Changemas, a changeling holiday

by Changeling 26


Oh ho ho ho! What's Changemas you ask? Why its a magical holiday that all changelings, young and old, celebrate. Even Queen Chrysalis herself celebrates. Sit on down on 26's knee and let me tell you the tale of Changemas and Santaling!

Many years ago, all the changeling hives of the world were united by a central hive ruled by Queen Thorax and King Cringle. Queen Throax was know to be the iron hoof of the kingdom, she was the one who punished the disobedient drones and she was the one who set the laws. King Cringle was quite the opposite of his wife. He was kind and gentle to all the drones. The King was the one who watched over all of the changelings, he also was in charge of the medical center. He helped any changeling that needed help. He was even know for sneaking little gifts tot he hatchlings every now and then.

But then about 1000 or so years ago, the ponies arose and the unity of the hives broke. War broke out amongst all the Hives. Changelings that had once been friends had become bitter enemies, all because they shared different beliefs of how to deal with the arising pony race. Queen Thorax eventually became insane, ordering hundred of drones to attack targets that we didn't stand a chance against. She began to turn against everyone around her, she even ordered her own daughters execution.

Only her Princess Chrysalis could stop her. She was forced to kill her own mother by stabbing the queen with her horn. The princess became the new queen and began to restore order to the kingdom. But many were still loyal to Queen Throax and locked themselves in one final battle against Chrysalis's forces. Before King Cringle vanished during battle, he gave his daughter a look and a nod and flew off into the north with small swarm of loyal drones following.

Peace eventually was restored, but the changeling nation wasn't the same. each of the many hives came their own separate country and refused to talk with any of the others. Many said that they would only unite again if the King was in charge. But nothing was heard from him for years, many assumed that he had died in the snowy tundra of the north.

Then about a couple hundred years ago, hatchlings began finding presents in their sleeping chambers. Their saddle bags had been filled with little trinkets, and the maple trees that grew near their rooms had gifts piled under them. The gifts were being left on the eve of the anniversary of the kings disappearance.We began to call the day Changemas, a combination of the words Mas, which mean gift, and Change which is what we do.

Soon, changelings began to witness who it was that was delivering the gifts. A tall Changeling King, wearing a set of crimson red armor trimmed with white. He was seen flying towards the hive in a large chariot, the back of which was filled with a large present filled bag. The chariot was being pulled by eight powerful manticores that he called out by name.

"On Thrasher, on Chrasher, on malice, on milkweed. On bomber, on crumbler, on courage, on deathclaw. Dash away, dash away, dash away all!!"

He would land on the room, and climb out of his chariot and slide on down the chimney. There we would filly up the saddle back that had been nailed to the hearth with goodies for all the good hatchling colts and fillies. Then he would creep to the maple tree that had been decorated with glowing moss and insect wings, and place countless presents underneath with care. One year a drone watched him and came out of the shadows asking

"Your highness, I dont understand. My not not return to the hive once again?"

And The old king laughed, shaking the whole hive "Why im not the king anymore, im Santaling instead. The bringer of good feeling to all changeling drones,"

Then Santaling smiled and handed the drone a lolipop. He then walked to the hearth and silde back up to his chariot. He flew of into the moonlight laughing out to all who could hear.

"Marry Changemas to all, and to all a good night!!"

That is why I stay up as late as possible every Changemas Eve staring at my hearth. I hope for a see that jolly old changeling king, dressed in his red and white armor. To see him give a loud and happy chuckles before he eats the cakes and pony milk that I set out for him. however, every year I manage to fall asleep right before he slips down my chimney. Perhaps he puts some port of sleeping spell on me, or maybe I'm just tired. No matter what the reason, I always away to find pile of presents stacked under the maple tree and knick-knacks flowing out of the bags.

Oh sure, I guess you could say that it one of my friends waiting till I fall asleep to place the presents around the house. And maybe it was the older drones that hid presents back when I was a colt. But I still choose to believe in Santaling, and I choose to believe in the hope and wonder and brings. He reminds all us Changelings of a better time, and allows us to dream of future of a unified Equestria. Not just with all the hives, but with the ponies. But for now, i'll just wear my changemas hat, and sip the traditional egg nog. Ill give Changemas cheer to all I see, even if they want it or not.

And that, my dear ponies, is Changemas! I hope you have enjoyed this glimpse into changeling history and traditions. Have a merry Changemas every changeling, and a happy Hearths Warming Eve everypony!! Oh and to all you humans reading this, Have a merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, and a merry kwanzaa!