//------------------------------// // Act 2: Pain for Pleasure // Story: Friendships in Ashes // by LunarDash //------------------------------// Pinkie tossed streamers all across the interior of the town hall. Balloons were blown up, decorations were set up, and punch and food was prepared. It was Friday, and Pinkie Pie was working hard to make sure her massive party was a success. “This is gonna be superly-duperly amazing!!” Apple Jack and Rarity were helping Pinkie with preparation as the party was tonight. Ponies and Stallions from all over town were going, and Twilight was up in Canterlot... “Excuse me, I’d like to see the princess.” She said to the guards. “State your business with the princess-” “Let her in men.” Princess Celestia spoke. Walking up to greet Twilight with her graceful presence, her slender majestic body, beautiful white mane, with her magnificent rainbow mane flowing in the wind. The guards moved aside so Twilight could join Celestia. The two got up to the tallest balcony to speak, “So what is it you’d like to talk to me about my most wonderful student?” “Well Princess, Pinkie Pie is throwing a massive party in Ponyville and asked me to ask you if you would attend it. We’d all be honored to have you there.” “I’m flattered, and I would love to attend your friends little party.” “That’s great! Thank you so much Princess Celestia, it means a lot.” She said as she bowed her head in respect. “It’s my pleasure, and it’s the least I can repay you for all the lessons you’ve been learning about friendship.” Twilight looked up and smiled brightly. They both nodded their heads and Twilight left to go deliver the good news to Pinkie Pie back in Ponyville. Anxious, Pinkie Pie looked around stressfully. “The streamers are messed up! Oh and the DJ system should be right where the podium is, not in the corner! And why is the food under a chandelier when it should be out in the open?!” Apple Jack smacked Pinkie in the back of the head with her right hoof. “Get a hold of yerself Pinkie. Stop freaking out.” “But the princess is coming! And if everything isn’t exactly the way it’s supposed to be then this party is going to be a disaster from the simplest mistakes!!” “We’ve been working hard since this morning. We know what we’ve been doing and nothing is screwed up. Now get it together and help us finish setting up “your” party.” She concluded, making her valid point towards a stressed-out Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash opened the door not a minute later, “How’s it going here guys?” “It’s going marvelous if I do say so myself.” Rarity replied, adjusting her purple mane. “Nice. Me and Flutter are gonna be advertising the party to everyone in town who doesn’t know about it yet. This place is gonna be packed.” “Say Rainbow, could you do us a favor?” Apple Jack asked. “Sure, what do ya need?” “We need you to find that Vinyl Scratch gal and get her to be the disk jockey for this party. Pinkie’s already stressing out, she could use some good news.” “On it.” Rainbow Dash bolted out of there. “I sure as hell hope she can find that pony and get her to help...” Apple Jack murmured with a worried look on her face. During the crystal clear night, a tired Pinkie Pie noticed Twilight standing over a cliff, looking up at Canterlot. “Hey Twilight. What are you doing here?” “Sometimes I just like to look up at the stars in the sky whenever I’m not doing my studies.” “Cool. I finally got some of the things for the party set up. I hope Rainbow can get a DJ.” “By the way, Princess Celestia agreed to appear at the party.” “Really!? No way no way no way!! This is sooo exciting!” She hopped around with joy till she gave out and passed out.” Spike hummed going downstairs tomorrow, he stepped outside only to get drenched. He looked up and noticed the rain pouring down on him. “Aw man, its raining on the day of the party?” He went back inside and shut the door, “It better clear up by tonight...” “I told you, I’m not allowing you to attend this party. Well screw you too.” Rainbow Dash hung up her cell phone. “What was that all about?” Twilight asked. “Gilda keeps asking me if she can go, but I don’t want her to!” “Still upset about how she was when she came to Ponyville?” “Uh, duuuh. She was being a bitch to everyone and I didn’t like it. She is soo not coming to Pinkies party.” “I do have a question, have you found a DJ for the party yet?” Rainbow’s eyes got wide. “You didn’t ask Vinyl did you?” “Uhh, be back in a few.” She flew out the window. Twilight just rolled her eyes. Eager for tonight, she headed on over to the town hall to wait for the fun to start. The rain continued to pour over town, even as the party grew closer and closer. “Already ponies are starting to gather. Nyeh, where is Rainbow Dash with the DJ?!” Pinkie Pie squealed. “Yeah, where is Rainbow Dash anyway?” Apple Jack asked. “Um...” Murmured Fluttershy. “Yeah...?” Twilight responded. “I...I can go look for her. It’s not like, I’m doing anything else right now.” “Could you please?” Apple Jack asked. Fluttershy nodded and left. “She said she’d be here before the party would start.” “Apparently even the other