Oddities of no Origin

by ju44


While attempting to feed Angel, Fluttershy heard a huge thump that seemed to come from her roof.

"Oh, come on! You were here yesterday, you, stupid, blind, fat, yet strangely tiny Ursa Minor!" she shouted, which was responded to with the sound of fireworks and then all the keys on a piano going off at once.

"Oh, so NOW you throw that piano you were terrible at playing anyways!" she exclaimed, while Angel started talking.

"I think you should be more quite," it said, in a voice like Discord, just much higher in tone.

"Sorry, Angel. Wait, since when did you talk when the randomness happened?" she screeched, causing Angel to stomp in annoyance. Suddenly, a mail man huffing and puffing while struggling to her house, with a bucket of bright green paint bigger than Celestia on his back, came by, until he suddenly fell over, and causing the paint to fall, only for it to be picked up by a very fast flying pegasus who eventually dropped to the ground from the weight, causing all the paint to be spilled on Fluttershy's home.

She began crying, muttering under her breath, "Everyday, this happens. Why does it always happen?" To her depression, a familiar face magically popped up. It was a grey pony, with golden irises, with one pupil at the top right corner of her eye, the other at the bottom left. She had a blonde mane and tail, and was a pegasus.

"Get away, you fiend! I've had enough of your riddles that just make it more difficult to figure out my questions!" sharply shouted Fluttershy. Regardless, the pony talked.

"Do not fear, for I am not here to do that. You seem more sad than usual; though, I'm surprised you ever managed to be so tough. I am a servant of the Great Muffin Bubble. He ordered me to make your whole life random! That is very nice of him, not many people are blessed with randomness from a servant of the Great Muffin Bubble! His exact words were," her voice became more manly and deep, though it already was quite deep, "'When she is alone, send random things to her. It is for the Grand Muffin Bubble, the king of Muffin Bubbles, so he can be muffled in the malicious minds that are made from many random things. Then, he'll create a mitten for the Ancient Kitten, Lord of Everything!' So I do this! I did see a blazing chaos symbol on the Great Muffin Bubble that made my vision hazy. Probably because a weird thing with a dragon tail and eagle claw and lion paw and dragon leg and a long tooth and antlers and pony head and stuff, and that stuff creates chaos symbols on Muffin Bubbles. So, he told me to stop with the riddles today and explain everything because the Ancient Kitten is awake now, because he has all fifty mittens!" The mystical pony nodded her head insanely.

Suddenly, Twilight Sparkle came. "Hey, Fluttersh-sh-sshhh-shy? What is this? I heard Ancient Kitten ... hmm, and that is a chaos spirit. WAIT, A CHAOS SPIRIT! FLUTTERSHY, GET OUT!" shouted Twilight.

"What? I'm no Chaos Spirit. I work for the-" she was cut off as a magic hand grasped the odd pony. "Oh, by the way, I remember what the thing that made the Great Muffin Bubble chaosy was! A draconequus! And they called me stupid!"

"That was odd. Now, Fluttershy, can you tell me what all of this is?" said Twilight. She learned it all, from randomness to the visitor pony.

"Ahh, I see. Well, I did hear a crashing sound. Let's see what that was." When they looked outside, they saw a kitten with fifty legs and paws, each with mittens.

"Oh, that's what it is. Well, we know that we don't have to worry about Discord, then. However, your problems will get worse now, because chaos just completely disappeared for a moment, allowing it to expand immensely, for without chaos, order will create chaos. In about 5 years, the Draconequus race will be back, and eliminate all the Alicorns, destroying order. Then, however, the Alicorn race will return, because when order falls chaos will create an order, creating more order," she stopped and inhaled deeply, "which will expand greatly, creating Alicorns, so then they will make the Draconequui go extinct mostly, and then kind of like antimatter and matter there are always more Alicorns, so for every one Draconequus that doesn't die, two Alicorns will remain without naturally evaporating in order to create balance. So, don't worry!" rushed Twilight Sparkle in a matter like an incredibly book-smart Pinkie Pie would say. Speaking of Pinkie Pie, she randomly appeared.

"So, then I was eating my orange and - HEY, why am I here? I was talking to someone who was trying to buy a muffin during lunch yesterday! Why do I always get affected by magic?" asked Pinkie, who put on a stubborn look. Angel hit his face with his foot. Then, Pinkie Pie started twitching. Suddenly, an explosive sound was heard, and wind pushed everything to one side of the room, even though the windows were closed. However, the door wasn't, but the wind still couldn't get to the areas it did get to normally. When the three ponies looked outside, what they saw was nothing that could ever, ever make sense, even in Chaos Land, the home of the Great Muffin Bubbles.

