//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Orderly Commands // Story: Equestrian Grand Knights // by Athlon2736 //------------------------------// Chapter 3 The airship lurched right as two massive and blindly yellow burst caused the all but the pilot twist away. Celestia, even as the goddess of the sun twisted her head away from the sudden flaring yellow spheres. As the lights dimmed away, she looked seeing what they had been running from of the past two hours trying to cut them off before they entered the air above the English Channel. “Captain they are getting closer,” the helms-pony said not looking away from his task. He was right, and two large Prench ships were coming at them, gem ended cannons aimed at the flying imperial airship. “Ah know t’at ya git! Get us away from ‘em then,” the Snow-Lily stated eyes infactuated with anger, “Magister Lance, inform yar unicorns to throw up a shield and to keep it up until we’re over the Channel! Liuetenant Silver-wind, get us hard to port and over the Channel. Sergeant Lickety, get yar gunners ready for a fight if they come after us.” Quickly came the response only to have another two burst of light appear in front of them, blinding most of the crew again. Celestia looked away again, while the generals covered their eyes with their hooves, trying to shield them to no avail. Before anyone could even think the was a rush of energy about the bridge crew, moving with practice and primed from the training. The magister, which Celestia had heard called Lance, spoke into a ship wide radio, with the Sargeant speaking to one of his own. She could only assume the orders that were being given were for the Empress’s protection. “Captain, we got English ships ahead of us. Four, maybe five,” the helms-pony claimed, making all the ponies turn to look. Sure enough there were four easily seen airships, each with flying over the English Channel, and with a solid grin the captain look to Frost-mane. “Ya and yar diplomatic ties, ya. Get us closer to them. The Prench are scared little gits, and if we get the English involved they ought ta back off,” she exclaimed, the ship turning towards them. In a matter of moments the random bursts of light ended, and from a simple look the crew breathed a sigh of relief as the ships seemed to stop chasing them. The Captain sat down, releasing a sigh of relief from her chest as the ship began to pull over the Channel. “We’re cle-” the helm-pony began, only to be cut off by an earbursting and body wrenching blast as the back of the bridge column explode. Everyone was thrown to the floor as the scream and groan of twisting metal leered out, before smoke filled the bridge, making it hazed and hard to see. Celestia felt a presence on her back and looked, seeing her captain covering her with his wings spread full to protect her. She began to panic for a short moment, believing him hurt. “C-Captain?” she asked, receiving a look from the hard stallion. “Yes Princess?” he asked, making her breathe a sigh of relief. She looked around, seeing most others were okay. Frost was being covered by three guard-ponies and had shielded themselves. The magister, who was now standing and clearing the smoke was yelling into the radio set, saying some profane words at whomever he was speaking too. While all this was going on, there rushed in some other ponies, medical cutie-marks on their flanks. “Is every-pony alright?” came a question from the helm, eyes locked ever forward, keeping the ship steady now. “The Empress is okay.” “As is the Princess,” Wind-cutter stated looking around. “All the Generals are fine,” came other voice, before some of the crew looked to the captain for advice. To their horror, she was slumped down, a shard of metal implanted into the side of her head and jaggedly pointing out at the world. One of the medical ponies came up and checked her body for a pulse but shook her head softly. “Captain Silver-wing you’re in charge now, sir!” the medical pony exclaimed and looked towards the helm, seeing the new captain turn them to starboard and down the English Channel as they past the English ships. “Get her body to the morgue and check for any other casualties,” he said, voice somewhat shaken by what just said about the past captain. He looked over his shoulder at Frost first and then at the other important members, “You are to go below decks now. I don’t care if you want to stay here and watch but we are out of danger now and have a day’s flight to Galastrian air-space, so it would help me immensely if you were down in quarters.” Before the two leaders could argue, they were forced down the stairs by the generals, who informed them he was right. In a matter of moments they were forced into quarters, and guards were placed outside the doors, standing quietly. Celestia sighed as Frost slumped down onto some pillows, eyes now directed down at the floor. “Celestia?” she asked, “Did I do the right thing?” Celestia looked at