We're not Pirates, We're Ponyteers

by overlord-flinx

Log One: Pipsqueak - Being a Pirate...

Today's weather has been really nice. Real sea fairing weather. Too bad that Ponyville is years away from any oceans.

But hope has come today! I heard from around the corner that Twilight Sparkle, the librarian pony in town, was wearing a pirate outfit. This can only mean on thing... She's gathering a pirate crew. I can't think of why she would fancy a life on the open sea though. But that's not the deal here. I've been waiting for this day ever since I knew how to trot. To get my hooves off the dirt and put them on wood over the water. A life at sea is the life for me.

So, I'm packing up everything I'll need.

Satchel: One

Eye-patch: Two (could use the spare)

Bandanna: One.

Waistcoat: Four.

Cutlass: One.

Log book: Writing in it now.

Unicorn that can write in my log book because I can't use the quill: Right here.

Quill: Three.

Blanket: One.

Ahab: Right here.

Everything is set. Now to find Twilight Sparkle and join her pirate crew!