Friendships in Ashes

by LunarDash

Act 3: An Unexpected Visit

Early in the morning, every pony was passed out. Even Princess Celestia was fast asleep, the first one to awaken was Twilight, with her eyes half open and her legs feeling weak like jello, she brought herself up. “Oh my... goodness. Everyone was up all night.” She noticed Vinyl with her head down on her turntable. She dipped her head into a pale of water that contained apples for bobbing to wake herself up, shaking the water off of her mane to dry off. She went around to wake up her friends and the princess, but stopped at Rainbow Dash, who had passed out on top of Fluttershy in a way that appeared all but normal. “Hey, get up!” She shoved her, Rainbow Dash jumped and flew up through the roof making a hole.
“Nyah..?” Fluttershy murmured, looking around and getting up. “What’s going on between you two?” Twilight asked?
“Huh? Between who?”
“You and Rainbow.”
“Uh, nothing...”
“Oh really?”
“Nope, n-nothing at all. Honest.” She stammered. Twilight kept an eyebrow raised as she walked away. Twilight kicked Spike up onto her back and headed out, saying goodbye to everyone as she left. She was stepping her hooves through the wet grass and onto the wet dirt road. “Eh...” Spike whispered, still half-asleep. “You sure were up quite late Spike.”
“I’m never going to a late party again...” He muttered.

Rainbow Dash was still flying through the air at a rapid speed. Not knowing where she was going, she aimed for somewhere, she noticed a window on the side of a small mountain, curious she flew at it. Regaining control she stopped in mid-air in front of the window. “Hm?” She put her hoof to the window and pushed it slightly open. The window was tinted darkly so it was hard to see until she had opened it. She landed on the floor, noticing a light switch barely visible in the daylight coming from outside. She pulled it and gasped at what she had saw...
Blood covered the walls. Mutilated corpses lined the walls like christmas ornaments, and macabre tables with bloody saws and tools were placed in the room with bones and organs strewn everywhere. Rainbow Dash gagged and swallowed hard, approaching one of the tables. “Who...who would own such a horrid place?!”
“I believe I do...!” A voice ran through the mountains. The giant door in the room burst open, a red tail slithered into the room, followed by a maniacal laughter that echoed loudly.
In a flash, Discord appeared on the window. His horrendous, slender figure stood there, with his mismatched horns bearing small sparks of electricity and his wings flapping. He had a big grin on his face, with his one tooth showing in his mouth. “Well well well, so you’ve found my dirty little secret, huh Rainbow Dash?” The window shut, and Discord slithered into one of the hanging bodies, it moved and talked like it was still alive; “Do you like it? It’s my macabre collection of wall art.” He popped out of the floor and with flashes of lighting, appearing right in front of Rainbow. “I see now. The fear in your eyes, the shaking of your hooves, the sweat running down your face as I gaze into your inner soul.” Discord murmured staring directly face-to-face with Rainbow Dash. She backed away, “No, fuck you! What have you done?! And I thought you were entombed into the Canterlot garden as a statue for eternity!”
Discord shook his head and sighed. “Tisk tisk, you need a new history lesson young one. And I’ll be your teacher...” The lights went dark, then they came back on and Rainbow Dash was grabbed and thrown into a chair, then was strapped into it, she struggled to get out but couldn’t. “Let me go!”
“Silence mortal!” Discord boomed, Rainbow Dash zipped her mouth tight. She grew angry as she anxiously waited for Discord, not that she had any other choice. He appeared once again in front of her, his crooked smile grew wider, “Oh how wonderful! I managed to trap the mighty Rainbow Dash! Now I suppose you want an explanation for my appearance, is that it?” She just nodded her head. “My thoughts exactly...” Discord murmured wickedly.

