Friendships in Ashes

by LunarDash

Act IV

The ponies huddled with one another, frightened by the echoing laughter. “What happens when five stupid ponies are trapped in a room after rescuing their helpless friend?” Discord announced.
“Get us out of here!!” Apple screamed, pounding the door with her hooves.
Rainbow Dash’s eyes started opening up, she heard the shrilled cries of terror coming from her friends. She thought of a plan to escape. Then she remembered the screen that came down from the ceiling whenever Discord talks, so she yelled Discords name, and the screen came down. “What do you want now?” He asked. Rainbow flew up into the hole in the ceiling where the screen came down from. “Where do you think you’re going?” Discord hissed.
Rainbow Dash crawled through the ceiling duct until she noticed a grate and saw the hallway through it. She bashed it open and landed down into the hallway, and simply pushed the button next to the door to unlock it. The ponies were surprised to see Rainbow Dash open the door and say “Who’s awesome? I’m just that awesome.” Pinkie rushed to her and squeezed her arms around her
“Aw, it was nothing. I wasn’t going to let you guys suffer because of me. Now let’s get out of here.” She got up into the air, backed up, and then sped up right at the door at the end of the small hallway slamming it open. “Come on! I saw the exit over here!” They all ran down the hall and burst through the two giant doors marked ‘EXIT.’ When they got into the room, all their hearts sank...
Discord was sitting in a giant black chair, the whole room filled with computers and behind him was a giant black metal door marked ‘EXIT.’
“Well now, look who’s here. I can’t believe you escaped!” He hissed, staring directly at Rainbow Dash. “But seeing as how you can’t escape now, you’re all fucked anyway.”
“Theres five of us and one of you, what are you going to do?” Rainbow Dash spoke.
“Hmm, I could do this!” Discord came up to them and grabbed Apple Jack, swiping her from the group, he flicked out a claw and held it to her throat. “Apple Jack!” The ponies all said.
“Let me go you rascal!” She said.
“Now I’m going to give you all two choices. You give up, or I end your little friends life!” He threatened. Rainbow Dash felt her heart sink when she saw the fear in Apple Jack’s eyes. Discord gave them a sinister glare as his claw was no more then a centimeter from her neck.
“Okay...we give up...” Rainbow sighed. She dropped to the ground. “Just, please...let her go...”
Discord raised an eyebrow. He snapped his fingers and a mystic force slammed Apple Jack against a wall. He went and opened up a cage in a corner in the room. “Now get in...!” He said angrily. Pinkie, Twilight and Fluttershy walked towards the cage with their heads down, Discord tossed Apple Jack into the cage, Rainbow just stood there, not moving.
Discord came up to her, “That means you too-” Rainbow Dash gave him an uppercut. He flew back and landed right into his chair. Rainbow Dash then came up and picked Discord up by his tail and threw him at a wall. He got up and growled, smacking Rainbow with his tail. She spat and dashed at him, punching him without expecting it.
“You little bitch!” He grabbed ahold of her and shook her around, then slammed her against the floor then raised her up to look her directly in the eyes.
“I won’t let you hurt my friends!” Rainbow murmured. She kicked Discord in the chest and was let go, she flew around the room, repeatedly smacking Discord in the face. After about the tenth hit, he grabbed her and twirled her around like a rope, and smacked her against the wall. “Enough!!” His eyes became pale white and glowed, his tail lit up, he puffed out his chest and blew out a blazing heap of green fire. Rainbow Dash was engulfed in the flame, she screamed in agony as the fire burned her mane and body. The ponies watched in horror until he was out of breath. Rainbow, her sky-blue body was a shade of grey and her mane was all messed up. She dropped onto the ground, and Discord cackled, “I told you not to mess with me!!” He turned around to see the other ponies, “You all are next!” He puffed out his chest and got ready to breathe when suddenly two arms wrapped around his neck, he gasped and started gagging, Rainbow Dash was choking him out. He clawed at her arms, leaving bloody scratches but she kept choking him.
“I think it’s time you went down for a nap!” Rainbow said. Discord gagged, his tongue tied itself into a knot, he started turning pale. He tried to speak but couldn’t. After about a minute of struggling to be released, he stopped clawing at her arms, his head lowered and a small puff of smoke came out of his mouth, his eyes shut and his arms went limp. Rainbow did a 360 degree turn and she tossed Discord into his chair. He gave out a quiet moan and was silent. Rainbow Dash panted, she flew toward the cage to let her friends go.
“You did took out Discord! Princess Celestia would be proud.” Twilight said. Rainbow looked at him, then at her. “Yeah...I guess I did... Let’s get out of here please..”
“I couldn’t agree more.” Apple Jack replied with a frail smile.