the young leader and smiled softly, moving over and laying down on some pillows next to her. “What do you mean?” she asked watching her reaction first. The Empress slowly breathed in and out, then looked at Celestia. “I mean, was it the right thing I did going to war? I feel so selfish cause I think I did it to protect myself. Is that wrong? To make two countries to go to war and kill possibly millions for my sake?” she asked, eyes returning to the ground. Celestia was quiet if for a long moment before sighing. “Honestly Frost-mane, I’ve seen far silly things for wars. And in your cause, yes you did the right thing for your people. I don’t think the Prench would have care very much if we did surrender to them. They probably would have launched themselves at our countries regardless,” Celestia commented, seeing Frost’s ears perk up at this before her head twisted to look at her. “Really? You think so?” “I do believe so. I think something is wrong in Prance, and though we’ve been forced out of it, I can’t help but feel that this Lord Stein is behind it all.” _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ The king laid quietly on a bed, pain flowing through his as he watched the night sky through his window. He was quiet, and lost in the faint thoughts of what was happening. War. Not something he wanted, nor he asked for of Stein. He informed Stein to watch what the two leaders did after the attack, not attacking them. He could see ponies in the streets angry with the attempt on his life, calling for blood and fury. He took a long pained breath in, looking at the door before exhaling. He was suppose to prevent a war, instead he started it. “My liege.” Aimer Roi looked down, staring at the doctor lord as he walked slowly in, three guards surrounding him, a twisted smile smeared on the multi-coloured doctor. “How are you feeling my liege?” he asked, receiving a look from the king making him smile, “Oh so you’ve heard the news? We are going to war~!” There was excitement in his voice, making the king frown. “You seem giddy, Lord Stein. You want a wa-” he starts being silenced by a laugh. “No I don’t want a war! I want a slaughter. Equestria to be swallowed up and left to rot in its own blood. I want it to be destroyed by this Kingdom and all other who would join us, just to do that. I need the blood to be split,” he commented, grinning to the guards happily, who smiled back just as eager, “I intend to succeed from simple immortality to another tier of life~!” “You are a mad pony. You have no idea what your ge-” the king started again cut off by the laugh. “OH but I do, my-” Stein started lowering his head to the king, “Liege. I have been around for several hundred years and never once have I underestimated Galastria. Nor do I intend to now.” Aimer’s eyes widened slowly, fear beginning to take him, “I-Impossible. No pony can live for that long. Not even Unic-” “You are correct, sire. But that is a normal pony, and I am anything but normal,” he said, a malice grin began to spread across his face, “However, I’ve told you too much and you must become our martyr.” “M-Martyr? What do you mean?” the king said, fear easily heard in his voice and his shrunk back. The lord stood up and stepped back, then turned away. “Unfortunately your wife was assassinated a while ago, as will you be in a few moments. I’ve gathered the lords to let me assume command of the country to lead it on is quest for vengeance and rage again the Equestrians. And of course the Imperial Galastrians as well, but they really aren’t my target...” The king tried to force himself up, only to be forced down by one of the guards, who smiled at him. “No, you wouldn’t. You can’t!” he exclaimed being forced down by another, a blade hanging in the air above his neck, “Please!! I AM YOUR KING! PL-” He was silenced by the drop of the blade and the closing of the door behind Stein. _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ Celestia walked out onto the deck after hours of being held in the quarters and let out a soft sigh of relief. The large ocean below seemed gentle and shimmered in the moons gentle light, but it was time for the sun to come to the world for the day, lighting it with its warmth and tender flames. She sighed and let the magik flow through her body to her horn and she lowered her head, before beginning to slowly raise her head to the sky. With her head, appeared the golden sun, its laminating light begin to change the world from a gentle and dark blue to purples and gentle oranges. Almost in sync, Luna’s moon began to descend, stars fading out as the sky became more and more lit. Within a few moments it was early day and Celestia sighed, smiling happily at her work, before looking at Wind-cutter, who was standing close by. “What do you think?” “Pretty normal in my opinion, cause I’ve seen you do far better on the-” he starts, before she looks at him worried, “You mean the impending war, don’t you?” A slow, but