Twilight, Apple Jack, Pinkie and Fluttershy all looked around for Rainbow Dash but had no luck. “Well shucks, we don’ looked all over for Rainbow and we still hadn’t found her yet. “I-I wonder where she could be?” Fluttershy said nervously. “I don’t know. You’d expect her to be sleeping on one of the clouds or practicing her flying techniques but she’s nowhere to be found.” Twilight added.
“Maybe she flew away, and got lost.”
“I doubt that, she can always find her way back.”
“Maybe she got wasted like me!” Pinkie Pie squealed.
“Really? On punch and apple juice?” Apple Jack replied.
“Yeah exactly!”
“Give me a break Pinkie.”
“Sorry I’m out of those. How about a cupcake?”
“I’ll pass, thanks.” She rolled her eyes and adjusted her hat. “Hey Twi, maybe Spike saw her leave or somethin’.”
“I wish, I already asked him but he hasn’t seen her at all since last night.”
“Shoot. Well maybe she just went for a fly and oughta’ be back whenever. That’s my guess.”
“Oooh, I wanna guess!” Pinkie spurted. “Good point Apple Jack. We’ll just wait. In the meantime, who wants to join Rarity at the spa? I know I do.” They all agreed and headed for the town spa, not knowing about Rainbow Dash’s situation.

“Now then, allow me to explain all of this.” Discord began, as Rainbow Dash sat helplessly. “You see, an earthquake hit quite some time ago, and those little brats were visiting that park again when it occurred. The little runts were fighting to make matters worse. It got so bad, that I, being frozen, was knocked right over and cracked open, so technically the anger going on in the group, the negativity flowing throughout the area and the fact that I toppled over, is how I escaped.”
“Damn it all!” Rainbow hissed, once again struggling to escape. She grew tired and stopped, taking deep breaths as beads of sweat began rolling down her face.
Discord was on the floor laughing, he wiped the tears out of his eyes with a finger. “This...this is too funny! You actually think you can escape!” He chuckled. “Well you won’t!” He growled. “Now as I was saying! I had to unleash my anger somehow. Since you little shits would just try and stop me again if I tried taking over Equestria, I had a new idea in mind. So I lured ponies and other animals into my layer with food, services, and other essentials, and then I knocked them out! So I played around with my tools and my claws of course, and decorated the walls with what was left over!” He chuckled again. Rainbow Dash had a disgusted look on her face. “You’re a sick bastard you know that?!” She exclaimed.
“Say what you want, but I will not succumb to your puny little words.”
“I swear when I get out of here...I’m gonna tear you apart!” Rainbow grunted, moving and struggling to get free. She cried out for help, then Discord stuck a ball gag into her mouth and tied in around her head.
“Don’t bother with that, no one is going to hear your screams in here. And when I’m done with you, the screaming will be over...” He chuckled wickedly, Rainbow Dash was stuck shaking in the chair. Discord cackled and left the room.

“I must say, this is quite relaxing. Too bad Rainbow Dash couldn’t be here.” Rarity replied.
“Yeah.” Pinkie Pie added, sinking in the hot tub. “I swear, you guys don’t give a rats ass where our friend is at.” Apple Jack assumed.
“She’s fine. This is Rainbow Dash we’re talking about here. She can get out of any situation she’s in.”
Twilight closed her eyes and lowered her head, her horn started to glow. “What...what’s going on with her?” Fluttershy asked timidly.
Twilight lifted her head, “Guys, I can sense someone we know is in trouble. I can’t exactly locate where but I know what I’m reading. We need to go.”
“We got here no longer then five minutes ago!” Pinkie exclaimed. “I know, but it might be our friend!”
“You all can go on, I’ll just stay in here until you all get back.” Rarity murmured.
Apple Jack sighed, “Whatever, the rest of us can go.” The other four ponies got out, dried off their manes, and left the spa. “Ah, peace at last.” Rarity said.
“Looks like it’s just you and me now, gorgeous.” Spike winced from the other side of the tub, raising one eyebrow and grinning widely.

Rainbow Dash sat with her head down low, having given up on trying to escape, all she could do is stare at the grim instruments of torture and the tattered remains of Discords victims painted all over the wall. “It’s worthless, I’m worthless. I’ll be dead before the sun sets, and I never even got to say goodbye to anyone, all I did was leave for a little fly...” She murmured, shedding a couple tears.
Something had hit Twilight, the crew was in a hot-air balloon flying around nearby areas of Ponyville when Twilight felt something. “Something’s giving off a strong sense of emotion. It’s coming from the north. We need to fly that direction now!”
“I’m on it!” Pinkie Pie lit the flame and forced the balloon to fly in the requested direction. “I hope this leads to something important!” Apple Jack shouted. “Me too!” Twilight added. Fluttershy just remained quiet, sitting in a corner in the large basket, and couldn’t help but feel worried about Rainbow Dash. She did her best to hold back her tears, but they escaped her eyes anyway.

