//------------------------------// // Ashes // Story: Inside of My Chrysalis // by EpicChrysalis //------------------------------// Chapter 4 "Ch-Chrysalis?" The high pitched squeal belonged to none other than Illy. She was in here, laying on the floor. So was Chaos. "Illy! Are you okay? What happened to you? I heard you scream!" Illy had several bruises in messy line shapes. Probably from a whip. Then I saw what brought on the scream. An arrow head in her shoulder. Cutting deep into her. "Illy! Don't die! No! Not yet! Hang in there!" I gently pulled out the arrow head and examined the wound. It was a big cut, but to my knowledge no important organs were ruptured. I soaked the wound with cold water from the sink. Illy winced. "It hurts so much." She moaned. "I know. I'm trying to make it better." I ripped off a sleeve of Chaos's dress that was still on her. I'm really thankful she was able to save that sleeve. I washed it off and wrapped it around Illy's wound. "I might have saved you or I might have killed you." I whisper softly to Illy. I plead out my heart I saved her. I glanced at Chaos. She wasn't as bad as Illy. Probably just bruises and cuts like me. But then I remembered the blood spray and the pain noise. A gash from her ear to her stomach. Her ear was split in half at the top, and the cut went down her back and flipped down to her stomach. It was mostly scabbed over. I inferred she woke up from being knocked out and was napping right now, as she was snoring. Illy was barely able to walk. I nudged Chaos awake. She noticed the cut in the side of my head. I said it was just a scratch, but she cleaned it out and bandaged it. It felt much better after Chaos cleaned it out. "Whose gonna open that door?" Chaos asked. "Not me." Illy muttered, slinking into the corner of the room. "Should I?" I was really curious to see what it lead to. "But it seems kinda dangerous." "I agree with Illy, but someone has to." "See? I insist on opening the door." "It's risky though." "Risky schmisky!" And with that I flung open the door. I regretted it the second I did. My jaw fell open. Chaos was pretending like she was too cool to be scared. Illy looked about ready to cry. I buried my face into Chaos to make her realize how bad it really was. Illy sulked in the corner. Chaos shoved me away to look closer. "So what? A bunch of ashes everywhere. I guess it's like a carpet of ashes, really but still." Her eyes turned to the beat up sign. "Read it! Read the sign!" I sobbed. In the carpet of ashes, a beat up sign stuck out and was covered in ashes. Chaos squinted to read it, and then teared up and started crying. Here's what the sign said. "Welcome to Noapte!" The moment I learned what this place was I about burst into flame myself. The inferno destroying my soul grew into a volcano blasting everything I knew with burning, molten lava. Illy ran to what used to be her house. She sat and sulked. Chaos glanced to where her house was and shed a few tears. I watched sadly. Nimbus floated down, followed by guards. "Don't you love the new modifications?" She boomed. Then she fell over laughing. This set off the volcano. I charged at her, my eyes turning red with anger. I shot a bolt of green goo at her feet and on her guards too. "Really, that's all you got?" Nimbus gave me a nasty look. She freed herself easily, then turned to her guards and freed them too. "Read the sign! This was our home!" "What sign?" Nimbus chuckled, setting it ablaze. Chaos growled and shot a beam of flames into Queen Nimbus's eye. That must've hurt. The guards scooped up Nimbus to get her healed at the palace. I saw Naginata turn and smile to Chaos, and with out even opening his mouth, he seemed to say "Good job." The queen wrestled the guards to get her revenge. It was the other way around now. She felt the pain and we laughed. She screamed, we smiled. I could tell she would not dismiss this. Illy blew icy winds at them, so the guards could hardly fly. Because the longer it took for Nimbus to get fixed up, the less likely she'll keep that eye. I decide now it was my turn to strike. I grew goo branches out of the ground and tangled them in goo. The goo pulled them back to the ground so they had to start over. We smiled. We were good at using magic. We practiced more than an ordinary filly would. Nimbus was not happy. She flew away from the guards and landed briskly in front of us. The ground shook the moment her hooves touched it. She smiled evilly. Her injured eye was closed, she was weakened by the cold, and the vines I had crawling up her legs kept her in place. But even though her guards weren't with her, she was still stronger than us. She raised her horn to the sky and it glowed white. Fire encircled us. It pressed down on us until we sank through the ground. Into the old mine.