solid nodded confirmed his thought and he gave a long sigh before looking to the rising sun, his eyes scanning it for an answer that had yet to appear to him. He honestly thought that this was Prances attempt for a massive expansion, as well as way to allow the world to see it flex its military might. Even with the Galastrians on their side, the war was already looking like a doomed endeavour for the Equestrians. The size of the militia was so minuscule that even if they rallied them all into one city, there would only be about 3500. The Royal guard wasn’t that being either, with less than 200 guards attending to the protection of the princesses. “Princess, I do not believe I am the best suited to answer that question. Even if I was, I still wouldn’t know what to answer with,” he stated, not looking at Celestia while he spoke his thoughts to her. “Still, I would like to have your opinion,” She replied, looking at the world around the ship. “Well... honestly, I think we have not a chance in the universe ma’am. Even with the Galastrians on our side, we won’t be able to crush a force like the Prench fleet and army. The Galastrians are spread across the world with the professional forces, while their home forces may not be enough to defend themselves... let alone us...” Celestia turned away from him and watch the sun rising naturally now, as it was in the world for her. She was now leading a country to its doom, and it was; in many ways; her fault. The air-ship flew solidly for a while before she turned around and looked at the Captain of her Royal Pegasi. She let a long and gentle sigh, eyes wary before even the true events of the world were to begin. “Then we will meet them as best we can. Hopefully Prance will delay its attack, giving us time to train more militia and forces before they get a chance to attack. Let’s pray for that at least,” she said, receiving a nod from the captain, “I will send a letter to my sister, telling her to rally anything that she can. In the mean time we will to Galastria and see if we can petition for their assistance. Though I as much as I hope they will, I seem to be doubting the involvement of their armies.” Wind-cutter nodded softly and smiled before turning away, proceeding to enter the airship again, leaving the princess on the deck to look at the sky for some while, before following suit. Within a few moments she was writing out the letter and proceeds to scratch down the details of the prior night and Luna’s tasks at hoof, before rolling the letter up and sighing. She just about to whisk the letter off to her sibling when a tap came from the door, making Celestia twist her head softly to see General Shadow-Sword standing in the entry. “Princess. I was informed you were writing a letter, and I’m curious if you would like to inform us about what,” he asked, his tone both friendly and strong, trying to act in an appropriate matter for this topic. “Well of the situation and of my plans. I intend to rally up what little militia our country has and begin training additional, as well as inform my younger sister of where I will be for the likely hood of a few days,” she said standing up, as the general walked into the room slowly. He looked at the letter before back at Celestia. “Okay. Would you mind if I?” he asked, raising a hoof up and out to take the letter. Celestia nodded and floated it over to him, letting him take it. As he placed it on the desk and read it, he nodded as he went. “Sorry if this seems a bit... intrusive, but I feel it’s a necessary event. I fight with knowledge and the more I can get the more I can use it against the enemy,” he said, rolling the scroll back up and giving it to Celestia after he finished it, “Sometimes small letters and notes could unravel a plan to attack a port or city.” “I can understand General, though I am your ally in this predicament,” she replied, flaring the scroll with blue fire, and it was gone. “You are our fellow combatant, not our ally,” he said turning to leave, Celestia staring at him worried, “Do not confuse the two.” _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ Luna rushed down the halls of Canterlot Castle, eyes wide with terror, and as came to the guards main training room, throwing the massive wooden doors open as she slid to a stop. In front of her were a Dozen commanding members of the Guard, with a pair on the floor wresting. One was a female, a young officer who was up for promotion into her guard, another a grey male unicorn who had her pinned down in a rather awkward position. “Guards, we demand attention!” she called out in old Canterlot, making all the guard turn to stand at attention, while the other two on the floor blushed madly as the stood up and moved away from the other, “Our sister, Princess Celestia has sent word of a great and dangerous prospect. We are at war!” The majority of the guards eyes widened, their bodies locking with fear, but one, a tall white earth pony walked