The Definition of Insanity

by ThePopeMobile100

The Bare Necessities

Death. Death was not an unusual thing to Vaas. He saw it every day and reveled in it. It was his way of life. He killed those who opposed him. He killed those who disobeyed him. He killed those he just didn't like. He was dead now. Killed by the hands of Jason Brody.

How the FUCK was he not dead. Fuck, I had five different chances to kill him and I didn't take it.

The dark veil that surrounded his vision wasn't clearing. Was this hell? Was this his imagination? Was this reality? Vaas didn't know. The pain from his injuries didn't hurt anymore. All he felt was the cold, icy grasp of death. Death was supposed to be something that man feared, however Vaas was no ordinary man. He was motherfucking Vaas and that made a most arguments invalid. He didn't fear death.

The voices in his head didn't stop, his thoughts continued. Something that was strange. When you die, you are supposed to stop breathing and everything else that makes you alive. So why did he still think?

The void started to smelled similar to the jungle in the less inhabited part of the island. The sound of birds singing overhead and animals foraging in the underbrush filled his ears. Slowly, he started to feel his hands and feet waking back up. His mouth was dry and tasted of blood. His entire body ached as if he had done a lap around his island with wet boots. He started to breath again, the fresh air burning his lungs as they started to function again.

Slowly, he opened his eyes. The sun was blinding to him for a spell. Eventually, he was able to fully open his eyes. True enough, his other senses were right. He was in the middle of a different kind of jungle. The vegetation was thicker here and the sun had some difficulty reaching the ground.

Vaas tried to stand, but his legs were having trouble obeying him. Come on you lazy pieces of shit, make me stand up. With some difficulty, he managed to bring himself to his stomach. His arms, which were as sore as his legs, were assisting in the task of bringing himself to his knees. The process included a lot of swearing, empty promises of rewards, and threats of removal, but the task was done. He now stood at his respectable five foot eight inch height.

"Okay, I need some water."

Vaas went for his canteen and pulled it out. He undid the cap and found that it was empty when it had been full before. Now pissed off, he threw his canteen at the nearest tree as hard as he could.


He stewed in his rage for a few minutes before walking over and pick it back up. He was in an unknown environment and getting pissy wasn't the solution.

"Okay okay okay. I need to get water, food, and a place to sleep for now. Once that is over, I can figure out where the fuck I am."

He quickly checked his gear. It consisted of a 1911 with two extra full mags, a knife, a fragmentation grenade, a packet of coke, two lighters, an empty canteen, and the phone he took from Jason during his first night.

With his gear checked, his destination unknown, and his needs still needing to be attended to, Vaas set off into the forest.

Two hours later

The past few hours had been a complete waste of time. Vaas was unable to find any edible game or a stream of any kind. Shelter was the only thing he found in the form of a cave. Needless to say, the impatient man was extremely pissed off.

"Arrgh. You stupid fucking jungle. I am going to fucking BURN YOUR ASS TO THE FUCKING GROUND!"

In order to burn off some of his pent-up rage, he pulled out his pistol and fired three rounds blindly into the forest. Apparently he hit something because an animal cried out in pain.

"Huh, why didn't I do that before?"

He started out in search for the animal that he shot. It didn't take very long before he found a dead deer with a bullet hole big enough to fit his thumb in comfortably.

"It's about fucking time."

Vaas wasted no time in gutting the deer and stuffing it into his haversack. However, the repercussions of firing his gun lead other predators to his position.

He heard the sound of the brush behind him and pulled up his .45 once again. There was no way in hell that he was going to loose his meal to...a bunny? A small rabbit hopped out of the underbrush and sniffed the air.

"The fuck are you supposed to be?"

The rabbit glared at him as if to accuse him of something wrong.

Vaas was going to blast the rabbit for giving him that weird look, but there was more movement in the bushes. Vaas took this time to jump up into a low hanging tree and wait.

"Oh Angel, I was worried about you. You should know better than to go into the Everfree Forest by yourself."

Who the fuck is talking? What is this 'Everfree Forest' it is talking about? And what the fuck is a forest? Vaas tried to move to get a better view of what was talking, but to no avail.

"What is that smell? Why is that deer...o-oh my."

The person talking came into view. To Vaas's surprise, it was not a person, but a pony. A yellow pony the size of a Saint Bernard with a pink mane and...wings?

The fuck is that?

The pony-thing started to cry. It sputtered on and on about the dead deer. Vaas got tired of this pretty quick and did the most sensible thing to a man who based his life around being non-sensible. He dropped down from the tree and landed the six foot drop on his feet. Before the pony could react, he kicked it in the head, knocking it out. The rabbit tried to kick his boot, but it was doing nothing. Vaas was annoyed by this and kicked him away.

"Okay, I don't know what the fuck you are, but you look expensive. And I like expensive things. I think I'll keep you until I get a good price for you."

He finished gutting the deer and picked up the pony. And with that, he set on his journey back to his cave.