Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

living Their Dream! Part two

Living their dream crossover: Part 2

Chapter 44

[Lance's P.O.V]

Me and Omnius walked in silence back to town. It was strange that he was silent, since he's usually talking.

Before we reached Ponyville, he stopped. I looked over at him, "What?"

He began to rub his beard, and thoughtfully said, "We've been to your house and Fluttershy's. Where are we going now?"

I scratched my head. "I have no idea actually. I can't think of any other places to show you."

He pushed his glasses back up, "Well, we can go to Sweet Apple Acres."

I nodded, I haven't been there in a while. "Alright." I unfolded my wings, "Race you there."

He smirked, "You're on."

I held up a hoof, stopping him, and said, "First, some rules; no human form, no weird alien technology, no powers, and no cheating."

He frowned, "That's no fun."

My turn to smirk, "It's fair."

He sighed and undid his wings, "Fine."

We lined up and he began to count down, "Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven..."

"Just say go!" I said a little annoyed.

"SixfivefourthreetwooneGO!" He said at a Pinkie Pie speed.

I shot ahead at a break neck speed. I wasn't going to lose this time.

I soon reached the streets of Ponyville, dodging ponies and stray objects.

I saw a cart being pushed by an old pony and yelled, "Get out of the way!" Well, the pony jumped out of the way, but they left the cart in the street.

I slammed into it and burst through it. I swayed in the air, dazed. That wood hurts!

The world around me spun and swayed. But I continued to fly towards Sweet Apple Acres.

When I glanced behind me, I didn't see Omnius. Poor guy couldn't keep up.

I finally reached the farm. I pushed myself and flew down a row of apple trees. When I few out of them and into the open, I just pulled my wings in and let myself slam into the ground.

The momentum I had gained sent me skidding across the ground.

When I finally came to a rest, I began to try to control my heavy breathing.

As I lay there, somepony walked up to me.

I looked up to see Omnius, smirking.

"Beat ya Lance."

I shook my head, "No, I beat you. There's no way you could have gotten here before me."

He nodded, grinning, and said, "Yeah there is. Magic."

I looked at him confused, "What? I said no magic!"

He smirked, "You said no powers. You didn't say anything about magic."

I stood and panted, "Well, how can you use magic then?"

"Simple. I became a unicorn when you weren't looking," he said pointing to a horn pointing out of his head.

I looked at his sides and saw he didn't have wings. "But how?"

He shrugged. "I'll tell you later." He turned and looked towards the barn. "What do you say we go see Applejack?"

I nodded, "Sounds good to me. Lead the Mr. Roboto!"

He laughed loudly, "Finally! A sense of humor from you!" He started walking towards the barn, "Follow!"

I chuckled and began to follow Omnius towards the barn.

[Omnius's P.O.V]

I trotted down the path, wondering if what I suspected was true. Wait, you didn't see my thought process because you were looking at Lance's thoughts, right? I should explain what I was thinking then.

See, I was a little worried. If the Timber Wolves were out and about in the forest, does that mean that they're headed towards the farm? It might just be the worries of an old fool, but I still wanted to make sure that everything was alright. They might not be the Apples I know and love, but in a way, they still are!

…Remember that little intro summary I put for this? Yeah, to reiterate: Just because I Travel through Time, Space, and Matter, it doesn't mean I understand it!

Anyways, we came up to the farm, and I spotted Applejack, who was unsurprisingly relieving a tree of its apples with a well placed buck. I grinned, glad that this was still as I remembered it in all four worlds (yeah, a fourth one revealed itself to my memory. As if things weren't conflicting enough as it is).

Lance waved at Applejack, and called out, "Hey A.J!"

She stopped mid-buck, and looked at us. Smiling, she wiped some sweat off of her brow, and trotted over to us, saying, "Well Howdy Lance! It sure is good to see ya again! Who's yer friend?"

"The irony of that statement," I muttered under my breath, a small smile on my face. I held out a hoof, and said in a louder voice, "Name's Omnius! It's a real pleasure to meetcha!"

