//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: We're not in Dustbowl anymore... // by 4tehPlot //------------------------------// (A/N: This is my first attempt at fanfic, so forgive me if it's crappy/uninteresting. Also, in order to really get this, you'll need to A) Play Team Fortress 2, and B) Watch Meet the Medic. Herp some some derp.) BAM! Zat almost hit him! I worried, the nearby rocket's explosion still ringing in my ears. After tending to the most direly wounded, I hurried to catch up to my main recipient, dashing between rocks to avoid the bullets whizzing past. Viktor and I had been buddies even before the fight started, and the fact that he's practically a human tank made him an ideal choice for the project. The 'project' being an effort to create a man who would rise above and beyond the ranks of a normal combatant - a super-soldier. I had created a device to do just that. It will not entirely create a super-soldier, though. If it worked, it would only be temporary. Quite temporary in fact; mere seconds. I trust Viktor will accomplish much in those seconds, though. As he reached the front lines, he took cover behind a red tractor. He stole a glance toward the enemy then jerked his head back when he saw a mob of soldiers that outnumbered them heavily. He yelled over the din of the battle to me. "Doctor! Are you sure this will work?!" I laughed manically, replying, "I have NO IDEA!" I reached around to my back and flipped the switch on the device. The air around seemed to glow and vibrate as the machine hummed to life. I took a stance, and put my hand on the lever. Here goes nothing! I cranked it back, and a stream of pure energy blasted forward. Viktor yelled out as the energy stream intensified. Not good, not good, not good! I thought as the glow turned into a bright glare, and a high-pitched whine came from the device. I dropped to the ground as I covered my ears and shut my eyes tight. I couldn't block out the sound, and the light was still blindingly bright, even through my eyelids. I feel pressure against me, like one magnet repelling another. The pressure built, and I started to lose my footing. My right foot gave way, and I yelled out helplessly as I flew backwards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...Ugh... What... I stirred. I opened my eyes. Grass... Tulips? What is this, I don't even... A quiet, girly voice disturbed my thoughts. "Oh, my..." (A/N: So yeah, I just had this idea, and I wanted to write it. If you have any idea regarding the story, please share them, and also any constructive criticism for me, because I'm new to fanfic, and every n00b wants to be a pro, right? :P)