Since the destruction of the balloon they flew in, The ponies had to take the path that led to the mountain down and tail it on foot. Having walked for several hours, they took a rest at a lodge on the way. A male, dark grey pony with a straight, black mane and no mark was slumped in a chair reading a newspaper at a desk when the group walked in. He looked up and was surprised, 'Five guests, and they're all girls?' He thought to himself.
Twilight noticed the guy, “Wait here, I’ll see if we can get anything to eat here.” She walked over to the desk and spoke politely, “Excuse me sir?”
“Yes ma’am?”
“You wouldn’t happen to have a snack bar or anything, would you?”
“Actually I do. But this is an Inn, not a rest stop. You must get a room for the night and pay if you want anything from here besides the use of a bathroom. If not, then you may leave, but I insist you and your friends stay. You all look very, very tired...”
Twilight looked back at them. “I’m not waiting five hours for a bite to eat, just get us rooms!” Rainbow Dash whispered loudly.
She looked back at the male pony, “We’ll take a room then sir.”
“Well, I see theres five of you. I’ll give you five the two empty rooms at the end of the hallway on the second floor. Two for one room, three for the other.”
Twilight nodded, "Thank you very much. Well, looks like we got ourselves rooms.” Twilight announced, walking away from the desk and towards the stairs. The others followed, and the pony behind the desk just grinned and sat back in his chair.
Twilight stopped in front of the two doors at the end of the upstairs hallway. “Alright, so me and Rainbow Dash will share a room, while Pinkie, Fluttershy and Apple Jack will share the other.”
“Wait a second, don’t we get to pick who we stay with?” Rainbow Dash asked.
“We’re only staying for one night, does it matter who bunks with who?”
“...I guess not...”
“Then we’re good.”
Everyone had went into their rooms. The rooms consisted of a bunk-bed, a couch, a desk with a chair, a dresser, a table and a television set. “It’s roomy at least.” Fluttershy murmured, sitting on the bed. “I can see how this guy keeps this place up. It’s a nice little shelter for travelin’ ponies. Glad we found this place actually.” Apple Jack stated.
“I guess so. I don’t trust that guy, he looked at us all weird, like he’s some kind of stalker or pervert.”
“That is true, he did look at us funny, and I thought it was cause I had something on my face but there isn’t so obviously it was just me.” Pinkie responded.
“Long as he don’t try nothin’, then we’ll be good for the night.” Apple stated. “Wonder how the others r’ doin’.”
Meanwhile in the opposite room, Rainbow sat on the couch staring at the TV. “Is that all your going to do Rainbow?” Twilight asked curiously. “Yep, pretty much.” She replied. “Why, you got a better idea?”
“I’m just asking. We’re only here for the night after all.”
“Uh-huh. And what might you be doing exactly?”
“I’m writing a letter to Princess Celestia about the deeds of Discord so she can capture him and lock him up for good this time.”
“Twi, I choked him out. I don’t think he’s gonna need to be captured.”
“He’s an all-powerful being Rainbow. You only took him out for the moment, he could awaken at any moment, but since you gave him quite a beating I don’t think he will be waking up for quite some time here soon.” Rainbow grinned and nodded her head at her comment.
“You make a point Twi. Let her know what he’s been doing. And uh, be sure and let her know who valiantly stopped her.” She rubbed her chest and blew on her hoof.
“Mmm, I’ll be sure to add that in...” Twilight murmured, rolling her eyes.

As time passed slowly, daytime had graduated to night. Twilight stepped out of her room while Rainbow was asleep on the couch. She strolled down the hallway, mumbling to herself; “Why can’t the rooms have their own bathrooms?” The only one was downstairs, as there were only guest rooms upstairs. She went into the gals room, and watching her was the pony at the desk who owned the place.
“It’s the hot one that came in with all her friends earlier.” A huge grin formed on his face as he stepped out from behind his desk and creeped over to the bathroom she was in. He poked his head through the door and saw Twilight looking in the mirror above the sink, “I really need to do my eyelashes again.” She told herself while the owner crept in slowly.
Twilight looked at the second pony in the mirror and screamed. The male pony grabbed Twilight and shoved her against a wall, she struggled but she was being pinned. “W...what do you want from me?!” She cried out. “I want you...!” He grimaced, Twilight only shrieked.
“Theres nothing you can do!” He shouted. Twilight looked at the pony, she looked and saw a spot for opportunity, so she raised her lower left hoof up and hit the owner right in his crotch. He cried in agony and released Twilight, she scrambled away and left the bathroom in a hurry.