forward, shaking slightly. “W-War, m’lady? As in, war with battles and destruction of cities town, war with death and slaughter?” he asked, clearly shaken. Luna gave a cold and slow nod, before the pony sat down on his rump processing it. Then the grey unicorn who had been wrestling walked forward, gulping softly. “What are our orders Princess Luna?” he asked, to which she floated the paper up and in front of her face. “We are to order the Royal Guard to assemble the militia and instigate the recruitment of more possible troops for the impending war. All militia are to report to the area’s main governing officials to prepare for the defence of Equestria. I have a list for those to go where they are to go. Captain Odin and his Guards are to go to Ponyville and the surrounding area around it, Captain Fire-fang is to go to the eastern province and head to Manehattan, Captain Aquila, you and your pegasi are to go west to Cloudsdale then south to New Fillydelphia and the surrounding area, while the remaining Captains all head West and south, to the other cities in the out provinces while Captain Sunset is to go north and prepare Hoovesburg. Stalliongrad will be taken care of by Lieutenants New moon and Blood Moon. Each member will work accordingly and as quickly as possible. It is believed that we only have at most a month before the Prench attack our coast, so speed is important! GO!” The Guards all saluted and rushed out, quickly rushing to the nearby barrack. All but Captain Odin and his Wrestling partner, causing Luna looked at them and raised an eye brow. “Did I not make myself clear on the importance of the mission?” she asked walking over, while the captain nodded. “You did princess, but my area is this region so I have some leeway, and with that I must prepare the Sergeant here for her first mission with me,” he said motioning his hoof to the other unicorn, who saluted. “Well hurry up. We have not a moment to spare captain. I cannot fail my sister in this task, and I intend not too,” she said walking away. This was not a moment for lolly gagging and killing time. When last she was around she lead a civil war with Celestia and was going to hopefully be of some sort of assistance to her sister in this war. She looked back at Odin, who was congratulating the guard on her first task with him and started walking out, eyes clear of all worry. “Captain? Why are you not in a rush?” Luna asked turning around, facing him again. He bowed to her, and looked at her, smiling up at the Princess. “I was explaining to Loki the task at hand my dear princess and I intend to use all my tools to help me through this. We are taking to Ponyville immediately,” he said standing up receiving a look from Luna, one of unhappiness. “Alright captain. Please be quicker about your business,” she said leaving the two guards, hearing them rush off and collect their equipment. And if her sister was right, they were going to need everything they could get if the Prench attacked sooner than thought. She walked into the main officer where two Prench Delegates stood, turning to face her, eyes unpleased and unhappy. “Madame.” “Delegates. How ca-” Luna started before being cut off. “We demand that you surrender Celestia and your country to the Prench Kingdom, or else,” one said, puffing out his chest. Luna frowned at him standing taller now, looking at him as if he was a simple ingrate from prison. “You will not have that,” she replied sharp and quick, staring at them, waiting for a response, “I assume the negotiations are over?” The one who spoke nodded marching off while the other remained behind and watched her carefully; before bowing and walking away behind him. As he bowed something slipped out and landed in front of Luna, making her raise an eye brow at him and the paper. Once the two were gone she floated the note up to her face and opened it, reading it quickly. Truth was the first casualty, And I don’t stand with Prance. My loyalties elsewhere lay, And proud skies I call home. Send this to Castle Buckingham, And the order will rise. Once lost to light, Forgotten by darkness, Vivat Nocte Vivat Nocte And hope we are Rediscovered by the moon Luna’s eyes widened and she looked down the hall staring aimlessly into it, hoping this was good and not evil. _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ Odin marched down the halls, his four fellow guards marching behind him as he headed to the main gate, all the other captains and officers having left. “Ponyville is our first location, and from there the surround towns, home and farms, understood?” he asked looking around, “Thor, you’ll be incharge of the everfree forest, while Loki and I will be dealing with the main town. Mjolnir your to go south and deal with any farms from there with some militia and Fenrir you go north. We are to get there a quickly as possible so no stopping for breaks. Orders are orders. Long live the princesses! Long live Equestria!” he