Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Meeting the mane six

Well, seeing as I don't have much time, I'll only edit a few chapters a day.

Chapter 2

I landed in the middle of the town and glanced around. It looks different from the cartoon, everything is bigger and the town expands out more than the cartoon showed it. The town is painfully colorful, but I think I can get used to it.

Some ponies were looking at me weird and whispering to each other, must be the clothes. 

A small filly walked up and looked me over. "What's wrong with your coat mister?"

Before I could reply, a mare walked up and pushed the small filly away.

"I thought I told you not to speak to strangers, especially strange ponies."

I looked at the mare and filly as they walked away. What does she mean strange ponies? 

I started walking down the street towards a large tree that had been hollowed out and a building put in it.

I mean, come on, it's kinda obvious who owns that tree... house?

Once I reached the door, I raised a hoof and prepared to knock on the door. But before I could, the door opened to reveal a small purple dragon, who had its back to me and was yelling into the building.

"Okay, Twilight, I'll hurry." He turned back around to see me in front of him. The baby dragon did a double take and backed up a few feet. "Wow, I've never seen a pony like you before."

I looked at him in confusion, I thought I looked like any other pony, "What do you mean? I look like any other pony here."

He looked me over, "Well unless you're a zebra then no, you do not look like any pony I know."

"What?" I was still confused over what he was saying.

He looked like he was getting annoyed, "You have stripes like a zebra all over your body, but you're a Pegasus."

Stripes? I didn't see stripes when I looked myself over... the clothes. Damn it, those are more of a liability now!

 "Well.." Come on, think of an explanation, "Well, my mom was a Pegasus and my dad was a zebra, so I got the strips from my dad." That's actually pretty believable, good job Lance.

He seemed to consider what I said. "That's interesting, Twilight would love to know more about you. If I were you, I would turn and run now, or you'll be here for hours answering her questions, which will be boring for all of us but her."

I weighed my options, stayed and tried to become friends with her, or make it easy and run. Sure, it would be nice to be friends with one of the mane six, but I don't know. But, my mind was made up for me.

"Spike, are you talking to me?" A purple mare came down the stairs and looked at the door where I and Spike stood. She did a double take like Spike did upon seeing me. "Wow, who are you?"

I cleared my throat, which was unnecessary, "I am Girokon, I just arrived here in town a few minutes ago."

She came down the rest of the stairs and walked to the door, "Why do you have strips like a zebra all over your body? That's strange, and why are you wearing those clothes? They look depressing."

I chuckled at the last part. I think I should really ditch those clothes whenever I get the chance. "Well, like I told Spike, my dad was a zebra and my mom was a Pegasus. And for your second question, I am a retired guard. So I chose to wear those clothes."

She stepped aside and let me in. I walked past her and into the house, which was the town's library, obviously.

Twilight closed the door behind me. "A retired guard? Why did you retire?"

I turn towards her and shrug. "Well, I just didn't feel up to the job and decided to move here to this small town." Wait, can Royal Guards retire? If not, I've already screwed myself...

She shook her head up and down slowly and considered what I said. "How long were you a guard?"

"A few years, but I got bored and moved on."

"I see." She walked over to a couch and sat down, "Come and take a seat, I have more questions to ask."

I walked over and sat down on the couch with her. I thought it would be hard to sit as a pony, but it was actually easy to do, it felt normal.

"Okay, Girokon."

"Please, call me Giro," I interrupted her.

"Sorry, Giro. As I was about to say, can you tell me more about your appearance?"

I thought for a second for an answer. "Well, aside from the stripes and clothes, the goggles are for flight mostly. I'm sorry, but that's all I can think of to say." Damn my mind, why can't I think of anything else to say about myself? I knew I should have inspected myself more before coming to town.

"Well, you could explain your wings, I've never seen wings like that before."

My wings? I looked back at my wings and extended them a little. Then I noticed that my wings look different, they had a red thing going along the top part of them. Which is strange, how did I not notice that earlier?

"Are those from the Royal Guard or one of the branches?" she asked, trying to figure it out.