"What is that-"
"I can't even tell-"

"Hello, I am the Bubbleman, delivering bubbles to you, Ms. Derpy, since - wait, wrong house. I'll just run along now," said the odd sponge-like stallion. Bubbles came out of the holes in his body each time a hoof of his hit the ground, accompanied by an odd squeaking noise. Squirkyoo Squirkooey, Squirkyoo Squirkooey, it went.

"Well, now that that is over, why don't we talk about how?" said Rainbow Dash. A minute earlier, she appeared, without anyone noticing. Suddenly, a cloud shaped like an anvil fell on her head.

Fluttershy thought she saw a tooth fall out of her friend's mouth. Even more oddly, she felt that she was going back in time. To her disappointment, she was. She relived what happened since she tried feeding Angel, yet this time her friends didn't visit. Instead, an anvil fell from the sky and it had a mouth with a cherry-red tongue and an impossibly huge grin, eyes that were extremely huge, and very long, white as can be, and thin hands and arms. It said, "Hiya! I'm your happy super fun time friendy pal pal! La lee loo-" until it was cut off by another anvil fall on it, which in turn was almost rammed into Fluttershy as another anvil forced the other into a wall, and the new anvil was eaten by a huge rat, who a giant picked up and ate. The giant randomly fell, however, and was dragged away. Fluttershy saw that all these things were being pushed out of the sky by a flying hydra.

Fluttershy attempted to make order from this chaos, but failed. Suddenly, she grew a unicorn horn that made magic that cleaned everything up! Then she lost it, so she never stayed an Alicorn. She shouted, "HHHHOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW?", and was responded with a feeling of pain. "Sorry..." she whimpered. She remembered how she managed to get past this pain when Iron Will "helped" her. She loved the feeling of being able to be herself and get things she wanted, without pain. However, she remembered how terribly aggressive she got, just because she could. Suddenly, Angel was floating in a pond of tears when she looked around. She sighed, and opened the door, her face still wet from her own tears, and the rest of herself below her waist. An anvil fell on a carrot that was in the tears. Soon, however, she found herself in Canterlot.

"FLUTTERSHY, YOU HAVE BEEN SEEN TO HAVE A CHAOTIC AURA WHEN ALONE! THIS IS CLEAR PROOF THAT YOU ARE PRACTICING CHAOS MAGIC!" shouted Luna in her Canterlot voice. Princess Celestia just hung her head down and shook it.

"I - I nev-ev-ever did such a thing. I was simply trying to feed my animals, and then suddenly really random things that you'd never believe happened. So I'm sorry, but explaining this will be impossible. So yeah ... let me go back home," Fluttershy mumbled, but Princess Celestia heard her.

"Oh, we were just messing with you. You randomly came here, and we wanted to add a little humor," said she, followed by her Phoenix landing on her head somehow. "Now, be gone!" Celestia ordered, and Fluttershy was back at her home.

"Well, now that that's over, let's see what we can do today," said Fluttershy. She was responded with what looked like a Sonic Rainboom, though it was purple; "Did that annoying purple pegasus finally do it?" thought Fluttershy. She looked up again, and it was gone. So much for that. She decided to go to Ponyville.

When she was sure she was in Ponyville, it turned out she had brought herself to the Crystal Empire. She decided to stay here, for the randomness surely wouldn't affect with with the Crystal Heart in existence, correct? It surely would deflect the evils that Fluttershy faces, right? Fluttershy wouldn't be alone there, either, so it wouldn't come, surely? She hoped all these questions were correct. Deciding to make some friends, she walked around town, without noticing that she was a crystal pony. She saw some ewes, and resisted the urge to hug them, which she had for no reason she could tell. Within 20 minutes of walking, she made it to the center of the Kingdom, where Princess Cadence was making a speech.

"... And that is why it is today that we will play the crystal flugelhorn for an hour! To celebrate the complete evaporation of King Sombra!" announced Mi Amore Cadenza proudly. She saw Fluttershy and pointed her out to the ponies. "Here she is, one of the ponies who saved us all! All of you, join me in celebration of Fluttershy!" proclaimed Princess Cadence. Fluttershy looked ... well, shy, and tried to hide. However, Cadence dragged her to a spot where the whole crowd could see her.

"Thank you, Fluttershy!"

"You're my hero, Fluttershy!"


"Will you sign my poster of you, Fluttershy?"

"We owe our lives to you, Fluttershy!"

"Okay, okay now. No need to treat me so kindly, though I am happy with it. All I want are some friends!" stated Fluttershy. She socialized, caught up, and talked with all the ponies for a while.

Back at Ponyville, it looked like a disaster struck.


"No signs of here in the sky! I'll alert the princesses if this gets worse, okay, Twilight?" announced Rainbow Dash.

"She isn't at her home, in the Everfree forest, or anywhere I checked!" reported Applejack.

"This is the WORST. POSSIBLE. THING! She isn't even at the spa!" whined Rarity.