called, receiving cheers and nods from the other guards, before they all raced out, quick as could be. They’re destination, Ponyville. After twenty minutes they were beyond the marble walls of the city and the massive and towering palace higher up on the side of the mountain, and in the distance they could see the rest of the guards racing in all directions. The few dozen left behind were to protect the city if they could, but even Odin knew the thought was absurd. They were now at war and the militia was to be summoned up. He raced down the road, panting in his heavy golden armour and his hooves crashed constantly into the packed dirt of the road beneath him as the five ponies appoarched the main highway to Ponyville. Moments after they raced onto the highway he ordered them to pick up the pace. There was still a day of running head of the group. _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ A full day at ponyville seemed to pass by ever so uneventful, unlike the normal days. Twilight Sparkle could swear there was going to be something to happen; she could feel it in her bones and horn. She sighed loudly causing spike to twist his head to look at her with a raised eyebrow. “Something wrong Twi?” he asked, putting a set of books down, only to see the purple unicorn shake her head slowly. “I can’t help but feel something is going to happen, but I don’t know what. Maybe it’s just my head telling me I’m just anxious about stuff now of days,” she commented rolling her head softly. She moved one of her hooves up to her head and rubbed the temple gently before getting up and floating a book over to her, laying it on her table in the kitchen, sitting down right after which eating some of the food she had prepared. The book was called the Forgotten Knight’s Oath, by a stallion in another country, but it was one of her favourites. She opened it to a point in the book noting out her mark for it was rather worn, while she smiled picking up on the page, feeling the chivalry that the knight, Sir Bronze-Wing, courted with the young filly of his dreams, the elegant Summer Delight. She read this part a hundred times, loving it dearly, as the knight danced with her slowly and carefully, delicately holding her close, believing that she was set to be whisked away the moment he let her go. He never wanted too, not once. As she came to the end of the dance scene she heard a loud knock on her door and turned to look as Spike opened the door to let a tall grey stallion in, his gleaming golden armour presenting him as a Royal Guard. “C-Captain Odin! What are you doing here?” Spike asked terrified of the guard’s size and appearance in the door. “Twilight Sparkle?” he asked, ignoring Spikes question and looking at Twilight. “Yes, Captain, what is it? Is Cel-” she started getting up from the book and walking over slowly to the Captain with a worried look clearly plastered on her face. “No time,” he started, “During your time in the Palace as Celestia’s apprentice you spent time training with Captain Bolt?” Twilight slowly nodded before looking at Spike. “Ya we did, why?” she asked, making the Captain breathe a sigh of relief. “I’ll explain along the way, come quickly we need to talk with the Mayor of Ponyville,” he said turning around and walking away, making the pair shrug and follow. As she walked out she could see a few other ponies rushing towards where the Mayor was standing, a group of ponies already there. She followed closely behind the Captain, looking at the back of his head. “We have been ordered to assemble the Militia. And even though you are not part of the militia, we need all the help we can get,” he said, walking them toward the group of ponies, “This town only has about twenty in total and we can’t really rely on so few.” “Why the militia? They are only called on for certain problems like floods or forest-fires or even large groups of monsters,” Twilight replied. Odin was quiet if for a moment as they approached the group of ponies. “Hey Twi! You know what’s going on?” a familiar voice rang out, before Twilight saw Rainbow Dash floating over head softly, looking at her. “Dash your part of the Militia?” she asked her, receiving a strong nodded. “Wonderbolts chose their members form the Militia so I figured why not?” she chuckled, then landed next to Twilight, the Cyan pegasus walking next to the purple unicorn to the stage. She walked up behind the unicorn she had come to know while at the palace over the few years and now saw a few other faces. Thor, the tall red mane blue unicorn with a lightning bolt for his cutie mark standing next Mjolnir, his earth pony marefriend, who grinned as she saw Twilight. The other two she didn’t recognize though, but knew the mayors face was something to judge the new on. “Mayor, what’s go-” she started being interrupted by Odin behind her. “Militia of Ponyville!” he started making Twilight jump a little at the boom voice she once feared as a filly, “I have gathered