That sounds good, let's go with that. "Yes, I was able to keep them. If you knew what they are, why ask?"

She looked at my wings again. "Well, I had never seen them before, I just thought they were from the Royal Guard."

Damn, I thought she knew, this better not come back to haunt me. "Any other questions?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"I can't think of anything else to ask at this moment," she said, deep in thought.

Thank god, I thought she would keep asking questions. 

She looked over to Spike, who was still here. "Spike, can you go get the girls, I want them to meet Giroko- I mean Giro."

He jumped up. "Sure thing, Twilight," he said as he ran out the door.

Twilight looked back at me. "Do you have a place to stay, since you’re new in town."

I thought for a second, I haven't thought of that, "Uhhh, no. I don't know anypony here in town."

She shook her head as if she were in thought. "Well, once everypony else gets here, we can find you a place till you can get a place of your own."

"Thanks, Twilight." I looked around at all the books on the shelves. I like this place. I may have to come back here and see if she will let me borrow a few. 

Twilight noticed me looking at her books and smiled. "Would you like to borrow a few books, Giro?"

I looked at her, could she read my mind or something? "Uh, yes I would, thank you again."

She smiled, clearly happy that she had found someone else who enjoyed books. She jumped off the couch and went to one of the shelves. "What kind of books do you like?"

I don't think they have all the books I like, but maybe, "Do you have any books on flying, science, magic, and history?"

She looked overjoyed, "I have all of those and many many more."

She started pulling books off the shelves and laying them in front of me.

I looked down at the books she was placing in front of me; The book of Equestria Science, Flying and You, History and Uses of Magic, A Complete History of Equestria.

She walked over and sat back down. "You can borrow all those for as long as you want, and feel free to look through the rest of them."

I looked over the books again, "Thanks, Twilight, I can't wait to read them."

Twilight looked down at my flank. "Wait, do you have a saddlebag to carry those?"

 "No, I don't have one. I never bought one."

She stood up and walked out of the room. She returned holding a saddlebag in the air with her magic. "Here, you can have my spare one. I have no need for it." She placed it in front of me.

Yeah, you don't need it now. But what happens when you break your other one? What will you do then, Ms. Sparkle?

"Thanks," I stood and looked around, "This whole place is yours?"

She nodded and stood up also. "Yep, I moved here a while back when..."

Before she could finish, the door opened and five mares and Spike walked in.

Rainbow Dash looked at me. "Hey, you're that Pegasus who was impressed by me." She smiled proudly.

Applejack looked me over. "What are yah suppose ta be? Ah've never seen a pony like ya before."

Pinkie Pie appeared before me and began to bounce around me, "Oh oh, I know what he is! He's a zebrasus, a pony and zebra! Oh, we need to have a party, just for him! Should the party be in stripes or normal?! Oh I know, striped with normal. Oh oh, I need to start getting it set up!" she said at an impossible speed. Then, before anyone could say anything, she dashed out of the building.

Rarity watched Pinkie Pie leave then turned to me. "I do say, he is quiet the sight, and his clothes. They are, how do I say this, depressing."

Fluttershy remained silent.

I looked at them all. "Well, to start off, my name is Girokon, but please call me Giro. As for why I have stripes..."

Twilight Interrupted me, "His mom was a pegasus and his dad was a zebra. He is a retired royal guard, and he chooses to wear those clothes, maybe because he wore them in the guard."

I was happy she explained it to me, because I was getting tired of explaining it to everyone.

Rarity looked at my goggles. "Why does he wear those goggles? I mean he can take them off since we're inside."

"Oh, they're just to keep the wind out of my eyes when I fly." 

I reached up to take them off, but once I pulled them down, everyone in the room jumped back and gasped, Fluttershy screamed slightly and hid behind her mane.

I looked at them, what is going on here, "What is it? Did I do something?"

Twilight looked at me, "Your eyes, they're..." She levitated a mirror to my face.

I almost jumped back at the sight of my eyes, they were red and had the pupil of a crocodile with lines going out all around it. Wow, I look scary, but awesome.

"What's wrong with them, they look weird but also cool," Rainbow Dash said, still looking at my eyes.

