//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Origins: Prince Light of Equestria Part 1 // by PrinceLight //------------------------------// The land beneath him burned, leaving a scar that lead straight to the lord of chaos himself, Discord, who stared in disbelief at the creature of silver that stood before him. Molten rock now gone, Flammus had donned a coat of pure silver that gleamed in the incandescent light that emitted from the mighty stallion that stood on even ground with the land's malevolent ruler. Elsewhere the white mare watched as her new sibling approached Discord far off in the distance, easily seen with the streak of light that he had left behind which stayed, and illuminated all around it. Her horn broken in two, she made her way from the side of the volcano, following by the side of the luminescence where many had begun to gather, marveling at this magnificent sight, light without a source, and without the blistering heat that surrounded the flames of Flammus.Not only earth ponies, but pegasi, unicorns, and all manner of creatures who nopony had ever seen before, creatures with fur that covered them from head to toe, others who were much like the winged ponies that graced the sky. Even a number of mer ponies had risen their heads above the ways to gaze upon this miracle. Below the waves, at the bottom of the ocean, Agua was disturbed from basking in the glory of her domain by the sudden rush of water of hundreds of her servants made there way to see something on the surface. Making her way up and poking out her head from the dark waters to see what everypony was staring at, what she saw startled her. A beam of pure light that cut through the ever lasting darkness of the world, and something had started to sprout up on the land in this beam of light, glorious blooms of red and white, yellow and orange, all colors, and on the other side of the light, away from the oceans waves, stood a pony composed of stone, Terra, pushing around the soil within the light and making these wondrous plants grow, it had been the first time that the siblings had seen each other in many, many years, and the sight of her sister struck a chord in the cold, cold heart of the pony of the sea. Diving down deep into her domain Agua suddenly pushed back up, sending out waves of fresh water, to feed the plants with a gentle stream. Unseen to the two others a patch of wind had picked up, making the pollen from Terra's flowers lift up and spread out along the scar of light to the rest of the land, planting the future of something much larger. Elsewhere, at the end of this light, Discord and Flammus fought, their mixture of chaos and light exposing disturbing scenes of chaos, only to be quelled by a strong stream of light, showing the land beneath them. Both were unaware of the actions of the other 3 who were setting about planting what be the next generation of the land that was helped along by the 4th who was emitting light now powerful enough to leave his mark wherever his hooves touched. In the dark the black pony, Celestia's sister, watched the fight, unsure of what action to take. The light that the reborn Flammus was emitting stung her eyes, and no matter how she tried to draw closer she always ended up retreating back further into the pitch of the night. It was obvious that he and Discord were matched in their prowess of magic, the silver pony charged again and again, and Discord blocked again and again, only to try and strike back, and failing from either missing, or being attacked again, forcing him to block again. Celest was still following her teacher's, her brother's, trail, watching while the earth was rejuvenated by the combined efforts of the 3 who had once forsaken the land. She eventually found Flammus, right where she thought he would be, with Discord, battling for the world's fate. It would either end in chaos, or light, but what could a dis-horned unicorn do in a fight of magic? Especially among two beings who embodied the elements themselves. Celest watched helplessly as her black maned sister approached her side, both watching, and waiting, and hoping that the Lord of Fire would defeat Discord.