New Ponies on the Block

by Aquarius


====== A story about three simple friends from our world finding themselves in an unforeseen circumstance were there friendship might be put to the test as they face many, many new things possibly for the rest of their lives? =========

It seemed like a normal night in the Everfree forest as the wind was blowing the leaves and most of the creatures known to live there are fast asleep, A quiet night as always when suddenly there’s a medium sized purple explosion coming from one of the hills within the forest the explosion lasting almost as long as the blink of an eye leaving just a misty violet smoke to hang around the air of the evergreen forest.

Deep in the middle of the misty smoke in a forest of large tall tress with dark brown bark was three figures standing on two feet, all three of them coughing and gasping for breath; one of the figures was tall and wearing what looked liked a western cowboy hat; the figure was looking around almost like in a panic state as it twisted and turned till the figure leaned into a tree.

"*ahack, ahack* you guys alight?" called out a resolved sounding male voice coming from the figure with the hat which was apparently also the tallest of the three. "Bruce can you see anything?"

"*ahack* I would be able to if not for this *ahack* smoke" called out a large, wide looking figure known as Bruce with a more softer male voice "I’m more worried about what just happened and why we aren’t....."

"Who cares?! Let’s just get the heck outa this forest fire!" yelled out a firmer and agitated male voice that cuts off Bruce.

"*oh* i don't know i thought it would be nice to have a picnic here and talk about flowers" The figure with the hat said sarcastically.

"Let’s just go while we still have what's left of our balance.? said what sounded like it might have been Kyle behind Bruce. Whoever it was; they started pushing Bruce as both figures started moving in a straight line.

"Good idea for once!" said what sounded like Devin, pushing himself off of the tree he was leaning on and then rushing towards the other two figures nearly tripping a few times "though things would be a lot easier if this smoke didn’t make it so hard to see"

The trio made their way through the smoke as quickly as they can, finding it harder and harder to walk, for some reason, as they nearly make their way out of the smoke using nearby trees and sometimes each other to keep themselves standing on two legs.

"Umm.... hey guys, am I the only one finding it hard to feel my fingers?" Bruce told the other two while all three of them kept as close as they can to keep each other from falling or losing one another.

"Less time thinking, more time not burning" yelled out Kyle as he looked around past Devin "I can’t make heads or tails of where we're going, but I think I can make out a cave entrance just a few feet away"

"fine with me, better to be in a stone shelter then out in the fire, hurry up before another tree falls" exclaimed Devin as he too could see the cave and then rushed there as quick as he could "follow me"

"Right behind you Devin" Bruce proclaimed as he and Kyle both followed Devin to the cave.

"Sure what could go wrong" Kyle said sarcastically as all three neared the cave, stepping on twigs and branches as they make their way closer.

Just before Devin could reply he trips over a rock making Kyle and Bruce trip with him making them all fall into the cave which was dark enough to completely black out their eyesight.

"Gah this is Even worse than the weird colored smoke now I can’t even see anything" complained Kyle, who was on his stomach much like the other two.

"um... if it isn’t too much trouble could one of you, please get there um... leg off of my face" Bruce said out of awkwardness.

"My bad" Devin said apologetically to Bruce and after taking his leg off of Bruce started to then rummage around him "if I could just find my flashlight in my trench coat" Devin said with slight irritation as he found it difficult to even get his hand in his trench coat's pocket much less hold his flashlight which, now that he could think more clearly thought that it was strange he was having trouble walking and holding onto stuff in the first place, when he finally found his flashlight it had fallen out of his trench coat's pocket and onto the floor rolling around until the lights came on.

As soon as the flashlight came on it showed everyone’s faces which were on the floor still on their stomachs only it was a giant shock to them as instead of humans as they should be, they find instead small horse's one that was big and blue with a lime green Mohawk styled mane and was wearing a brown jacket, one that was maroon colored with a black mane just long enough for it to look like he had short hair and shockingly had wings, and the last one was the tallest of the three who was white with a light blue colored mane cut short like a Buzz cut and Beard, wearing a cameo colored cowboy hat with a black trench coat. All three of them looked at each other for a long time simultaneously blinking for what seems like minutes when all three of them screamed at the top of their lungs at the same time, their screams echoing throughout the cave and threw the forest.

Just, another peaceful night in the Everfree forest...