“Oh Rainbow!” A screen erected down from the ceiling and was in front of Rainbow Dash. She used her remaining strength to look up. Discord appeared on the screen in another room, his face filling up most of the screen. “You see, you’re my guest, and it would be rude to do anything so horrible in front of your eyes. So I thought it would be polite if I were to broadcast it to where you are instead!” He moved out of the way and strapped to a chair was a light purple pony, moving and grunting, struggling to escape. Rainbows eyes grew wide, she mouthed the words “Oh god no...” but no words came out.
“Now then, I haven’t had a good harvesting in almost a week, so....yeah.” He started up a giant multi-tool machine that contained a saw, scissors, a sword, and a drill. Rainbows ears twitched at the sound of Discords horrid laughter. “Commencing!” The massive saw blade on the machine started up. The pony struggled and struggled as Discord continued to chuckle. Dash saw the terror as the saw ripped through the pony, cutting her up into two. She screamed as Discord came by, whistling and sweeping up her organs and intestines with a large broom off-screen.
“Ah, only one other step now. I’m dreadfully sorry about this you poor little dumpling. But I have my needs and you don’t please me enough. So bye bye!” Discord activated the drill on the machine. The giant drill wound up and started spinning, it lifted up right to the pony’s head. Rainbow couldn’t help but stare at the live autopsy unfolding on-screen. The pony screamed in agony as a hole was being drilled right through her head. Her eyes stayed wide as her brain went dead, killing her in the process.
“Boo-hoo, oh boo-hoo! I am so sad! She’s dead, dead! Dead!” Discord cackled wickedly. Rainbow was about to vomit, but swallowed hard and kept her mental illness sane. She felt nauseous though and felt dizzy and wanting to pass out.
“What a mess! I’m gonna need to do some more sweeping and scrubbing. Don’t worry, I’ll be hanging the body in the “slice and dice” section of the experiment room that you are in right now. Until I come back, cheers!” The screen went static and raised back into the ceiling. He left Rainbow Dash sickened, disgusted, sad, and nauseous. She never felt so many feelings before, that she lowered her head again and constantly took deep breaths to keep herself from losing her sanity.

Twilight and the gang had wind currents pushing the balloon and having it picking up speed. “Hey, hey girls look!” Pinkie shouted. “What is it??” Apple Jack asked. “It’s a really big mountain! Oooh and I think theres a giant window or something on it!”
“A window!?” The basket smacked against a much smaller peak and rocked the balloon. Above the clouds, Gilda the gryphon noticed the balloon, she grinned and had a large claw out. “Wait here boys.” She flew down to the balloon and raised her paw, and lightly poked the balloon, popping it. She flew away in a heartbeat as the balloon rocked around.
“Jump!!” Twilight shouted. They all aimed for the window, and with the balloon shaking and rocking around, they jumped, all of them making a hard landing breaking through the giant window and landing on the dirty, blood-stained floor. Pinkie was the first to get up, but Twilight was the first to notice what was in the room. She gasped loudly, they all got up and gazed at the macabre art hung around the room.
Fluttershy shrieked, Pinkie Pie’s eyes widened, “Ah man, that’s just sick!” Apple Jack exclaimed, sticking her tongue out with one eye shut. “Wh...what kind of place is this??” Twilight stammered.
“I don’t know, but let’s look around an’ find out. Look, theres a door over there!” Apple pointed at the only door in the room. Twilight led the group out of the room. The dark hallway was long and narrow, and there were several doors in it. It grew cold as the group looked around, they were shaking with fear. A moan was heard behind one of the doors. Pinkies ears shot up at the sound.
“Hey! I hear something! Behind here!” She moved to one of the giant, grey, metal doors. “Yeah, the sound is coming through here!” She managed to open it up. “Rainbow!” She shrieked.
“Rainbow Dash??” Fluttershy asked.
“Well damn. Why are you in here?” Apple Jack asked. All Rainbow did was groan. She couldn’t speak. She breathed heavily, her face drenched in a cold sweat, and her eyes were barely open. “Get her out of that thing!” Apple demanded. Pinkie and Twilight rushed over to her to unstrap her from the chair she was in. They got her loose, she went down on her knees to the floor, breathing heavily. Pinkie helped her up and as they were about to leave, the door to the room slammed shut. A wicked cackle echoed through the whole place, leaving chills down the ponies spines.