Come on Lance, think. "My eye's? Nopony knows, but doctors say it came from my dad. I don't know how though. That's the main reason I wear those goggles." Wait... did I just change what I said before? I hope no one noticed...

Twilight pondered this, "I can fix them if you would like."

I thought about it, but decided against it, "No, it's okay. I kinda like them, in a way."

Fluttershy looked out behind her mane. "I've only seen those kinds of eyes on crocodiles.. But yours look different from those," she said in a small voice.

I put the goggles back on my face and looked at them. "I know they're scary, I'll leave the goggles on if you all want me too."

Rainbow Dash moved forward, "Leave them off, those eyes are awesome, I wouldn't mind having eyes like that."

"I'll leave them on, I don't want to scare other ponies."

Applejack turned, "Well, ah need to get back to mah farm, Big Mac musta already bucked half the trees by now."

Twilight's head snapped up, like she just remembered something. "I almost forgot, Giro needs a place to stay. Does anypony know a place for him?" 

Applejack stopped at the door, "We have a spare room at the farm, he can stay there."

Twilight nodded. "Yeah, that would work. What do you say, Giro?"

I thought about the idea of sleeping at the farm. I have had experiences with farms before thanks to my grandfather, who owned a farm. When I stayed there, my cousins... uhh, forget that thought. "Uhh, sorry but no, I've had a bad experience with farms in my past. But thanks for the offer."

Twilight tapped her chin for a second. "Well, if you don't want to stay at Applejack's farm, you can stay here. I have a spare room next to mine." 

Hmmm, stay at a library and have all the books to read, or go somewhere else. Well, since I already know Twilight more than the others, might as well. "Okay, I'll stay here I guess."

Twilight smiled, "Great, I'll show you to your room later."

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was inching her way to the door that Applejack had left open when she left. 

I looked at her and almost laughed, "Where are you going, Fluttershy?"

She jumped, "Oh, I.. uhhh.. I need to..ummm." But instead of fully answering, she galloped out the door.

"What's with her?" I asked everyone.

Rainbow Dash walked up next to me, "Oh, she is probably still scared of your eyes," she snickered, "But I think your eyes are cool. You should come hang out at my place sometime."

That could be fun, I could learn more about her than the show presents. "I may."

Rarity walked up and looked me over again, "You should think about changing your appearance, or not wear anything. Because those clothes darling, don't go with your coat."

I looked back at my clothes and laughed, "I see what you're saying. I'll think about it."

Rainbow Dash looked me over, "Come on Rarity. I think he looks pretty cool in them." She then slugged me in the shoulder and flew for the door.

Rarity Started moving towards the door, "I almost forgot. I have to get back and fill out the rest of the orders for the day."

After everyone left, Twilight looked at me, "Would you like to see your room, Giro?"

I looked over at her. "Sure, just lead the way."

She led me up the stairs and to two doors, side by side. 

"The one on the right is my room and the room on the left is yours. Feel free to check out your room."

I walked to the door on the left and opened it. I'm still surprised at how easy it is to use my hooves to do things.

Once I stepped into the room, I took everything in. There was a two person or two pony bed in the corner, a desk, and a bookshelf. The room was small but big enough for me to move around easily.

Twilight walked in behind me. "So, what do you think?"

I looked back at her. "I like it, thanks." I walked out past her, "I'm going to get those books you showed me."

"Okay, you'll have time to read one. The party won't be for at least a few hours."

I walked downstairs and put the books in the saddlebag she gave me and put it on. It felt like wearing a backpack, but on your ass.

When I walked back up to my room, Twilight was still there. 

I looked at her, "Thanks again for the help, Twilight."

She turned her head away from me, which I don't know why she did. "Oh, it was nothing. I'll leave and let you get settled in."

"Okay, just come get me when it's time to go to the party."

She left the room slowly and closed the door behind her.

I put the saddlebag on the desk and pulled out one of the books, Flying and you. I figure I should start learning about flying since I'm a Pegasus. I laid back on the bed and held the book in front of me. Which came naturally.

Now... to just figure out how to turn the page...