//------------------------------// // Act 1: Preparation // Story: Friendships in Ashes // by LunarDash //------------------------------// They say Friendship is the answer to everything, and that true friends are always there for you, no matter what. Well what happens when those true friends change right in front of your own eyes? Twas a bright, sunny day in the town of Ponyville. Everyone was outside socializing and enjoying the sunlight, the town was alive as ever. Hopping down the road as usual with a big grin on her face was Pinkie Pie, meeting up with Apple Jack as she watched her apple cart casually. “Oh boy oh boy oh boy!” Pinkie squealed. “What’s got you in such a pleasant mood?” Apple Jack asked. “I’m gonna throw a super-massive-super-extra-specially-fantastical end-of-the-week PARTY AT THE END OF THE WEEK!!” “Wow, that sure sounds like a doozy. I’d love to attend it.” “Of course you are, you and just about every other pony in town is going, I’m even having a special guest come, but I’m not gonna say who just yet.” “Ah shucks. Can’t wait Pink.” Pinkie nodded and hopped off to leave Apple to her cart. Tending to her books, Twilight Sparkle organized every book with her magic, “Nice and alphabetical, just the way I-” “Twilight!!” She jumped and dropped the books, “Grrr, what is it now??” Spike hopped down the stairs. “Twilight, can I have some money? All my video games are boring and I wanna get some new ones now.” “Spike, what did I say about-” “Pleaase??” “Ugh, fine.” She used her magic to take some money out of her desk drawer and let it land in Spikes griping hands. “Aawww yeah, here I come Equestrian Gaming!” He yelled out the door, slamming it behind him on his way out. Twilight rolled her eyes, took a deep sigh and turned to continue organizing her books. Several hours passed as Twilight finished up. With sweat running down her face, she took a deep breath to let her magic recharge. Spike walked in holding several games, “Aw man, I’m so stoked to play these. Wow, you look tired.” “That’s because I am, I’ve been organizing all these books for hours, and it took you that long to get your games?” “Oh well I was hanging with Snails and Snips, thats why I’ve been gone so long.” “Well it’s your bedtime so you better get to sleep, we’ve got some errands tomorrow and I don’t want you to be too tired to help me.” “Aaaww but Twi,” “Now Spike. You can play your games tomorrow now go.” She said in a serious tone. Spike pouted and went upstairs. Twilight crashed on her bed and slowly shut her eyes. The next day, Twilight and Spike rode up to Apple Jacks farm, where Big Mac greeted them at the gate. “Hey, we’re here for the rare apples. Does Apple Jack have them for us?” She asked him. “Yep.” “Great. Oh and there she is now.” With the apples bouncing up and down in their baskets, Apple rushed over and handed Twilight them. “Wow, how long did these take to grow?” “It wasn’t easy, I’ll tell ya that. Took months and lots of preparation to get those made perfectly. Uh, tell me again why y’all needed those so badly?” “I’m going to see the princess soon, once I enchant these I’m going to offer them to her to convince her to come to this party that Pinkie’s been planning for so long. I’m sure if she’s there then it’ll really pick up.” Apple Jack nodded in agreement. “Uh Big Mac, I think I here Granny Smith calling ya.” “Hmm. Nope.” “Are you sure...?” “Ooh, yep.” He walks away back towards the barn. Apple tells Twilight to get closer and whispers in her ear, “I’ll bring some extra apples for the party but Big Macintosh won’t know ‘bout it.” “Isn’t he coming?” “Nah, he’s watching over the farm with Granny so I can socialize an’ party with y’all. I personally like that deal.” “Me too. The party’s in a couple days so be ready. I’ll talk to you later.” Twilight runs off with Apple Jack waving her hoof at her from behind. Soaring over the town, Rainbow Dash shouts cheerfully and bolts through the clouds like a bullet. She screeches to a halt, “Come on now Fluttershy, if you pulled off that stunt with the wind vortex to supply water to Cloudsdale, why can’t you do that now??” Fluttershy timidly flapped her wings and caught up with her at a very slow pace. “You said you were going to fly faster!”” “I-I know but-” “Well just cause it’s not a competition or anything important doesn’t mean you don’t have to at least try!” “But Rainbow Da-” “And for God’s sake at least pick it up when going through clouds!” “Please, just...just let me-” “Oh my god Fluttershy, are you going to say anything or not?” “Well, I’m trying, but...you keep interrupting me...” “Oh, heheh, sorry about that Flutter...” She scratched the back of her head in embarrassment, “Well don’t just sit there, let’s actually fly this time. Yahoo!” Rainbow takes off, leaving a ray of colors behind her. Fluttershy took a deep breath and flew a little faster than before, but not improving by much. “Hmm...” Murmured Twilight while she examined the enchanted apples. “These seem good, but I feel theres something missing.” “Twi, you heard Apple Jack; Took months of preparation to get those made perfectly.” Spike said in his poor imitation of a southern accent. “So stop worrying and go get those to Celestia already.” “You’re right Spike. I shouldn’t be worried, I’ll be back soon.” Twilight went out the door and took off. Spike waited and he went upstairs. He moved his drawer case and a hole was in the wall containing toilet paper, rotten eggs and spray paint. He dialed on his phone, “Hey guys, you ready?” He got an answer from over the phone and hung up. Sneaking the supplies out in a backpack, he left the house to go meet some teenage dragons hanging out behind an empty shop. “Aight Spikey, you got the stuff?” The tall red one demanded. “Right here guys.” Spike dumped it all out. “Everything I could afford or borrow. Is it good enough??” The red one, who’s name was Donovan, glanced down at the supplies. “Hmm. Yea it’s good. Let’s go guys. The other two teenage dragons behind him joined the two. The dragons ran off to have some fun.