A Break From Reality


Chapter 1: Ponyville?

"He looks stupid" A brash voice stated.

I opened my eyes, startled by the voices, and noticed six girls hovering over me, around my age.

"OOOOOH! HE'S AWAKE, HE'S AWAKE!" A pink haired girl screamed, as she zoomed into my face, he breath smelling like candy and cookies.

The other girls zoomed into my face, intrigued by my awakened state. Was I really that interesting? I've only been told once that I've been physically appealing, so what's up with five girls on top of me?!

"GIRLS! Give him space! He obviously is startled! Who knows if he's even from here!" A voice screamed from behind them. They moves away instantly to reveal a purple haired girl with red-rimmed glasses. She was a decent looking person, wearing a school uniform, her slight curves protruding from the button-up shirt and skirt. "Girls, this man looks very famished and tired! We don't know if he's from here, or if he's suffered from anything. I want all of you to get food and water for this man, and meet back at my house in thirty minutes! Got it?" She commanded.

"Got it!" The other girls stated happily, darting off to get supplies for me.

Did I really look that bad?

"Heh, sorry about that, my friends can be a bit off sometimes. Anyways, what's your name?" She asked.

"Oh. . . I'm. . . " I managed to stammer out. I didn't know how long I had been out, but it was long enough to make me feel terrible.

Wait. . . how did I go out?

. . . Where did I go out?

. . . Who was I?!

The question lingered in my head. "What's your name". . . I knew for a fact that my first name was Joseph. But. . . what was my last name?! Last names are important, you know! Last names are how you know who your family is!

. . . Who was my family?! Where were they?!. . . What did they look like? I tried remembering my past. I knew that I had a mom and a dad, and an older brother, but who were they? I couldn't remember faces, I couldn't remember names, I could only remember information. I knew that I didn't like my dad, my mom annoyed me sometimes, and my brother was a smartass, but I had no names or pictures to go with it. . . only information.

"I'm. . . I'm Joseph. . . but I don't know my last name" I managed to breathe out.

"Ah! Amnesia! Well, that's fine! Do you remember where you're from?" The purple haired girl asked me, oddly happy that I had amnesia (Which I didn't! I remembered lots of things! Just not the important ones!)

"Um. . ." I thought for what seemed like forever.

I decided to run through my entire life in my mind. This was not good at all, any sane person should be able to remember at least their name and home! My name is Joseph. . . something. I have a brother, named. . . something. . . I live in. . . somewhere. I go to. . . something High School. I'm in band, and I play tuba and a bunch of other instruments! (Finally, something I remembered!). I had a bunch of friends, like. . . someone, and that one guy, and another person. . . and. . . Oh! My favorite television shows was The Littlest Pet Shop! I was a Shopper, and it was a big movement where a bunch of young adult men started watching the show and showed an interest in it. Why don't I remember the important stuff, though!?

"No." I meekly replied.

"Ah. I see. Well, can you at least walk?" She asked. I wasn't sure if she was implying that I was a baby or if she was concerned for my health.

"I can try, but I might need some help" I replied. I actually wasn't sure, but it'd be rude of me to just say "No, please carry me back to your house, weird stranger girl with the hyperactive friends."

She grabbed my arm and helped me up, draping my arm around her once I was standing. We walked for what seemed to be about twenty minutes, and she knew just about everything! She told me about the history of this place, as well as the school that she attended, the buildings we passed by. . . she sure knew about every piece of trivia possible. She was a lot like my brother that I can't seem to remember, except she seemed to like having friends and didn't seem like the type to play online games. I learned that this town was called "Ponyville", named after farmers who brought horses here to graze as they traveled up the. . . something trade route. I'm not one for remembering big words. Anyways, she was new like I was, as she came from the capital city of Canterlot, moving here to partake in the public school system away from her parents. We arrived at her door and I realized. . . I had forgotten something!

"What's your name?" I ask, interrupting her in her speech about the school's wonderful math classes.

"Oh! I can't believe I forgot! My name is Tina! Tina Hamilton! But you can call me Twilight." she giggled.

"T. . . Twilight?" I asked meekly.

