The Magic of Psychedelics

by ConfusedBrony

Chapter 2: Distribution

Chapter 2: Distribution

Twilight's mind drifted as she dozed. One thought in particular kept recurring however.

"Flowers... the flowers... something about the flowers." She was mumbling in her sleep and the nurse stared at her oddly. She shrugged and walked out of the room.

Pinkie Pie approached the counter of Sugarcube Corner. The inside of it was packed and a line formed out the front door. Everypony was absorbed in their own little conversation making it quite noisy inside the sweet shop.

"Everypony! Listen up!" The crowd quieted down and turned their attention to Pinkie. "The cupcakes will be out in about fifteen minutes, but for now, enjoy the new cupcake party that I'm about to throw...... NOW!" Pinkie pulled out a large cannon and fired it into the air. The bang was deafening. An immense amount of streamers began falling onto the crowd who have taken cover on the floor.

A few ponies shot Pinkie annoyed and angry stares. She laughed nervously. "My bad."

It wasn't long until everypony was back at ease enjoying the party. A few ponies danced to the music, some lolled around, and others conversed. Pinkie retreated into the back of the shop where her friends (excluding Twilight) were hanging out.

"Hold on, so what happened to Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked Applejack.

"Ah'm not quite sure actually. She just sorta crawled onto my farm and passed out."

"That sounds absolutely dreadful!" exclaimed Rarity.

"It's not too bad. The nurses say she'll make a full recovery in a day or two."

"That's... good," Fluttershy said quietly.

"That's not just good, that's absolutely positively FANTASTIC!" Pinkie's shouting made Fluttershy jump. Pinkie glanced at her hoof. "Look at the time, the cupcakes are done cooling down." She bounced over to the batches of cupcakes.

"She's not even wearing a watch, how did she-"

Rainbow Dash answered Applejack's question before she even finished it asking it. "It's Pinkie."

Twilight couldn't get the flowers off her mind. What was so important about them that made it so that she just couldn't forget about it? Twilight forced the thought out of her mind the best she could. "Everfree Forest... trees... mushrooms. cuddly things that want to kill you..."

An important piece of memory was recovered from her mind. Twilight woke up in a cold sweat. "THE FLOWERS!" she shouted.

Nurse Redheart sprinted into the room. "Twilight Sparkle, are you alright?"

Twilight's mane was disheveled because of her shocking revelation. "No, I'm not alright! The flowers! The flowers are bad!"

The nurse looked confused. "What flowers? Are you talking about your lunch or-"

"I'm talking about the flowers from the Everfree."

"What's so bad about those flowers?" asked Nurse Redheart.

"They were... they were..." Twilight searched every corner of her mind for the right word. "They were... I don't remember. BUT I KNOW THERE BAD!"

Nurse Redheart nodded slowly and began backing out of the room. "If there's anything you need, don't be afraid to ask okay?"

Twilight could hear that she was having a conversation with another pony. They were talking to quietly to hear clearly but she could still hear bits and pieces of the conversation. "She needs a full psychiatric work up."

Twilight facehoofed. "No! I'm not crazy!" she screamed.

The nurse walked back in with a patronizing smile. "It's okay, we believe you."

Twilight rolled over and buried her face in her pillow.

Everypony's mouths watered upon seeing the cupcakes. It had a rich chocolate base with a dark blue frosting, the same shade of blue that the hallucinogenic flowers were.

"Err, excuse me Pinkie, but don't you think that you should taste test it first?" Rarity suggested.

Pinkie put her hoof to her chin. "Hmm... yep! You're right!" Pinkie tossed a cupcake in her mouth and ate it whole. "Mmmmmm! Tasty! Come on, let's go give everypony a cupcake!"

Pinkie Pie approached a table with a tray of cupcakes. Her four other friends followed behind with more trays of cupcakes. They placed them onto the table.

Pinkie began talking to the crowd. "I would like to thank everypony for being so awesome and coming to my cupcake tasting party!"

The crowd gave a small cheer. "So, let's begi-" Pinkie paused and stared into space before wandering back into the back of the kitchen.

"That was weird, even for Pinkie. Oh well, let's go chow down on these cupcakes." Rainbow Dash took a bite out of one of the cupcakes. The line became shorter and shorter until everypony in Sugarcube Corner was munching on a cupcake.

Twilight was sleeping soundly in her bed when all of a sudden, a loud bang shook her awake and broke her window.

"AHH! What the hay was that?" She stood up from her bed and looked out the broken window. There was a streak of rainbow across the sky that traced back to a rainbow in the shape of a circle.

"A sonic rainboom?" Twilight muttered in disbelief. There was another explosion of rainbow in the sky; the shock wave hit her a second later.

"Another rainboom?! What's going on?"

Rainbow Dash's eyes were blood shot and dilated. Her flying was erratic but fast. She was pulling off sonic rainbooms every ten seconds or so. "I'M SO FAST! WOOOOOOO!" she shouted at the top of her lungs. "Nothing can stop me!" Her chain of sonic rainbooms ended when she crashed into the town hall. "I'm invincible," Rainbow Dash said weakly.

Rarity wandered back to her shop and began sewing together an abstract dress. The colors contrasted from one another beautifully, the jewels sparkled magnificently, the embroidery was gorgeous, it would've been the perfect dress if it weren't for the fact that it wasn't even in the shape of a dress. It looked more like a fancy ball of yarn.

Applejack was conversing at a table in Sugarcube Corner with nopony. There were two other chairs empty chairs opposite her. "These pastries... these pastries are so good. Ah' can't seem to stop eating them." Applejack fell out of her chair laughing uncontrollably. "Come on guys! Quit making me laugh!" Partially chewed food spurted from her mouth.

Fluttershy had returned back to her house and stood next to a tree completely still. She didn't even blink. A bird landed on her head but she didn't react. She just stared into nothing and stood still.

Pinkie Pie was sprinting back to the hospital to find Twilight. It wasn't easy when half of the town was drugged with insanely strong psychedelics. It was complete chaos. It may have even worse than when Discord reigned over Ponyville. Pinkie had to avoid anything from falling objects to falling ponies.

Twilight ran out the hospital just as Pinkie arrived at the entrance. "Twilight!" Twilight ran by and yanked Pinkie by her arm. "Twilight why are you running?"

"The flowers, the flowers are drugs. We can't let anypony eat those cupcakes!"

Pinkie halted. "Twilight, about that, everypony already ate them," she said calmly.

Twilight's expression turned horrified. Her jaw dropped and her ears flattened. "Celestia is going to kill me."