Inside of My Chrysalis

by EpicChrysalis


"How did it go at Noapte, your highness?"
"I burnt Chrysalis's house."
"Ooh! Is she dead?" I could tell the joy in his voice was fake.
"No, she's here. I'm going to put her underground to die. There was a loaf of bread at her house. She said a royal guard gave it to her." The queen growled. "I'll behead whoever it was."
"It was me." No! I can't let Naginata die! I want to leap out and fight the queen, but that would be dumb. I'd reveal myself, Illy, and Chaos, and get us all killed.
"What? I thought you were cruel! You moron! What were you-"
"I poisoned it." He said and chuckled. But it wasn't so obvious that was a lie. He made it sound so real. That chuckle wasn't fake. I feel hurt and betrayal. Whose side was he really on? Was he keeping secrets from Noapte or is he just improving his lying skills? I plead to death it was answer number two. I shut my eyes tightly and bury my face into my arms. I tried not to cry. But just in case I did, I was prepared to use up a lot of energy by muffling the noise with a tight squeeze by my arms. When I assure and reassure myself they are out of range, I quietly step out of my hiding spot. No one saw me. Chaos crept out when she heard me and after some persuasion we got Illy out too.
Together we snuck around the building. We saw a senile old man doing the chicken dance in a bathroom. We couldn't stop laughing at the sight. Royal ponies are weird. We ran away laughing our heads off.
Thud! We crashed into somepony. We look up then wish we hadn't. Queen Nimbus.
"What's so funny?" She chuckled. Her voice just pulled something and twisted it inside me. It bugs me.
"Haha, wretched children. Enough sneaking around. Let's go underground!"
She fired a thunder bolt at us. We split up and dodged it. The run had started. The race was on.
She chased us through the entire palace. We split up eventually, but I quickly realized she was after me. She knew too clearly what I knew. Illy would get scared, and either bawl and get caught, or run away into the wild where she would die quickly. Chaos isn't sneaky, and she loves to put up fights. She can beat up anyone bare hoofed, but she loves weapons and armor. She loves nun-chucks and spears, and doesn't like any other weapons. But with no armor and no weapons against these changelings with shining gold armor and deadly weapons, she was no match.
I could sneak around. I could hold in tears. I could survive in the wild. I could be smart enough not to fight royal guards bare-hoofed. I'm the target.
Hoofsteps are clearly heard. The bells of life rung loud in my ears. I'm cornered. Nimbus is approaching. It happens. All of it.
I'm not sure what happened in that split second. But all I remember is lightning flashing, Illy screaming, Chaos's blood spraying, and a sharp pain in my head. All at once. Illy's scream was a scream of agony and pain, so she's probably being tortured. I think I need to explain how I knew it was Chaos's blood too. Chaos gets cut a lot, and her blood has a bothersome scent. It smells and tastes sweet rather than bitter. It's not unhealthy, she pours sugar over her cuts. She says it helps with the pain and makes it easier to suck on your cut. Now I think she cuts herself a lot for free sugar. Also, I saw a flash of black fighting two guards and heard a sound of pain with her voice.
I hoped they were ok. I peeked in a mirror to see myself. Black eye, covered in scars, no clothes, bruised badly. The queen must've taken my dress. My left eye was swollen badly. Blood gushed from where I felt the sharp pain. My body was a rainbow with bruises, red, yellow, green, blue and purple covered me. I paused for a second as I asked myself where I was. A white room. Everything was white. The floor, the walls, the ceiling and the sink. This was an odd room. I woke up on the ice cold floor. Who knows what the sink was for. There was a door, it was white. I decided to open it to look for Chaos and Illy.
A pathetic voice stopped me.