//------------------------------// // Chapt 1: The Beginning. // Story: The Dark Journey // by BlindPinkieGuardianPie //------------------------------// "Finally, home..." I said, walking into my home, and placing my backpack under the bench in the foyer. I was wearing a black shirt with the logo: BLIND GUARDIAN MEMORIES OF A TIME TO COME with the usual cover photo below it. I was also wearing usual carpenter jeans with the pockets filled with a pencil, my phone, my Ipod, and air. Sweet, sweet air, finally down to my Swiss Gear sneakers, orange outline with grey insides. "Mom! I'm home!" I yelled. "Welcome home, how was school?" My sweet mother replied as I was walking up the stairs to meet her. She had long, red hair, I assume it was as soft as silk, as it looked like it was. She was a very kind mother, and I love her very much. She was wearing a Green Day shirt, my family was filled with rockers, and I loved it that way, she wore loose jeans, and comfortable looking flip flops. "It was good, nothing new, just tests.." I said to her, yawning. I was concealing a truth behind what really did happen. "Oh.. Really..? My mother asked, raising a brow. She was very talented at detecting a lie, especially since I was a terrible liar. "The usual, bullied, stood up for.. But it's fine, I promise! Love you mom!" I ran down the stairs as she waved good-bye. I walked into my room and hopped on the bed, turning on my computer, placing my earbuds in my ears, and blasting Blind Guardian on, while also putting up Ponysquare, and chatting with friends, then also multipe pages filled with information about Chimeras, Manticores, and other mythological creatures and legends. I was good at that, and decided for college, to be a historian for that kind of stuff. Finally, dinner came. I ran up the stairs into the kitchen to see what my dad was cooking, he was wearing a white shirt, and gray sweatpants with wool socks. Our dog, Dexter, was jumping around in the other room while my mom played with him. "What's for dinner, dad?" I asked. "Lasagna and salad, with sausages." He replied, he was bearing a nice beard, and glasses as well. "Sounds, and smells good!" I said, smiling widely. After about a half an hour, everyone gathered at the table to eat. Dad placed out the plates and silverware, mom was calming Dexter down, and I was getting readying the food. We never really talked while eating, and it was a very delicious, but quick, meal. After I finished, I gave a hug to both my mom and dad and walked downstairs, kissing Dexter's head, and walking into my room to do what I do best, listen to music, chat with friends, and research stuff. After about an hour, I decided I had enough to do, and said goodbye to my friends, close my laptop, and curl up under my sheets, and quickly fell asleep. Rest assured, this will most likely be the best sleep I have for a very, very long time. When I woke up, I felt no sheets, no pillow, and no mattress. "A dream.. It must be.." I thought to myself, but realized, that I couldn't lucid dream at all, and I couldn't change my envirnment, which was a large forest, filled with darkness, and the eerie creek of creatures I have never heard before. I decided to get up, and start the story where it should start, if I could even stand up right..