"Yeah! Twilight Sparkle! I got the name because when I moved here, there was a big shooting star around Twilight time, and when it went away, I was just moving into my house! So they called me Twilight Sparkle!" She stated, incredibly happy to have a second identity.

That was the stupidest nickname I had heard in my life. But. . . at least she wasn't called "New Kid" or something. After all, if she was new kid, and I had just come in. . . I'd have to be new kid! I had never been new kid before! Crisis averted.

"Oh! I just remembered something about meteors! Did you know tha-" Twilight began to continue.

"Hasn't it been thirty minutes?" I asked politely, interrupting her speech that I knew would go on for hours (we had started the trip with her talking about the amazing math classes).

"Oh! Why yes it has!" Twilight giggled as she opened the door. Inside, the other five girls were lounging around the assorted furniture within the room.

Before I could say anything, I was grabbed and thrown onto a dusty couch, and surrounded by the five girls that had been on me earlier.

"He-" I managed to speak before my face was filled with water, as it seems as if a bucket of water had been dumped into my mouth in a form of hospitality.

"PINKIE! You're going to kill him!" the brash voice stated, looking at the pink haired girl.

"Heh, sooorrry!" She giggled, reaching into my mouth to grab the water out. She was unsuccessful, and my body began twitching from the lack of oxygen. Pinkie took her hand out and my body naturally rolled off of the couch, and the water fell to the floor as fast as I did, my head making a large smack as I hit the wood flooring.

"Pinkie! You musn't treat such a nice young man like that! Now, here, let ME show you how it's done!" A regal voice stated.

"GIRLS! Once again, we don't know his condition! I found out that he has amnesia, and doesn't remember anything! We need to help him regain his memories!" Twilight commanded. I managed to get myself back up and sat on the couch, staring at the six girls.

"Now, first, we must begin by introducing ourselves." Twilight stated. She pointed at the pink haired girl first. "I already introduced myself, so we'll start with Pinkie."

"HIIII!" she wailed as she sat next to me. "I'm Diane Vaughn! But you can call me Pinkie! They call me Pinkie because I love the color PINK! I love all SOOORRRTTS of other things too, like parties and candy and cupcakes and fun and games and rides a-" Pinkie bounced on the couch as she gave her spiel of her life's enjoyment. She seemed like a little child, her hair messily falling downward, reaching halfway down her back. She wore a cute little T-Shirt advertising a cupcake store, and had a short pink skirt, with blue. . . frills? I'm not one for women's clothing, but there was something blue somewhere in that skirt.

"PINKIE!" Twilight belted out.

"Oh, whoopsie! Sorry!" Pinkie giggled as she got off of the couch.

"Allow me to go next, please!" The regal voice stated, sitting on the other side of me. "My name is Victoria Stewart. I design dresses. But most of my friends call me Rarity, mostly because when they see me, they think 'Ah, she's such a rare being! Nobody could EVER be so fabulous and grand as her!'" Rarity stated. She had a much more mature look to her than Pinkie, wearing a white dress with. . . one of those little jacket things that aren't really jackets but they're not really shirts. Women's fashion was not my strong suit. Anyways, her body was to die for. With her curves, her size, and her beautiful purple hair, that flew down elegantly to halfway down her back, she could have any man she wanted, and she probably had teenagers falling to her feet to even get her to say hi. (Hell, even I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable. . . in the good way.).

"Yeah, or they're like 'Oh, it's so raaaare that someone this terrible could exist!'" The brash voice murmured, giggling after her statement.

"Oh shut it, you!" Rarity scowled as she growled at the voice.

"Heh, you're too easy! Anyways, my turn! My name is Kelsey Hopkins. But my nickname is Rainbow Dash! You can probably tell why! After all, I'm ONLY the captain of the Cross-Country team, AND the track team! I could probably be captain of every team if I felt like it!" Rainbow giggled, obviously confident in herself. She seemed like quite the sporty type, her body lacking very many protruding curves but seeming quite nimble. She had short rainbow colored hair, slightly flustered from her "intense speed" She sure was into rainbows, as she had rainbow wristbands and a rainbow design on her blue leggings. What did rainbows stand for again? I swear, they were a symbol for something.

