He And His Knightmares

by xCrossx

Harmony's Elements

Harmony's Elements

I float through space before landing with a thump on my rear on a cold, hard surface. I glance around in panic before realizing where I am. I look up to see that a giant green-and-blue-and-white orb floats above in the sky. Home. I wonder why I am here, what happened to get me here...

And then I leap to my hooves, morning sun lighting the area. What? Oh! I'm in the throne room! I swing my head right and smack my nose into Luna's, hard. "Ow!"

"Ow! Dage!" she cried as she takes a step back. "What was that about?!" She stares at me, worried.

"Sorry, Luna!" I apologize almost instantly. "I... I dreamed I was sent to the moon..." Her look turns to confused curiousity. "It started with me falling to it, and ended with me wondering why I was there, how I was there... and everything else as I had amnesia..." I trail off as he look turns to surprise and worry. "Is there... something wrong...?" I ask hesitantly.

"Well, yes," she starts. "First, I didn't sense you dream at all. Second, those were exactly the first few seconds of my banishment, until it all rushed back to me."

"Wait, if it wasn't a dream..?" I struggle to wrap my head around not dreaming when I saw that.

"A vision," she answers.

"It's not unheard off," she shrugs.

"You can talk about it more," cuts in Celestia as she steps into view from behind Luna; "the Bearers are here." The doors open as she finishes, and we turn to face them as one. "Good morning, Twilight. I see you have completed my task and made some friends."

"Princess, is what Ni- Luna said true?" Celestia nods. Twilight's ears fold back. "Oh..." She turns to me and Luna, shuffling here hooves. "Umm... I'm... I'm sorry, Princess Luna... for accusing you and-"

Luna raises a hoof to silence her. "It is alright, Twilight Sparkle; I understand how it must have looked." She nods to them respectfully.

"So... why are we here still?" asks Spike.

"The Elements," answers Celestia, "need to be locked up for safekeeping. And Twilight has a report to tell me on the Magic of Friendship before she splits to return to her studies." Twilight's ears bend back as she frowns, Celestia titls her head slightly. "Are you not happy to return to your studies?"

"N-no, it's not that," she stutters, not lookinng at Celestia for a moment. She takes a deep breath and meets her eyes. "I've learned that friendship is a powerful force that binds ponies together, giving them more joy than anything else, along with much more. And the thought of leaving them is... saddening. These are my friends, and I want to be with them." She sighs, shutting her eyes for a few moments before looking back at her with force. "I want to return to Ponyville with my friends."

To Twilight's surprise, Celestia smiles. "Then you shall continue your studies on the Magic of Friendship in the Ponyville library, sending reports on what you learn to me through Spike." Twilight gapes. "I am pleased that you have finally learned of this special magic, and I know you would never let me down."

Twilight bows deeply. "Thank you so much, Princess." Unable to control herself anymore, she bounces up and down, saying "Yesyesyes!" nonstop for many moments before Celestia gets her attention again. I chuckle at the display, recalling how anti-social she had been when she had first got to Ponyville.

"Now, about the Elements..."

* * *

We watch as Celestia levitates the box housing the Elements into the safe and then uses a special spell to close and lock the safe. She turns back to us. "And now nopony but I can get to the,. We nod and she walks past us to the door. "That is all. Twilight, you and your friends may now return to Ponyville. Dage and Sister, you may go to bed." We split up, the Bearers to the main entrance, me, Luna and Celestia to the throne room and bedrooms beyond it.

As Celestia leaves us for the throne, I tell Luna I'll catch up in a bit after I do just a little something. I follow Celestia and wait for her to settle on the throne before asking my question. "Why did you need to lock them upo?"

"For safety. Nopony can steal them now."

"And who would dare steal the Elements?"

She looks at me sternly. "You know the answer, Knightmare." A shiver runs down my spine at the ancient title.

"You finished him off..." I whisper.

"No, we beat him; you can't end a god, especially one of chaos, a key element of reality." She blinks.

"But the spell was cast by the Elements; why would it wear off?"

"Because the spell was controlled by us. And we no longer control the Elements." Another shiver runs down my spine at the prospect of what may come; I remember all to clearly growing up just before the Princesses overthrew him.

"What can we do?"

"Nothing right now. All is ready for when he returns; we will act when that time comes around."

I nod and turn to leave. My neck prickles as I stop at the door, looking back at her. "I have the feeling that there is something you should tell me, but you won't. At least, not yet." I blink and leave, joining Luna for the day's sleep.