Mein Kampf

by Darkswirl


And you know the rest of the story, Captain Shining Armor.

You know the battles that happened, the cities that were destroyed, the countless bloodlines lost to our war...

I revealed the truth during the war- had copies made and distributed to every Equestrian town! -but the ponies treated it like demoralizing propaganda.

In the final battle, between my sister and I, she was crying.

Noble Thornguard was right: even tyrants have their soft spots.

But me? I was labeled a tyrant after my sister had won the war. I was banished within my moon to contemplate my actions while my sister conjured up a lie that would become a fairytale to explain why the war had even occurred in the first place.

After one thousand years, do you think I regretted my actions?

Partly, I do.

I regret causing so many ponies grief by taking away their husbands and fathers and brothers.

I regret razing the land so that my sister would not have any space for crops so that the army would be forced to defect in order to end the war faster.

But most of all?

I regret not noticing what she was doing sooner.

So, Captain Shining Armor, now that you know the truth behind my change and decisions, I trust you have decided upon the matter?

Will you put aside your hatred for Chrysalis for the sheer benefit of all of Equestria?

Captain Shining Armor. Will you fight alongside me, against Celestia?