The Adventure

by Closer-To-The-Sun

Arc 2: The Seeker - Chapter 3: Open Book

Arc 2: The Seeker – Chapter 3: Open Book

The mysterious voice caused Spike and the rest of the group to jump slightly. To the small dragon, the voice sounded cold, foreign and as if a sharp claw was placed on his shoulder and gripped tightly. A shiver ran down his spine.

“What may I help you with, travelers?” the deep voice echoed through the small library and the walls of books.

“E-Excuse me? S-Sir? Where are you?” Spike called out, trying his best to not trip over his own words.

In the back of the library, a pony shaped figure trotted out from a doorway, revealing a tan unicorn with a long brown and grey mane with a connecting beard of the same color. Wrapped around his body was a dirty white jacket that seemed as old as was. Coughing and wheezing, he trotted towards his customers, “Sorry for the delay, I was enjoying an evening pipe. Wasn’t expecting any patrons at this hour. Now then, what can I help you with?” His grey eyes fell upon the five souls in the library.

Twilight Sparkle took hold of the situation, “Good evening, sir. We were told that your library would have some information about dragons.”

“Dragons, huh? Hmm….” the librarian examined the creatures before him with a hoof raised, “This ol’ shop has plenty of books about subjects ranging from griffins to dragons and everything in between. You’re free to look all you like through the shelves for what you’d like, just holler if you find something you would like to purchase.”

“Purchase? I thought this was a library,” Rainbow Dash commented.

The tan unicorn turned around to trot back to the back room, “Everything has a price, pegasus. Sometimes it’s not cheap.”

Before he disappeared, Twilight called out, “Where would we find the literature on dragons exactly?”

The unicorn disappeared beyond the dark doorway, but his voice still was audible, “The shelves here have not been organized in years. If you are looking for something particular, I wish you luck.”

Leaving them in silence, Applebloom was first to speak, “Did anypony else get a strange feelin’ from that old pony?” Everypony else nodded in agreement with her statement.

“Well, let’s not waste time,” the purple unicorn was quick to change the subject, “if we split up, we can find some books about dragons much more swiftly.”

Within minutes, the group of five was spread throughout the small library, looking among the stacks and rows of books. Twilight was going through a large pillar of books with her magic while Spike and Big Macintosh were looking through the bottom of the bookshelves. Applebloom was up upon one of the moveable ladders, looking through the higher shelves while Rainbow Dash did the same as she hovered near the top.

“Any luck up there?” Twilight called out for a reply.

The blue pegasus was the first to reply, “So far, not yet. I’ve found all these weird, old books. Ghorl Nigral, De Masticatione Mortuorum in Tumulis, Unaussprechlichen Kulten, Necronomicon, Book of Eibon, De Vermis Mysteriis, and a number of other books that I can barely say,” Dash opened one of the books up in an attempt to read it, but she quickly gave up, “What did you find, shorty?”

“Some strange books as well,” the yellow filly stated, “There’s one called Handbook for the Recently Deceased. Another called The Rats In Spats and one more called How to Become a Fancy Waiter in Less than 20 Minutes.”

“Sounds more interesting than what I’ve found down here,” Spike commented with a sigh. “I found some stuff that sounds boring. “Kitara’s Song, The Paq'batlh, A Cave Beyond Logic, Leonard McCoy's Comparative Alien Physiology, this stuff is just weird.”

“I have to agree with you on this, Spike. I’ve never even seen these books before. Men, Monks, and Gamekeepers; a Study in Popular Legend, The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism, The Bottom of Lake Lachrymose, these books are getting us nowhere,” Twilight was stressing as she magically looked at each book’s cover.

“Ah think ah found somethin’,” Big Mac announced, pulling a book out of the bookshelves.

Spike was first to show up next to Big Mac, “What book is this, Big Macintosh?”

Turning the book to it’s cover, the red stallion read the title aloud, “The Dragon Mythos, the book looks really fancy.” On the cover, an etching of three dragons that seemed to be engaged in a battle.

The rest of the group gathered around the elder Apple sibling. Twilight Sparkle looked at the book, “May I see this book?” The unicorn took the book and began to examine it. As she opened the cover, a number of pages fell out. Spike and Applebloom were quick to pick them up. “This book seems really old.”

“It is old. Almost as old as I,” a familiar voice stated. The librarian unicorn trotted back into the front room, “The former owner, my mentor wrote that book before he passed on.”

“You think that’s who the princess was talking about?” Spike asked Twilight as he heard the unicorn’s words.

“The princess? Princess Celestia? I heard from her that a group would be coming here looking for information regarding dragons. Obviously, she meant you,” he responded to the dragon’s question.

“I’m Twilight Sparkle, one of the princess’s students. This is Rainbow Dash, Big Macintosh, Applebloom, and Spike. We came from Ponyville in hopes to meet your mentor. We heard he was an expert in non-pony species,” the purple mare explained.

“He was. However, he passed away a few years ago. Unfortunately, I’d be unable to help you with your situation,” the tan unicorn explained.

“Seems we reached a dead end, huh?” Applebloom asked with her puppy-dog eyes.

The librarian paused before he answered, “Maybe not. I do know of somepony who might be able to help you. His name is Dr. Retev and he’s in Vanhoover.”

“Vanhoover? All the way over on the other side of Equestria?” Rainbow Dash was surprised.

The unicorn continued, “He has studied more about non-pony physiology than any other pony I know. He’s your best bet to for your quest now. He actually helped my mentor in creating the book in your hooves,” he pointed to the book held by Twilight, “You can take it with you, but do be careful with it. It won’t last long in the shape it is in.”

“Thank you very much, sir!” Twilight was honored to be trusted with such a book.

The bookkeeper nodded, “Of course. I hope it will help you, student of the princess.”

“Just who are you, anyway?” Dash asked the tan unicorn as the thought was bothering her.

“It is….not important right now. Instead, I suggest you make haste to the train station. It is a three day ride to Vanhoover,” the bearded pony pointed out.

Big Mac agreed, “He does have a point there.”

Spike was enthusiastic, “Thank you for everything, Mr. Librarian. Thank you so much.”

“Go ahead and take the book with you. And best of luck, Spike,” the librarian stated, “It is time I close the shop.”

After a second round of showing gratitude, Spike and the four ponies left the library and made their way to the train station with a new goal in mind: seeking Dr. Retev in Vanhoover.