"Ah think it's mah turn!" a southern voice stated, sitting where Rarity previously was.

"Mah name is Augustine Jackie Whitacre. Me an' mah folks work over at the Sweet Apple Acres farm round ten miles yonder. Most folks call me Applejack, though, and some even call me AJ. Yer preference, though, sugarcube." She calmly stated.

Hot. Damn.

Rarity had me a bit flustered, but Applejack was. . . she was something else. She was dressed in probably the most generic cowgirl outfit possible, with a plaid orange button-up, denim short shorts, and a cowgirl hat, but she sure was something to look at. She had quite possibly the perfect body, and unlike Rarity, she didn't seem to be all that mean. That sugarcube just got me. She sure was nice. Granted, I'm not her type, I'm pretty sure. Damn.

"H-H-Hi" I stammered.

Applejack giggled contently, and walked back over to Twilight.

"I thought there wa-" I started to ask.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!" A voice shrieked. I looked back and saw Rainbow carrying a shy looking girl, as she spun around in circles trying to escape.

"This is April. April May. We call her Fluttershy. You can probably guess why." Rainbow blandly stated, trying to keep Fluttershy calm. "She likes animals."

I stared nervously. Is it really natural for someone to be that timid? Were these girls doing something to her? I couldn't judge either way, I had only known them for about 45 minutes.

"Now that's all done! Now, Joseph, would you be able to introduce yourself as best as you can?" Twilight asked.

"Uuum. . . yeah. . ." I thought for a second, trying to recollect the broken memories I had. "My name is Joseph. . . I think my middle name is Tony. Joseph Tony. Uuum. . . I don't know where I came from, but I'm a senior in high school. I had a lot of friends, but I don't remember their names. Uum. . . I like music. I play the tuba, bass trombone. . . aaah, the euphonium, the bassoon. . . uuum. . . I can kinda play trumpet and french horn. . . uuum. . . I. . . I like music. . . and uuum. . . my . . . I had a girlfriend but we broke up, I think. . . and um. . . My favorite TV show is Littlest Pet Shop. . . I think."

The room fell silent for what felt like forever. I was always nervous around people. I was good about hiding it, but that's when I'm at home, where I'm comfortable. . . this was not home. I didn't even know where home was! For all I know, I could live here, and my house could be next door!

"I CAN PLAY THE FLUGLEHORN!" Pinkie spurted out, breaking the silence.

"Oh. . . I've always wanted to play that." I stated to her as happy as I could (which turned out to be a weak stammer).

"Well, I'm honored to meet you!" Rarity stated. "But we MUST think of a nickname for you!"

"NO." I stated, my original voice peeping in for a quick second, louder than I wanted to. "I MEAN. . . um. . . You guys don't even know me yet! I can't have a nickname just now!" I stated, returning back to my meek stammer. I wasn't really a fan of the whole nickname thing. They all had very pretty names. . . especially Augustine. . . but if that's how they live here, then that's how they live here.

"Heh, just as I thought, you're an idiot!" Rainbow giggled. She was met immediately with a slap to the face by Applejack.

"Don't talk about this little feller right here like that! He's startled and scared like a newborn puppy! Give him time!" She growled.

"You know what newborn puppies like to do?" Twilight stated, breaking the growing conflict. "Sleep. Joseph sure does need a lot of it. Now, did you girls bring food and snacks?"

"OOH! I brought COOKIES!" Pinkie stated, handing me a box of chocolate chip cookies.

". . . Something perhaps less sugary? He hasn't had food in a long time! He might get sick if he eats that kind of stuff!" Twilight stated. The other girls gave her blank stares. "Ugh. Fine. There's some bagels by the door. Go ahead and take some, then take a nap on the couch. You're going to need as much sleep as possible!"

I immediately obliged. After all, I wasn't one to deny a good nap every once in a while. Twilight lead everyone out of the house, probably to discuss my fate, as I wolfed down a few bagels and laid on the couch. As I drifted off back into darkness, I had to wonder. . . where was I? Who was I? Who were these people? If this isn't home, will I ever return to home? But before I could ponder on these thoughts, sweet darkness took me back into its arms.