She took my hoof, and before she could violently shake it, I quickly shook her hoof as hard as I could, keeping the same friendly smile on my face. Applejack seemed to take that as a challenge, and she started shaking my hoof in return.

After a few minutes of both of us shaking the other's hoof, Lance decided to intervene by saying, "Hey, what's Apple Bloom doing with that hammer?"

Both of us stopped, and quickly turned in the direction of the barn. Not seeing anything except for Big Macintosh pulling a huge cart load of apples, I looked back at Lance, and said, "She's not there!"

"Wait, how would ya know what Apple Bloom looks like?" Applejack asked suspiciously.

Cripes! Activate Excuse Plan Alpha-Niner! "Well, it's just that there's no pony there except for the big pony, and Apple Bloom sounds like a filly's name, doesn't it?" I said quickly, raising an eyebrow for effect.

"Hm, I reckon you've got a point there," Applejack conceded, shrugging. Phew, that's another crisis averted!


We ended up staying for a couple of hours, just chatting about random things in general, and thankfully, no sudden animal disappearances (although I was kind of shocked to hear that Willie had puppies now) ruined the friendly moment.

I can't say the same thing about the voices in my head though.

"Hello? Traveler, can you hear me?"

I nodded at something Applejack had said, and silently thought, "Oh great, I thought I got rid of those voices in Akapoko!"


"Just a small joke," I thought, smiling. "Princess Celestia, I presume?"

The presence in my head seemed to smile, and answered, "Yes. I am sorry to trouble you, but I need to speak with you, here, in Canterlot."

I sighed, and said/thought, "Hey, Giro, I just remembered, Princess Celestia needs to see me up in Canterlot." I turned to Applejack, and said, "Sorry to cut this short, but hey, duty calls, you know?"

She nodded, and then asked, "Wait, you work for the Princess?"

"Um…yeah, I'm the, uh, Royal…Ooh! I'm the Royal Traveler!" I spat out, saying the first thing that came to mind.

"Royal Traveler?" Both Lance and A.J said at the same time.

"That's right! I go around and make sure that things are working smooth, and I take care of any baddies that might show up," I said, nodding.

"Nice save," Princess Celestia mumbled in my head.

"Quiet you!" I said out loud. The other two looked at me strangely, and I added, "Is what I would say to a villain I just caught! Anyways, it's a fairly new position, so you probably haven't heard of it. Welp, I'm off!"

"Hold on, I'm coming with you," Lance said, following me as I galloped away. "You just made that up!"

"Quiet you!" I repeated, smiling. "Technically, I do work for the Princesses! Anyways, I just heard Celestia in my head," I explained, going at a break-neck trot, which Lance easily kept up with. Show-off.

"You what?"

"Long story, anyways, she wants me to come up to Canterlot to speak with her," I replied, shifting into Pegasus form. "Now come on, let's fly!"

"Alright," Lance said, looping in the air. "Let's break wind!"

I laughed, and said, "Lance, keep up that humor, and we'll get along just fine!"

We flew to Canterlot, flying as fast as we could (Okay, I flew as fast as I felt like going, and Lance just easily kept up with me…Shut up).

As soon as we hit Canterlot, we stopped in front of the gates to the Royal Palace…place. Damn it, I forgot what it's called! I really should start writing these down.

The gates magically opened, and I looked at Lance. He did a mock bow, and said, "Age before beauty."

"I hate it when people use that," I mumbled. I walked in, Lance close behind, and we walked up the great stone steps.

[Lance's P.O.V]

As we entered the palace, Omnius turned to me, "I'm going to talk to the Princess, alone. Uhhh, meet me here... I guess when ever you think I'm done."

I shrugged, "Alright, you better not leave." He chuckled, "I won't." He then began to walk up the large stairs.

I looked around, where is Frederic?

I walked up the stairs and looked into the ballroom.

Frederic wasn't there, but I did see somepony that I've been wanting to talk to. Octavia.

I smiled, finally, I get to talk to her. I adjusted my goggles and walked towards the stage.

I jumped up on stage and smiled, "Hey."