ponies got here before her.” Rarity added. “She’s probably on her way with the DJ, maybe they lived really far out of town and they can’t fly.” Twilight predicted. “She’s got a point.” Apple Jack confirmed. “We’ll just see what happens, until then let’s keep the party going!” Pinkie said enthusiastically. “Augh!” Rainbow grunted as she was shoved up against a wall by two tough stallions. Gilda came from the shadows and up to Rainbow Dash’s face. “Let her go guys, but break her wings so she can’t fly outta this.” They did as they were told, and stomped on her wings after they let her down. She cried in agony before being smacked by one of the stallions. Rainbow looked up, with a mixture of raindrops and beads of sweat rolling down her face as she gasped for breath. “W-what do you...want...?” She asked. “Listen, pal. We’ve been friends for years. Are you really gonna let one little incident of rage that happened a year ago keep you from wanting to be my friend after all we’ve been through?” Rainbow Dash got up on one hoof, her body shaking from the pain and the cold from being drenched in the freezing rain. She tried to speak, but no words came out of her mouth. “Can’t you forgive me Dash? I was just upset that you may have forgotten about me because I hadn’t seen you in so long and you replaced me with those losers you call friends.” “Sh...shut up. My friends... are the best anyone could have.” She muttered. “Then why aren’t they trying to find you and help you...?” She was silent from Gilda’s comment... “I hate this rain.” Rarity mumbled. “Oh stop complaining. You can live until the party starts.” Apple Jack replied. “I highly doubt it.” Pinkie Pie jittered nervously. “I hope these ponies keep chatting it up. By the looks of it, it might be awhile before Rainbow or the DJ gets here.” “Well this party couldn’t be any more boring, I’m only staying cause you all are still here and theres free morsels.” Rarity commented. “Gee thanks.” Apple Jack commented sarcastically. Twilight walked over to a window and looked outside it. Raindrops streaked down the window, adding to the dreary scenery of Ponyville outside. Twilight suddenly felt a strain of depression, worried about Rainbow Dash’s absence and the party’s tone. She hoped for the best for Pinkie Pie and her party as she could do nothing to help out but to wait for Fluttershy to hopefully track down Rainbow Dash. ‘Please come back soon...’ She thought to herself. Coughing and hacking, Rainbow Dash lied on the ground drenched in rainwater. “I’ll be waiting to crash your party, don’t try and stop me Dash. I promise it’ll be much more fun once I arrive there. Heheh..” Gilda smirked. She opened her wings and flew up out of the alley with her two Pegasus buddies going after her. After about almost twenty minutes, Rainbow Dash heard a voice; “Rainbow?” “Huh...?” “Rainbow Dash?” “I-I’m here...ack!” She coughed up a bit of blood only to hear the voice again. Fluttershy walked past the alley when she spotted someone on the ground. “Rainbow Dash??” She clopped over to the nearly-unconscious Rainbow Dash on the ground. “Oh my lord, what happened?” She asked, helping Rainbow to her hooves. “G-Gilda...black pegasus...pain...” She sputtered. “Oh my...Your shaking like a wet leaf. We need to get you back to the town hall.” Fluttershy said. “Wait...” She turned her head around, Rainbow Dash used her remaining strength to hug her tightly. “Thank you..for finding me...” She whispered. Fluttershy blushed, accepting it. Afterwards she helped Rainbow Dash over her back and went on to carry her back to the town hall, hiding her reddened face from Rainbows half-open eyes. The doors flew open, and in came Fluttershy with Rainbow Dash on her back. She let her down gently with everyone surrounding her. They all gasped, “What happened?!” Twilight asked. “Well, she said that uh...that Gilda friend of hers, beat on her and left her to suffer because...well, because she wouldn’t let her come to the party..” Fluttershy replied timidly. “That bitch! Wait till I get my hooves on her, I’ll tear her apart-!” “Shush!” Rarity covered Apple Jacks mouth, she just sighed and smacked it away. “How could she do just a thing?” The doors burst wide open and in flew Gilda and her buddies. “Sup everybody.” She said loudly. “And just what the hell are you doing here? You weren’t invited!” Pinkie Pie blurted. “Oh shut it little miss prankster. I’m crashing your lame little party, and it doesn’t seem like much is goin’ on.” “How ‘bout you hightail your abusive griffon ass outta here?” Apple Jack added in. “And just what is your problem Apple Loser?” “You should damn know what our problem is with you!” Gilda jumped and looked directly at Fluttershy. “Aww look, the pony who can barely say two words without tuning herself out finally says something.” Gilda chuckled at her. “Just what are you gonna-” “Shut up!!” She yelled. Gilda’s eyes widened, before she could open her beak to speak, Fluttershy stepped closer to her with her eyes glazing red, “Just shut up, shut up, shut up!! We were sick of you when you first came here and we’re still sick of your bullshit. Now you’re gonna leave