you here today to inform you of some... dire news.” Twilight looked at the crowd, seeing Lyra Harpstring, as well was Big Macintosh and Rainbow Dash, while there were a few other faces she became worried about. She saw Doctor Whooves, Derpy Whooves loving husband, and even Carmel, which surprised her that the two would even be part of the Militia in anyway. Whooves was a clock technician while Carmel worked with the Apples, and Lyra was a harp player. “I have been ordered by Princess Luna to gather the Militia and prepare for the worst. As I was informed myself, much to my horror and disbelief is that we are going to war,” Odin said slowly and carefully. The crowd of ponies and Twilight drew a sharp gasp, and some in the crowd began to murred at the thought of war. Some couldn’t believe what they had just been told, other were completely silent like Macintosh and Whooves, though the second was wide eyed with horror. Twilight walked forward to Odin, eyes just as wide. “No, you’re just kidding right? You are just making us...” she couldn’t finish as he looked at her, a blank stare impeding her speech, “You’re s-serious, aren’t you?” A slow and gentle nod came from him, eyes solid as she ever knew them. She felt her ears drop down from the standing position as her gut feeling returned. “I have my orders and I’m going to prepare the defence of this town, as well as try all of you to the best of your abilities! I can only promise that,” he said, stopping a lot of questions before they were raised by the small crowd of ponies. He looked down at them, and sighed gently, “I will promise you this though, I will fight to save everything I can in this town. You, your families and your livelihoods.” In that instant the crowd seemed to become quiet again, though more solid and firm then before, the Guard looking at the group carefully. With a gentle nod, Thor moved forward and started calling out names and groups in which they were formed. Twilight stood there for a long moment, as did most of the others, letting the orders and news sink into their minds. _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ The chamber was clambered with ponies, all of different breeds and kinds, while a group of misfits sat in the middle of the group. Four griffons, each wearing a different clan symbol and a regal uniform sat beside two qilin, while two dozen imperial delegates sat arguing around them. Three rows of just lords, delegates and officials, all yelling out to be heard by a lone unicorn at the bottom of the room, who was yelling out for silence. Below the delegates facing unicorn was another row, divided up into three sections. On the front of one were six shields, and behind each shield a seat for a pony, though only three of the seats were occupied by their owners. The first, on the farthest right was a unicorn dressed in beautifully design clothe with lovely designed medals and symbols with long red cape drawn down his back and over his emerald green flank and cutie mark obscuring it. The shield in front of him was a tall grey shield it a long and piercing golden ‘I’ at the middle. Beside him sat an armour knight of a pony, her heavy mithril like armour seeming to gleam with the limited light with her symbol of a white shield with a beautiful yellow sun in middle of it sitting in front of her seat. Her white coat of hair and her vibrant red mane made her seemingly look like a solid white knight in the room compared to the only other counterpart, who sat tow seats over. The other knight was sitting forward, hooves pressed to his face trying to keep his head from slamming down onto the desk in front as he slept gently between them while his wings were tucked neatly against the deep blue armour that he wore. In front of his seat was the shield, a dark blue shield with a brilliant pair of angelic wing with a long white sword aimed downward between the two wings. Between the two knights were two seats, the further right having a black shield with a pair of dragon heads with glowing red eyes coming up from the bottom of the shield to face outwards from the centre. The dark blue dragons were fine painted unlike much of the other shields, and a higher level of quality compared to the one to its left. The other shield seemed old and almost ancient in ways, with paint pealed back and off in some places while a large, the gentle ruby red was paint painted with a green dragon head breathing yellow flame form its maw. The last shield was the strangest by far, again red like the old one, but an ever peering eye of knowledge peering into the world in front of it. The seat behind it was used, quite profusely compared to most other seats with in the room. In the centre was again a set of six seats, though only two had shields in this set. The far right one was a large griffon, who front eagle talons were crossed over his chest, eyes locked forward and an unbroken frown upon his face while his wing were clenched to