"Okay, okay. Rainbow Dash, tell the princesses; they may know something, or at least get worried. Pinkie Pie, can you please keep calm, and stop questioning bubbles? Applejack, ask everypony this question; 'Do you know where Fluttershy is?' Rarity, you can just ... um ... help Applejack, I guess. I'll see if I remember anything. Does everypony understand?" asked Twilight Sparkle, who was responded with salutes from all four ponies.

At Canterlot, Rainbow Dash alerted the princesses of the problem at hand. Celestia said, "This is nothing much, let's be honest, correct? I'm sure she's just flying around Equesteria for fun," while Luna said, "Oh, she's at the Crystal Empire," which got her smacked on the snout by Celestia's hoof.

"Sister! What did I tell you about that? Don't tell anypony!" screeched Celestia.

"Sorry, sister. I just couldn't resist it," mumbled Princess Luna.

"What? She's at the Crystal Empire? Go tell the others, we need to go and get her together, Rainbow Dash!" ordered Twilight. Rainbow Dash saluted, and gathered the other three ponies.

In the Crystal Empire, all was good. Fluttershy was eating the magnificent food that she bought five minutes ago, and already five ewes were following her around. She was friends with ten ponies already! However, she still failed to notice that she was a crystal pony. To her pleasure, everypony that wasn't her friend was very kind to her at the least, for she helped save them; the least they could do is be kind. Her almost luxurious treatment made her feel so happy. In fact, she didn't have to worry about her animals! They were all by her side, for all of them followed her. The house she lived in now was beautiful, something Rarity would've been absolutely envious of, was so big that it could throw all the parties Pinkie Pie would ever want, had more books than Twilight would ever believe, was cool enough to impress even Rainbow Dash, yet was humble to the point Applejack could respect it, and, most importantly, Fluttershy loved it. She was most happy with her new surroundings, most happy indeed.

However, one question word was still circling around in her head in multiple forms.

"How did I get here? How did they build that amazing house so quickly? How am I not experiencing the random things, even in my house when alone, with it ten minutes away from anyone else? How did my animals follow me? How do I tell my friends about this? How will Equesteria stay safe when I am alone here, without the other elements, when the Elements of Harmony are needed? How is an Alicorn made? How did that question get in my head? How will I stop asking these questions, when I am so curious? How do the random things even happen?"

As if on cue, an anvil dropped from the sky, for nopony was around. Fluttershy sighed, and told her animals to go back home, and flew to Princess Cadence to ask all these questions. When she got to Cadence, she got these answers, after telling her everything and then the questions.

"I don't know. Magic and teamwork. Because of the shield. Love and trust and friendship. You decide. You can always reunite. They are from the beginning of time. I don't know. You tell me. I really don't know."

Fluttershy was disappointed with these answers, however, and flew off to her house after saying her thank-yous. When she got home, she began reading her books, searching for "Muffin Bubbles", but found nothing. So, she went to the library. There, she asked the librarian for a book on "Muffin Bubbles", and was handed a book.

"Now, dear, please remember what I am about to tell you; the last person to read this book said it was cursed, and told me to burn it. Being a sensible librarian, I didn't, but, you may not be happy with this book," warned the librarian. Fluttershy nodded her head, went back home with the book, and began reading it.

Within two hours of reading, she finished it. She gave it back to the librarian, with an internally scarred look. What she read was never supposed to be seen by pony eyes, but to the eyes of Draconequui, as she soon found out. She learned the devilish language and script they used, the things they did, and most monstrously of all, what the Muffin Bubbles were. They were terrible, horrible things, that even Draconequui feared. It shouldn't have been written, Fluttershy knew it. She knew it was too horrible for anypony, or any living thing, for that matter, to write. That, of course, is why it wasn't written by the living, as she found out, it was written by ten dead Draconequui warlords, known as the Muffin Bubble Clan, and the leader of them, known to Draconequui as the Grand Muffin Bubble, but to ponies as Discord.

"Rarity, stop whining! We're nearly there!" said Twilight Sparkle, while her friends were walking to the Crystal Empire.

"But we have been walking for absolutely AGES!" exclaimed Rarity.

"Yes, if one hour with 5 breaks is ages," commented Applejack.

"You two, stop fighting! We're there! See?" said Pinkie Pie, pointing to the Crystal Empire's gates.

"Oh. Okay," said Rarity.

"Sorry, Mr. Great Muffin Bubble. I didn't mean to tell them everything. But you didn't tell me not to say those things! I only did what you told me to; tell her everything except that you're handsome!" screeched the pony who, if you remember, visited Fluttershy much earlier in the story.

"Oh, be quite, Derpy. You're one of the worst servants I have! Though, that one other servant that died yesterday was horrible. Regardless, you need to follow my orders!" shouted the Great Muffin Bubble.

"I'm sorry. I'll try to do better this time, master," said Derpy.