She jumped slightly and turned to look at me, "Uhh, hey."

I looked at her cello, "What are you doing?"

She looked at her cell and smiled, "Oh, I was just practicing for a garden party in a few weeks."

I nodded while smiling, "Cool." What? I'm at a lose for words right now.

She looked me over and grinned, "Now I remember you. You and your band played at your wedding, right?"

I chuckled, "We're not a band, we was just doing that since it was a special occasion."

She nodded, still grinning, "You were pretty good up there. I loved the song you sang, I've never heard it before."

My smile brightened, she was complementing me! Me! Thank you Peter for the guitar lessons, "Thanks! I worked really hard to learn that song. It's very difficult to play."

She nodded again, "I know what you mean. It takes me hours sometimes to learn a new song."

Hours? damn, she learns fast. It took me a few days of constant practice to play/sing Paralyzer. "Hours? You learn fast, huh?"

She chuckled, "Well, it is my talent. Music just comes natural to me."

"Lucky, you have a useful talent. Mine isn't something to brag about."

She cocked her head, "What is your talent?"

I smiled sheepishly and reached back to my flank and moved the clothes around till my cutie mark was exposed.

Octavia looked at it and put a hoof over her mouth, trying to hold back a laugh, "A test dummy? How did you get that as a cutie mark?"

I laughed, "Well, I guess because I'm always the one who has to try everything first. I would rather have a instrument or something cool as a cutie mark instead."

She let out the laugh she had been holding, she then looked at me and smiled, "I like your cutie mark. It's exciting and adventurous."

I grinned, "I hadn't thought of it like that." Coo, so I'm considered exciting and adventurous? I like it.

She put her hoof to her chin, "I have a idea."

I raised an eyebrow while smiling, "What is it?"

She put her hoof back down and smiled excitingly, "I was thinking, what if you and I got together sometime and performed together. you and your guitar, and me and my cello, what do you think?"

I almost jumped with excitement at the idea of playing with her, (Keep those dirty thoughts out of your heads!) this was something I've always wanted to do. "Yes! I think that is a great idea. When can we get together?"

She shrugged, "I don't really know, I'll contact you when I find a place where we can perform. Also, could you teach me one of the songs you know?"

I smiled, "Sounds good. And yes, I'll have to do some digging around, but I'm sure I can find a song we can play together on."

She clapped her hoofs together, "Excellent! I can't wait!"

I laughed at her display of happiness, "It will be awesome. Do you want some help with anything?"

She chuckled, "Oh I'm fine. I was just about to leave the Palace and return to my home. Would you mind escorting me to the door?"

I smiled brightly, "It would be my pleasure madam."

She giggled and picked up her cello, and strung it over her back. How she was able to carry it, I do not know.

We walked out of the ballroom, down the stairs, and to the large doors.

I turned to her and bowed, "Have a good evening."

She smiled, "You too." She opened the doors and turned, "I forgot to ask, but what is your name?"

I chuckled, "Girokon, but you can call me Giro..." Maybe I can try this, "Or Lance if you want."

She grinned, "I like that name, Girokon. Very interesting sounding. Mine is Octavia."

I nodded and smiled, "You can call me what ever you want, Miss Octavia."

She giggled and walked out the door, "I'll contact you when I find a place to perform."

As the doors closed, I turned and watched the stairs, come on Omnius!

Twenty minutes later, he finally came down them.

He walked up to me and smiled, "Where to now?"

I cocked my head, "What did the Princess have to talk to you about?"

He shrugged, "Just about the Rapture and how everyone was spread out all over Equestria. She also told me about Luna's new husband, and new God of Good."

"God of Good?"

He smirked, "I'll tell you about them later. Right now, I'm starving. Know anywhere?"

I smiled, "Yes, there's a nice restaurant here in Canterlot."

He nodded, "Lead the way my striped friend."

I shook my head with a laugh, "Okay, follow me my goat bearded friend."

As I walked out the door, I heard him mumble, "I'll get him for that one."

I just smiled and continued out the door, Omnius close behind.