Rainbow Dash and the rest of us alone or so help me I will beat you to the point where all your fucking feathers are ripped off...!” Everyones jaws dropped, Spikes had hit the ground. Gilda was speechless, her buddies fled the scene, leaving her alone. “Oh...oh yeah well, screw you too! I don’t need this. This party was lame anyway-” Fluttershy turned her back on Gilda, moved her hind legs and kicked Gilda right in the chest, sending her crashing through a side window and out of the building. Fluttershy breathed heavily, her face beat red with anger which quickly turned to embarrassment. “Holy shit...” Spike said, Twilight smacked him in the back of the head. “Ow! Hey!” “Woow, Fluttershy, I didn’t know you had it in you.” Rainbow Dash spoke, standing on her own. Fluttershy looked around her timidly, and quickly ran into a closet. “I’ll go talk to her...” Rainbow Dash said. “You sure you can walk hun?” Apple Jack asked. “Totally, I’m healing up already.” She said and proceeded towards the closet. Horns were suddenly blaring outside, the doors were kicked open by two soldiers and in walked the maiden herself; Princess Celestia. Accompanying behind her was none other than a soaked Vinyl Scratch, pulling her sound system in a trailer hitched to her back. “Princess.” Twilight spoke. “Hello my young student. I would have came sooner but I saw this one here walking in the rain by herself.” Celestia said. “Yeah, Rainbow Dash never came and got me so I had to pull this all by myself.” Vinyl added. “She apologized for that. She got into some trouble earlier but don’t worry about that.” Twilight replied. “Where is she anyway?” “She’s doing something, so just set up your system and we’ll start what we’ve been wanting to do all night!” “That’s what I’m talking about!” In a flash, Vinyl unloaded her setup and set it all up in less than a minute, she was set to party. “Hit it!!” Pinkie Pie shouted. Vinyl Scratch spun her records and slammed them down to start the music. As the music blasted, more and more ponies shuffled into the town hall and were dancing all over. Celestia stood aside talking with some of the ponies while the rest danced like crazy. Flashing bright colored lights, large speakers and Vinyls bass cannon blasted the tunes, shaking the whole building, this was the party Pinkie Pie was dreaming of, and now it’s come true. “What you did was really cool, believe me.” Rainbow Dash spoke softly to Fluttershy in the closet while the party roared out in the main hall. “I-I just don’t know w...what got over me...” She sobbed, with tears streaming down her face. “Hey, look into my eyes.” She grabbed her head and turned it right at her own. “You showed Gilda anger and gave her what she deserved. I know we’re supposed to be about friendship and peace but...well she was a bitch and deserved a little kick. Do you know what I’m saying?” “...I...I do...” “Good.” “Rainbow...?” “Yeah?” Fluttershy leaned in and kissed Rainbow Dash softly, her tail spiked up immediately. She shyly backed away a little, with Rainbow Dash still in shock. “Woah..” Fluttershy blushed, nervously rubbing her front left leg with her right. “I know I know, if you hate me just say so...” She spoke softly. “That...Actually felt good. I haven’t been kissed in like, forever.” Rainbow Dash replied. “You...you’re not freaked out?” “Fluttershy, I know you more than any of the other ponies in our group. I just didn’t know this side of you really.” “Oh. Well I-I may have kept some secret feelings from you, and the others...” She couldn’t help but blush harder. “I understand completely. To be honest, I’ve been around with you guys for so long, I kinda don’t know how I really feel about myself right now.” “Really?” “Yeah. I could just stay like this...” The two moved in closer to each other again until... The door flew open. “What are you guys doing in here? You shouldn’t be depressed, you should be happy and pumped!!” Pinkie Pie said in a really positive tone. “So come on, the party’s just gotten started for real!” Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash looked at each other. “Y...yeah. You’re right Pinkie. Let’s go Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash murmured. They left the closet to go enjoy the rest of the party. Ponies danced, stallions raved, and Vinyl blasted the tunes like there was no tomorrow. The dullness of the weather outside was no match for the madness happening inside. “Pumping it louder!” Vinyl shouted, they all cheered. The flashy multi-colored lights shined brightly all over the place, the strobes blazed a frenzy of flashes for the raving ponies. Even the royal Princess Celestia was pleased. “Oh I know, everyone thinks she’s a showoff.” Twilight spoke, referring to the pony Trixie, who had left town months ago after being shunned by everyone. “I didn’t like her, not one bit.” Apple Jack added. “Neither did I.” Rarity commented. “How long is this party going?” Celestia asked, looking at Pinkie Pie. She glared at her and replied, “Oh! It’s gonna be an all-nighter! It’s going until everyones tired and done with partying, and I don’t think that will be happening for a long time!