When The Moon Is Full
Chapter 2: Will You Accept My Friendship?
Twilight grinned, 'I will finally be with my mother. Just a few more measly minutes.'
Princess Celestia felt something and stopped mid sentence in her speech. She backed up a few hooves (1 hoof = 2 feet) and off the terrace.
"Princess Celestia? What's wrong?" Mayor Mare asked, she was genuinely concerned.
"I... I'm not sure," Princess Celestia said and went back to her speech but not completely on the terrace. She had felt something coming and still had the feeling.
Princess Celestia carried on with her speech. But, in the same while of her speech she thought, 'I feel... no it's not possible. But what I feel coming is Dark Magic! But there is some in the room. But, how? Who would have dark magic living within them?'
As soon as Celestia finished her speech and was about to raise the sun, a black lightning bolt burst into the room. It was strange because a lightning bolt would have destroyed the terrace, but it didn't.
As fast as the lightning bolt hit, a cloud of smoke emerged along with a dangerous being that was ready for night time eternal. Nightmare Moon. With her appearance a grin was placed upon her face and stared down at her daughter. but not direct. For she would be revealed if it were direct.'With my daughter at my side, we will be unstoppable and rule together!'
"Oh my precious subjects, it has been so long since I have seen your precious, sun-loving faces." at Nightmare Moon's voice, every pony was cowering or cuddling each other for comfort. It was cruel sounding and terrifying to all who heard it. Almost all.
The only one not cowering was Twilight. This was causing confused looks for some ponies. Other ponies were too busy cowering to pay attention to one pony. All the ponies who did notice seemed to think the same thing, 'Why is she not afraid?'
"What are you doing here?" Princess Celestia asked.
"I think you can answer that." Nightmare Moon said sarcastically. The next thing she said, she said with a grin. "Plus now that I have somepony new at my side..."
This infuriated the princess, "Who?"
"Why, she was at your side all the time and you never even knew it. Did you not recall her living for a thousand years? Not a single unicorn can live for that long." Nightmare Moon grinned.
"You're not saying..." Celestia looked down at her faithful student. She had an evil grin upon her face. "No, that's impossible. She is a unicorn that was good to me and others her entire life."
"And how do you know she wasn't acting? I had come to her in her dreams, reminded her of every little thing. I also warned her to wait until I arrived to show or tell her true self. For we all know what you of done. Now, Shimmer Eclipse, show everyone in Ponyville your true self." Nightmare Moon grinned.
Her horn magic was usually a pink aura, in which was to hide her true color. This time, she didn't hide it. It glowed a dark blue aura. In a flash of light her true appearances were revealed.
Every pony stared while Princess Celestia's jaw dropped, she soon fixed that to where it was normal. Twilight flew up onto the terrace next to her mother. "My name is no longer Twilight Sparkle. My true name is Shimmer Eclipse. And Nightmare Moon is my mother!" Dark Side Moon grinned. Everypony gasped in terror.
"Why would you hide such a thing? I would never have killed you." Celestia said.
"Ha! Speak for yourself, you would of. I have a scarce amount of dark magic inside me. That would terrify you and lead you to one horrible conclusion. To kill me." Shimmer Eclipse snapped back and gave a wicked grin.
"I can see you know who you truly are.You're not going to let me to banish your mother again. I can also see that you are never going to let me banish you." Celestia looked down solemnly.
"No pony wants to be banished. Nor does any pony want to be killed. So warning my daughter of your actions of the past saved her." Nightmare Moon snapped.
"I know that... I am sorry I banished you. If you give up your dreams of everlasting night, I am sure we can work this out. I will never harm you or Twi... Shimmer Eclipse." Celestia corrected. "I am sure we can work together and get out of this predicament. Just give up your hatred, give up your dreams of everlasting night. I know there are ponies who use the night as a way to give them hope. Please, accept my friendship."
Nightmare Moon and Shimmer Eclipse looked at each other both thinking the same thing. But when they were just about to say their answer, a dark blue wisp of dark magic escaped from Shimmer Eclipse and even Nightmare Moon, making both them faint.