//------------------------------// // chapter seven:the one that started it all // Story: My little pony:tree friends are magic // by Scourgefan //------------------------------// it was 5 weeks after Lammy and Mr. pickles were officially the two most feared people in ponyville(maybe equestria) and(big surprise) another tree friend was coming. it was Cuddles. he was bringing all his video games and rock CD's. Cuddles thought he was the most superior because he was the first to move into the tree friend town. "well, i guess I'm superior now, because I'm the first tree friend to move HERE." Flippy thought. "well, there is Spike, but i don't think he's a tree friend, all of us are mammals, he's a reptile, of course Sneaky was a reptile, curse you Operation Tiger bomb." Flippy was lost in thought, Cuddles would be here soon. "Sneaky was a lizard, and I've heard people call Spike lizard, but he doesn't have our eyes, of course he's not a tree friend....hmm, if out eyes had color, what would they be? mine would be blue, Giggles would be pink...." then the doorbell rang. Twilight opened it with her magic. it was Cuddles. he was carrying an Xbox360, a PS3, a PC and a radio. he also had a bunch of games and a cooler filled with soda and beer. "pack much?" Flippy said sarcastically. "oh, shut up, you're not really one to talk." Cuddles said angrily. "someone isn't in a good mood." "well, some of my favorite video games were stolen, so of course I'm in a bad mood." "stolen huh?.....TWILIGHT, GET OUT HERE, I HAVE A JOB FOR YOUR LAZY SELF!" Flippy screamed. Twilight came into the room. "what do you want?" "Cuddles stuff was stolen and i wanna find it so he won't be a jerk to everybody, I'm sure you know a tracking spell that would help us." Flippy replied. "well, i do but it takes a lot of energy." "well, use it!" Twilight sighed. she enveloped Cuddles in her magic and used the tracking spell. then she walked outside. "when i get back, please don't just snatch them....." "she can't tell me what to do." Cuddles muttered. "she's one of the most powerful ponies here, only below the princesses, i think she can." Flippy said. "whatever." Cuddles said, rolling his eyes. ~~~ (hours later) Twilight came back with 4 games. Skyrim, Halo 4 and Dead space 1 and 2. Cuddles just snatched them from her and ran to his Xbox360, which he already set up. "watch me play." he said. Flippy, Twilight and Spike at down and watched him play Skyrim. it was a first person game so you couldn't see his character. he was carrying a war axe and he sarted chasing a fox. "come back fox friend!" he said, before slicing it and killing it.(it doesn't show any insides or anything, the fox stays in one piece) then he picked up the dead fox and carried it around. when a wolf or anything attacked him he would throw Fox friend at it and say "go Fox friend, use your foxish powers!" then kill the enemy and pick Fox friend back up. soon he got bored and handed the others controllers and popped in Halo reach. he let them create their Spartans and then he put on Forge mode.(where you build and fight each other. there are two things you can do, be a human and fight or walk around, or be a tiny round floating robot called a forgebot and build) Spike's noble was purple and green, but in forge you can only be one color, he picked green. Twilight was purple and Flippy, since green was taken, purple was taken and yellow was taken, picked blue. it took a while for them to get used to the controls. well, Flippy was used to them because he and Cuddles would play all the time before he came here. Twilight, since she has hooves, used her magic. Flippy was driving in his newly spawned Ghost(pic below) when Cuddles hijacked him. [img]halolab.altervista.org[/img] Flippy chased after him, and got shot to death. then Spike spawned a Banshee(pic below) and shot Cuddles to death. they all laughed, except Cuddles, he wanted to punch Spike in the face, but he didn't. [img]haloreacharmyclan.webs.com[/img] after a few more hours of playing they put the game away and decided Cuddles would live in their attic.