“Wow Pinkie, you were right, she was the killer.”
“Told you Apple. Did you know it was her Fluttershy? Fluttershy?” Pinkie looked over, Fluttershy sat with a sheet over herself. “C’mon now! It’s not even that scary!” Pinkie took the sheet off, Fluttershy was shaking as she covered her eyes. “All she did was murder seven ponies and kept their dismembered bodies locked in a freezer, it’s not that bad!”
“Pinkie! You’re not helping.” Apple remarked.
“Sorry! It’s over anyway, Daniel already killed her. Hey scaredy-shy, go see how Twilights doing will you?” Fluttershy got off the couch and went out of the room. Apple Jack smacked Pinkie in the back of the head. “Hey! What was that for??”
“Stop teasin’ Fluttershy, will ya’? You know how sensitive she is now quit it!” She hissed.
“Okay okay! Sorry, I’m just tired and having a little fun.”
“Well we should be gettin’ to bed anyway, it’s almost an hour past midnight already, and we got a lot more walkin’ to do in the mornin’.”
Fluttershy slowly opened the door across the hall. “Hello? Twilight?” She stopped and looked at Rainbow Dash asleep on the couch. Her eyes widened. She snuck over and poked her on the side, Rainbow’s eyes opened and she jumped. “I didn’t steal the gems!” She shouted. “Oh, it’s just you. Fluttershy, what are you doing??”
“I-I was told to check on you and Twilight. And since she’s not here...” She moved up onto the couch and slowly kissed Rainbow Dash.
The lights were about to go out in the other room when Pinkie realized that Fluttershy was gone. “Wait, did Flutter get back yet?”
“Don’t seem like it. I’ll go get her.” Apple Jack sighed and got up out of bed. “Fluttershy! Is Twilight ther-” Her jaw dropped as she saw Rainbow and Fluttershy kissing. “So, is she there- Woah...” Pinkie stopped talking for once, and was speechless.

Fluttershy came back into her room, her face stark red as she faced her friends. She forced a smile and tried to hide her anxiousness while she trotted to her bunk. “So, you and Rainbow huh?” Her ears perked up at Apple Jacks comment. Fluttershy turned her head, “Huh?”
“You heard me. Me an’ Pinkie saw what you two were doin’.”
“Who ever would’ve guessed, huh? The valiant, strong, and cocky Rainbow Dash, is in love with with the anxious, quiet, and nature-loving Fluttershy. This is front page news!” Pinkie over exaggerated.
Fluttershy couldn’t speak. Her words were stuck in her throat, she could only squeak. “Now how long has this been goin’ on?” Apple Jack asked.
“...You just don’t understand...!!” Fluttershy shouted, she jumped onto her bed and turned away from the two. Apple Jack and Pinkie frowned, Apple moseyed over to the bunk she was on. She sat on the bed and placed her hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder, “Look, we’re sorry we acted so curious. This is just a big surprise to us.”
“It’s not to me.” Pinkie added in.
“And what is that supposed to mean?” Fluttershy looked over her shoulder at Pinkie.
“Besides the fact that they’re both Pegasus ponies, they hang out all the time, and fly together a lot and such.”
“They’re pegasus ponies! Of course they fly together a lot! That don’t prove anything Pinkie!”
“...Oh, well then you got me. I didn’t see this coming either.” Pinkie grinned.
“How ‘bout you just shut up, ‘kay?” Pinkie nodded and laid down on the couch. “You sleep well Fluttershy.” Fluttershy nodded and turned back around. Apple Jack jumped off and climbed up to her top bunk to go to sleep.

The sun shone in the morning, everyone was awake and on their way to leave the lodge. The ponies walked outside, deciding to leave with the absence of the owner at the front desk. They all looked at the road ahead of them, then just looked at each other and started walking. “I know one thing, we’re never coming here again...” Apple Jack stated.