Tales of Lyra and BonBon

by Polar Muffins

The Human Hunt

The Human Hunt

By Polar Muffins

Lyra looked at me. There was so much pain on her face. “I’ll do just that! But, I will never, never give up!”
“I-” I began, but she cut me off.
“No. Don’t.” and Lyra ran off.
I felt a drop of rain on my nose. I looked up and it was starting to pore. I was getting soaked. So I started walking home. Not bothering to run so I could have some time to think to myself.
What went wrong to make this happen?
I’m going to start with this morning.


“Bonnie. Oh Bonnie.” It was Lyra trying to wake me up with the insufferable pet name she gave me.
“Lyra! Stop it.” I rolled over to face her and opened my eyes.
“Oh, BonBon! I was just playing!” She bopped my nose and said “Boop!”
“Lyra!” I smiled. She always did this when she woke up before me in the morning. I chased after her. We ran all around our bedroom, until we got tired and we plopped laying on our backs onto our bed. We caught our breath. Lyra turned towards me and asked “Breakfast?”
“Sure. I’ll make it.” I answered. I got up.
“I know how much of good cook you are BonBon.” Lyra said as we walked out the door towards the kitchen.
When we had gotten to the kitchen Lyra sat down on her “human” chair and I had gone to the closet to get my chefs hat and apron. I tied on my apron. Placed the chefs hat on my head and asked Lyra “What would you like for breakfast?” But before Lyra could answer there was a knock on the door.
Lyra got up on her hind legs and started walking, as she had practiced for two years, to open the door. She used her magic to twist the doorknob and to open the door. Outside was Derpy with the mail.
I trotted towards the door and said “Hello Derpy! What have you got for us today?”
Derpy looked blankly at me then suddenly looked as if she remembered something. “Oh! Uh.. it’s more of a telegram for Lyra.”
“Really?” Lyra looked really happy.
“Uh... yeah it’s:
Dear Lyra,
Come to the bakery, there has been a sighting.
-The human club
That’s it.” Derpy said.
Lyra got on all fours, pushed derpy aside and ran out the door. I apologized to Derpy and helped her up, locked the door and ran after her.
When I reached her at the bakery, I was huffing and puffing. “I gotta lay of those BonBons for a while.” I said
“Ya, ya. Let’s go inside!” She said. She then stood up on her hind legs and we both walked into the bakery.
Inside of the bakery was Pinkie Pie at the counter. “What can I do for you?” She asked.
Lyra walked up to her and whispered in her ear, then Pinkie pointed to a group of ponies huddled together at a table. Lyra started walking up to them, I followed, but Lyra held a hoof out to stop me. “It’s secret stuff BonBon,” she said to me “I need to go alone.” With that she left me behind and went over to the table. A colt looked at her. I couldn’t tell his features because he was wearing something Lyra told me once, that it was called “pants” and I knew, for a fact, that he wore what a lot of Juveniles wore these days, a hoodie. These pieces of clothing covered him so I could not tell who he was but his tail stuck out of the “pants” so I knew he had a sky blue shiny tail. Reminded me of the Oh so “handsome” Fancy Pants Rarity always talked about when I went to try on a dress I asked for. She gave me a lot of details about his “Beautiful crinière” and “Majestic queue”, hell if I knew what she meant until I googled it. Why Rarity likes french so much, I will never know.
Anyway, after 30 minutes of waiting for Lyra I went over to Pinkie Pie’s counter and bought a milk shake. Then I went over to a table and sat down slowly drinking my milkshake, waiting and watching for Lyra to come.
An hour later she came towards my table and I was already eating lunch, hay fries and a Daisy sandwich. She sat down on the chair opposite me, took one of my hay fries, chewed and swallowed. “What took you so long?” I asked her.
“Oh, meetings always take this long.”
“But, I thought they were just going to tell you something.”
“If they were ‘just’ going to tell me something I would’ve let you join me to hear. It was a meeting that was rescheduled. That’s all.”
“Fine. So what was the telegram about?”
She looked left and right and moved her head closer to mine. I moved as well. “A human has been spotted.” She whispered.
“So, we are going on an expedition to find it!”
I lifted my head up. “Well, ok.”
“Great!” She got up. “We start immediately!” She went to walk out the door. I followed.


It was dark and I was tired. We had searched for the “human” to no avail. I really wanted to go home and fall asleep. Lyra was sneaking around, acting like a spy. She had been doing this the whole time, and I was getting annoyed. “Lyra, can we go home?” I asked.
“Not until, we’ve found the human.”
“But I’m Hungry and tired!”
She stopped and looked at me. She raised a hoof. “Even so, the search must go on!”
“Well, you can search. I’m going home.” Lyra lowered her hoof.
“But, but,” she stammered “I want you to help me.”
At this point I was beyond tired. I was angry. “Lyra! Humans don’t exist! Humans will never exist! You’re stupid and childish for thinking they do! We have searched for half of the day! I am sick and tired of your fairytales! Let’s go home and never do this again!”
Lyra looked at me. There was so much pain on her face. “I’ll do just that! But, I will never, never give up!”
“I-” I began, but she cut me off.
“No. Don’t.” and Lyra ran off.
I felt a drop of rain on my nose. I looked up and it was starting to pore. I was getting soaked. I started walking home. Not bothering to run so I could have some time to think to myself.

Is that why she’s so mad at me? I asked myself.
I was two doors from my house. It was starting to stop raining, a bit. I stopped. I need to tell Lyra I’m sorry. It’s all my fault, not hers! I started running. I reached the house. The door was open. I opened it and raced inside not bothering to close the door. There was crying coming out of the bathroom. I raced towards the door. I knocked. No answer. I pushed the door. It was open. I opened it and there on the purple and green bath rug was Lyra holding a knife in the air with her magic, her right hoof outstretched poised to slice. “Lyra!” I yelled. Lyra looked at me. Her eyes were read and there were tears streaming down her face. Her magic wavered and the knife dropped to the floor. She ran up to me and started hugging me. She was babbling through her tears about how sorry she was, and how she thought if she cut herself all the pain would flow away with the blood. “No. Sh, Lyra. It’s alright. Bonnie’s here.”
“Bonnie. When I came home after our fight. I didn’t want to live.”
“No Lyra. Hush. It’s my fault.” I began petting her. “I shouldn’t have overreacted. I was tired. How ‘bout we eat a little something and then go straight to sleep?”
“Alright.” She sniffed.
We headed to the kitchen. Lyra sat down on her human chair and I started making toast. “So, Lyra. Who was the colt in the hoodie?” I asked as I handed her some apple cider.
“Oh, that’s Fancy Pants. He’s from the Canterlot Human Club.” She replied.
“You don’t say?” The toast was ready and I started spreading butter and Jelly on my toast. I held it up so Lyra could see. “Same for you?”
“Yes please.” I began spreading hers.
For the rest of Dinner we ate in silence. We then got up from the table, and headed to bed. I lifted the blankets and got in. Lyra did the same. “Bonnie?” She asked as she snuggled up close to me.
“Yes Lyra?”
She yawned. “I’m glad you’re my Girlfriend. I love you.” She fell asleep.
“I love you too.” I whispered and with that I drifted off to sleep.