My Little Shadow

by DarkSigma

Some Things

The night was long and being unable to sleep I spent it watching the horizon. As I watch the sunrise I recalled the good old days, even though there weren't any. All I remembered was how I felt back then and all the injustice and hate that was thrown my way. I was now determined just like before to conquer Equestria with fear and tyranny to destroy this delusion that ponies have. There is no justice, no freedom or peace. I understood what I was going to do next.

I got of the bed and decided to head downstairs. As I was approaching the stairs, I caught a whiff of what smelled like breakfast. I noticed that the smell was increasing in its flavor as I was heading down the stairs. When I touched the bottom of the stairs I realized that my balance was almost restored and it was not hard to walk anymore. I looked around the entrance room in search of the source of the smell. I noticed an open doorway that I guessed would lead me to the kitchen. I wondered what produced this kind of scent. Just as I started to walk towards the doorway Lucky came from around the corner.

“Morning.” He said with a smile on his face. “Please sit down. I will serve you breakfast soon enough.”

He was looking at me all happy, as if something good happened to him during the night. It might be just a case of a good night sleep. Or maybe he was always like this.

I sat down on the big sofa as Lucky disappeared again. I waited until finally Lucky made his way back with a tray on his back. He placed the tray on the coffee table that was in front of the sofa. He sat down on another sofa. I looked at him cautiously then I looked at the food and then back at Lucky. He smiled again.

“Don’t worry it’s just how you like it.” He said in response to my reaction. “Tuck in, I’ll explain what happened when you were gone while you eat.”

Not really hungry I reluctantly reached for the food.

“I’m not really sure how to start. After all you have been gone for over thousand years. Guess with more recent developments?” he asked but all he got for a reply was my loud munching. Usually I have more table manners then even Lucky has, but I have not tasted anything at all for past millennium. “So as you know the elements of harmony are wielded by six mares.”

So the elements were split. Maybe ponies have changed to worse while I was gone, or maybe Celestia did not want a single pony to wield that much power.

I swallowed the food in my mouth. “So how did that happen?” I asked. I was interested to find out what forced Celestia to do such thing as to give elements to some ordinary ponies.

“You probably think that they are just ordinary ponies but you should meet them. Then you would understand.” He replied.
‘Oh, but that is what I’m planning.’ I thought to myself as I resumed my munching.

“Anyway, I will let you find out what is so special about them for yourself.” Lucky said trying to move the conversation away from the subject. “But really I should tell you it was mostly nice and peaceful before the elements were handed out.”
“So why were they given to this bunch?” I asked with my mouth still full.

“Well that is a funny little story. To put it simply Nightmare Moon came back.” When I heard Lucky say it, I almost spat out the food that was in my mouth. “Guess you would be surprised.” He said in response to my reaction.

“So … what happened?” I asked a bit nervous, unsure of whether I wanted to know.

“The elements faced her, she was defeated and now she is back to her old self.” He said whilst watching me closely.

No way. So she is in Equestria? My heart started to race. Guess some things really did change.

“Also Discord came to visit. But he was turned to stone eventually.” He continued the news update.

“Guess he caused a bit of a stir.” I said thinking back to all the times I had to put up with him. “Good old Discord.”

I felt like I almost missed him. That reminded me of better times. The times when I was not so desperate to get revenge. But, I’m afraid those times are gone for good.

“Oh he almost won but there was not that much of a stir.” Lucky still watched me closely.

“Hell I’d rather he lost than having to deal with him again.” True as it may be that we were allies he was annoying and if he got his hand on Equestria it would be troublesome.

“And after that the changelings came. That was just two days ago and of course they were dealt with swiftly.” Lucky delivered his final addition to the news.

“Swiftly?! Changelings don’t come and go in one day.” I knew there might have been more to this story then Lucky was letting on. “They take their time to integrate into society.”

“Well I might have spotted them earlier but to put it simply they were discovered and defeated two days ago.” Well that explained something.

“And I bet that when you ‘spotted’ there was a changing or two you, of course totally anonymously, informed Celestia of the invasion.” Like hitting a nail on its head, Lucky looked a bit uncomfortable with my deduction.

“Well it would be a pain if they took over Equestria.” Fair enough reply.

“Yup.” I agreed to his statement. He looked at me a bit shocked, probably did not expect that.

“And that brings us to you waking up.” He said after a bit. Now he looked at me seriously “Do you still plan on conquering Equestria?”

“I don’t know.” I replied sincerely. I had no idea what I would do. After all everything went to shit when I got put under, Discord petrified and Nightmare turned back to being Luna. Suddenly I feel a bit more desperate.

“Hey don’t worry. You still got me.” Lucky reassured me as if he could read my mind.

“Yeah I guess it’s not all that bad. But will you help me if I chose to destroy Equestria?” a simple question that I already knew the answer to.

“Only if you decide to do it. After all I have a grudge as well.” He replied just as I expected. Some things never change after all.

I finished my breakfast and I just noticed how dirty I am.

“Got a bath here somewhere?” I asked Lucky.

“Of course I do. Up the stairs, second door to left.” He replied but it looked like he had more to add. “You really need it.”

Thanks, I wouldn't notice. I headed up the stairs and into the bathroom. I spend a good hour in the bath it felt better than I remember it. As I got out a white towel hit me in the face.

“Use that to dry yourself up.” said the oh-so-familiar voice. “By the way I still have some of your things.”
Did he hold on to my things for a whole millennium? He probably never gave up on me.

As I tried to walk out of the bathroom he stopped me with his hoof and looked right into my face. “I really missed you.”

Oh God. I hate getting emotional but I think a little tear escaped my eye. I was gone for a thousand years and I probably am still the only pony he thinks he can trust.

“Well I’m glad I’m back.” I said as I walked past him. Things really haven’t change that much.

Now to get to meet the Elements.

Meanwhile somewhere in Equestria, in a glacier is a frozen pony. Suddenly the ice surrounding this pony shatters. Now free this pony stands up on his four hoofs.
“Good morning Equestria. Your dearly beloved Havoc is back.” The dark brown pony announces his return with a sinister smile