Heart of Gold, Pony of Steel

by Snowdead123

Changelings and The Princess

Princess Celestia was preparing to make a dangerous and long journey to the Changeling kingdom. She and Chrysalis made an agreement to not kill each other, only for once. They were both being effected by the Tri-Pony company and decided it best to take action as allies. She finished loading the carriage for the ride when Luna appeared in the castle courtyard. "Sister, you do not have to go alone. I can come with you." stated Luna, making Celestia notice her presence. "I appreciate the offer, but I wish to go alone. If something happens to me, at least you will be here to take over my responsibilities." she said rejected her sister's offer. "Don't talk like that! You will come back! I don't think I could be able to take on your responsibilities as the ruler of Equestria! It will be safer if we both come.". "I'm not letting you. I don't want something to happen to you, little sister. I would never forgive myself if something did." she said. Luna wouldn't listen. She just stomped her hoof and walked back to the castle. She was going to go, whether her sister liked it or not. She planned to have another carriage follow Celestia's an hour after it left. She stood on her balcony and watched as her sister's carriage flew away from the castle. She waited an hour, and left as well. On her way, she felt like she was protecting her sister, but really, she was putting them both in danger.

Days had gone by and they still traveled. Luna was getting tired of staying in the carriage and wanted badly to fly or walk on the ground. It felt like years, but she had finally arrived. Her sister must have over slept because she caught up with her only five minutes away from the Changeling's Kingdom. "LUNA! What are you doing here!? I told you to stay home!" she shouted from her carriage. "I couldn't let you go alone!" she yelled back. Celestia was furious with her sister and wanted to punish her with something, but Luna's punishment would have to wait. Celestia had business to attend to. The queen of Changeling's was expecting her... right? She was ambushed by a group of changelings. Luna ran after them to try and save her sister, but they captured her too.

Celestia struggled and shook them off, but it was no use. They kept coming and grabbing her. "Luna! Watch out!" she screamed as a bunch of changelings grabbed her and pulled her down. They had done the same to Luna, and they lay pressed against the ground. It was a trap and they had both fallen into it. 'I guess this is revenge for stopping her from taking over Equestria. We can escape, can't we?' Celestia thought. She was definitely wrong and they were not going to escape any time soon.
The changelings brought them to a dungeon and left them there to rot. Luna and Celestia sat in silence, thinking about what they were to do. "Sister? I should have listened to you. I shouldn't have followed you." she apologized. Celestia wouldn't listen and ignored her. Luna sat in silence again. "Please forgive me? I was just worried about you and-" "You should have listened to me! If we even make it out of here, I don't want to speak to you ever again! Even if we're here forever, I don't want to speak to you! I'm not accepting your apology!" she shouted. Luna looked down and scooted to the corner of the room. She lay down on the rusty, grungy floor and closed her eyes. She didn't want to, but against her will, she started tearing up. She sobbed quietly in the corner of the cell. Celestia sat in her place, still furious. She ignored her little sister's crying and focused on how to escape. She thought she had found a way to get out of the cell, but she wasn't going to tell Luna. She could find another way. Celestia was so mad she wasn't thinking straight. 'Luna can find her own way out. She can stay here and wallow in self pity. I don't care anymore.' she thought.