his body. In front was a round and brutal shield, scared and damage by past use, pair of hammers crossed over them with a wing on each head of the hammer. Beside him for the next four seats were ponies, each dressed in regal blue uniforms with medals pinned to their chest with long swords embroidered into the collars surround by wings or wreathes. The final seat was occupied by a tall qilin, his body covered in long yellow hair, while long whiskers came off his muzzle. Form the back of his head extends a pair of long soft pearl horns. Down the belly ran dragon like scales, soft blue with the ridged slightly rose. The most iconic part about him though was the regal blue main that ran from the top of his head down his back to the tip of his long tail. Further with that was the dragon like talons he had instead of hooves. The qilin looked around, before back at the other two in the room, well the other qilin and kirin. He could see the unicorn horned on sitting next to a griffin quietly talking with it, keeping as hushed as possible. It pleased him to see the other two members from the clans exchanging good relationships, causing him to smile and look at the gruff griffin at the other end. The griffin’s eyes looked at him and nodded slight before locking back forward. The Qilin followed suit. The last table was eight instead of the other six, and within the seats sat green uniformed stallions and a mare, each with a long sword on their collar, though the wreathes around them were all different colours from some. Among the five sat two unicorns and three earth ponies, each quietly talking to another. The mare, which was on the right side started at the young unicorn trying to silence the room, smiling happily at the failed attempts. Then the door into the main chamber swung quietly opened revealing a tall hooded figure, a protruding horn extending out from the red cloak and hood, while around it was the image of an eye. The room fell silent as the creature walked in slowly, bags of unknown substances and items dangling off the cloak, each more foreign and interesting then the last, while walking behind it on two legs was a teen dragon with gentle blue scales and orange eyes watching the room. The creature slowly made it to the over used seat it had gently setting itself upon it, causing it to creak gently at the weight. The room all stared, eyes warily landing on the creature. Pulling back the hood with its hooves came the head a young unicorn with many tattoos imprinted all across its face, and several piercings on his ears and nose. He raised his head gently, taking a more professional stance in the seat, while the room stared at him. Another figured entered the room behind him, a tall charcoal grey stallion who’s armour appeared to be that of true war and had experienced it quite often. On his flank was a worn out looking handle of a sword with strong chain locking it to his body. The armour itself was a deep blue like the shield for where he was headed to sit, and the knight gruffly excused himself past the other two, who let him by. With the room finally in silence the unicorn coughed loudly and looked around. “As you all know, Prance demanded the surrender of our Empress and any delegates that were in Paris last night for the attempted assassination on their king. However, we cannot agree with the idea of this proposal, and declined, much to some of your horrors,” the unicorn said, sweating slightly with all the eyes on him, “It appears that we are on the brink once more for war, and with the majority of our professional armies out of the country and the few rear-guard forces such as the Knights of Light, The Draconic Templar’s, the Knights of the Salamanders and the Knights of the Bless Angel, as well as the few capable Magister forces Grand Magister Fury-Flare can lend to us. However, with General Shao, Lord General Shadow-Sword and General Earthshaker indisposed of currently, we will have limited resources. Even then, only a fifth of the fleet is available as most are on missions with the professional guard forces in Cossack, Zebrica and refitting so we are greatly under-strength. Major General Sparker,” he finishes off as the mare general stands up and takes to the main floor, looking around the room. “With Lord General Shadow-sword out of the country, we would normally fall to either Shao, Earthshaker or even General Tavros, but he has declined to step forward,” she said moving a hoof over to the younger general, almost too green for his rank, “On that, the few forces we do have available are the militia and two dozen mandatory service pony regiments available, making that total a grand total of...” She paused looking at the sheet of paper on the desk for her, then looking at the group, “Thirty thousand. Pegasus, Unicorn and Earth. On that, the few ships that are available are only about eight to ten ships, mostly smaller airships, while the griffons, thanks to Clan master Iron-Claw, and