, I stroll around, alone and immortal. No one sees me, no one hears me. Usually, the most I can do is watch everything from a distance.

 But, I do appear in your minds, and in your hearts. Though I try to refrain myself from doing so, I simply feel the need to have an effect in the world, and influence others subconsciously.

 Hello there, my victim. I am Greed, which is Evil. I am your parasite, and you are my host. You are my slave, and together, we will bring about Chaos.