the Qilin, thanks to clan-lord Vibro, we have a grand total of thirty-five thousand, and then the knights. What I’m trying to say is if we don’t pull another country in with us into this war we will be steam rolled by Prance. Again.” All the delegates shuddered at the thought of what happened during the last war with Prance for Galastria. Prance had steam rolled them, and they nearly won if not for the combined efforts for General Earthshaker and Shao. “So right now, our only option is to delay the war, if at all possible,” she said, looking around, “That or pull out of Cossack, and Zebrica.” One of the blue uniformed stallions stood up and looked at her strait on. “That would be considered treason amongst the Cossacks and may force them to work with the Prench, while with th-” he started. “And what about the Griffon kingdoms seeing us mobilizing!” another stated standing up. Other delegates and lords stood up throwing their concerns to the fire that was building. The general smiled and a put up a hoof and shooshed those gently, eventually and surprisingly causing silence. “This is the problem. We all know the problems. And we cannot solve it by arguing over it in the co-” before she could finish several lords stood up and started yelling down at her, each more displeased with the idea of war then the other. Some more lords so joined in again, then more delegates and finally some officials. Sparker cringed as the yelling grew louder and louder, looking to help from the other generals, most of which shook their heads no. One of them, a lieutenant rubbed his temple with his hoof and looked at her, shaking his head no. Sparker already knew how useless it was to argue with a crowd of diplomats and lords, and she let a slow and painful sigh. She wasn’t the best at diplomacy and preferred battle strategies or a good book then to be here now. She eyed the three knight lords and all three shook their heads no, not getting involved. She was trapped in the middle of a storm and no one was sending a life boat to save her. “SILENCE!” a voice boomed making everyone including the generals to jump at near deafening boom, the instant causing everyone to twist their heads to look at source. The grand-magister’s dragon stood on the desk in front of his charge and looked back at him, nodding slowly, only to have the magister stand up and walked up beside the general. “I for one see no point in arguing about these things, nor do I agree with some problems. Now either we do this properly or we wait for the Empress to return,” he said, his voice slick and strong, swirling around the room, into each ear of the ponies who sat quietly listening. Some shuddered, other cringed, but all were silent, he turned his head to the general and bowed softly, “Major General.” As he walked off he nodded to the knights, who nodded back gently to him. She was surprised at how well he had done that and now she was left with the crowds once more, hopefully to do a much better job than the previous attempt. “Thank you Grand-Magister Fury-Flare; however, there isn’t anything left to say. We either decide to prepare for war or wait for the Empress to tell us our duties,” she said. The room was silent for a moment before an admiral stood up, is blue inform emblazed by the golden on his color with a his rank clearly symbolized by the beautiful embroidered wings on the front left shoulder of his uniform, while is golden yellow wings were tucked neatly against his body. “There is another option,” he said calmly, standing tall amongst the other members of the admiralty, “I suggest we remove Empress Frostmane from power and put a new family into power.” The room exploded with yelling voices and screaming cries of anger, all of massive different opinions, while the lone admiral stood smiling at the General. From the sides yelled the knights and generals, while the griffins squawked at the horror of the idea, and the Kirin with their Qilin brothers roared out in disgust at the thoughts the admiral had suggested. (A/N: Well here we go. Fun times ahead for one and all, and with the beginning starting to show somethings, truly what can happen in this situation for a small Equestrian Militia, and the strained galastrian army, with a strong and firm Prench army knocking at their doors? Anyway. Til next time~!!! EDIT!!!!!!!! OMCaL I forgot to infrom you of this buuuuuuutttt ya. Qilin and Kirin are chinese and japanese lore of dragons with hair and hooves, and as such they are portrayed by an artist, coyoterainbow, who is here. Her form of Kirin (the unicorn from of the Qilin) is well, like this. The one the left is what an actual Kirin should look like, while a Qilin don't have the unicorn horns. On that, in this version though, the two races don't have cutie marks and are like Dragon's, since the race is a Dragon-pony highbreed. On that, they are a people within the empire, and hold clans, not houses or families like ponies. END OF EDIT!!!!!!