If I Could Rearrange The Alphabet...

by overlord-flinx

Chapter Three (Octavia's POV): As Perplexing As it Is...

Six years. Within a simple six years, so many things could very well occur. Example: it took six years for 'Rainbow Dash' to become an established alternate for the Wonderbolts. It took renowned magic prodigy Twilight Sparkle six years to be accepted into the Academy of Star Swirl. Now, I could very well list more and more examples and draw up many different statistics that would inevitably draw to the forgone conclusion that I have started this thought on: within a certain six years I have accomplished nothing.

Do not think, however, that this means I lack education or proper degrees. Quell any such ideas. I possess linguistic skills vastly outstretching that of anyone my age; I also have earned three degrees from the Royal Canterlot Academy -juris, Philosophiae, music. Meeting any credentials set by any system is -and never will be- outside my grasp. But in lies the problem.


Why can I not hold a credible job and provide myself an adequate income. An income -mind you- that if I could hold, I could use to leave this two bedroom apartment. However... There... That one sentence is where it all falls apart. A two bedroom apartment. An apartment able to hold two residents. It is that factor that prevents me from succeeding in my economic goals. A factor with blue hair, loud music, lewd tendencies, horrible manners, tight clothes -or beyond loose clothes-, poor hygiene, a cocky smile, red eyes---

You are able to draw my point, I am sure.

Yes, I live with Vinyl Scratch -as she likes to be referred to. A woman that I have lived with for six years over the course of three different homes until settling on this -albeit quaint- apartment.

Alright... I will conclude my tirade.

...Forgive me, I have yet to introduce myself. I am Octavia. I currently work several music related jobs through the country. On weeknights -every other week- I work at 'Le Noir D'hiver Café' with my orchestra and provide ambiance. It's nothing prestigious there, but it is doing something I enjoy in somewhere that resembles some level of class. On my off weeks, I offer my musical abilities for any sort of celebration that could require it. On a rare occasion I and my orchestra are invited to perform for the royalty once a month. Those are the nights I adore most of all.

It is my dream to gain the title of Royal Cellist of Canterlot. This does not mean I haven't gathered some titles in my young life so far that are of note. Example: Cellist -a simple one-; Violinist -simple, once more-; Pianist -yet another simple one-; Flautist -that means I play a flute-; Assistant Manager; Valedictorian... I could list more, but my ego is not that enlarged. However, I would like to share a title I do care about -I admit- more than all of those individually... The strange thing is, the title can be called different things yet the ends will always be the same.

Even still, there is one way I am partial to being addressed by as: girlfriend. It is a more simple title in statement, but the gravitas behind it brings it to a much greater complexity. Vinyl Scratch, in so many ways she's my polarized equal and a dreadful catalyst to so many of my underlining irritations. As I have stated, she's lewd, crude, undignified, and a hassle on so many levels that very few could deal with such a being.

And yet...

Vinyl... is different. She is... a problem. A problem I can't solve. Why is this? Simple: because the problem keeps changing. One could place me to the equivalent of a slider puzzle; difficult at times, but once you understand the final picture, it can be solved. Vinyl is not a slider puzzle. She is a rubik's cube... A rubik's cube that has two of the corner pieces with switched stickers. It's unsolvable unless you remove the stickers and place them proper. But that's exactly what she wants... For you to go to her level and play unfairly. The whole time you believe you are changing her, when in reality you are stuck in her game...

...And there is nothing I find more attractive. But it is not just the complexity of that, it's how persistent and optimistic she always is and has been. To the point that she followed, bothered, and forced time with me for four years before I agreed to a date with her in exchange that she would leave me alone after that date. That was my greatest mistake and greatest success. On that date I fell into her game, entranced and marveled at this enigma of a person.

But it's not only that either. I needn't tell you how alluring she is; though it is an alluring that does not come from makeup, fitness, or anything of that sort... It is alluring that you are unable to control; one that through your genetic structure, you were gifted with it... There is so very little about her that one could call 'sexy' or 'hot' by the common belief. It is difficult to put into exact words... Physically, she is mild fairly. But it's her own air she carries and vocal tone that pushes her into... Well... Beauty.

So, yes; Vinyl is a vexing, troublesome creature that irritates me to no end. However, as perplexing as the idea is, I love her...

... Actually that's a lie...

...There is in no way any single thought of that perplexing...

I am sure, however, that you think otherwise. That as opposites we are only bound together for that lone idea; that we are opposites. Perhaps that's true... But perhaps it's that I understand a world of her that nobody else knows. Perhaps I know that despite her crude, laid-back nature... There is a beautiful melody only I am privileged to hear...

...Would you like to hear a small anecdote?

Very well.

It was not too long ago; a year or so I believe. The exacts of the day escape me, but the specifics of that moment are something I cannot forget. It was a late evening, my work at the cafe had concluded with a bitter note... In many different ways. The most prominent being that the violin I had been using that night let out a sour note during my solo of the performance. Humiliation does not even begin to express how I felt that evening. After I changed into my night attire, I dropped my tired form onto the living room armchair; my armchair, Vinyl has her chair and I have mine. I had been so dreary, I failed to notice that Vinyl went into my room and stole my violin. By the time I noticed, she was standing before me in near nothing at all... Shameless as always I remembered thinking.

Regardless. I moved to protest her from doing anything, but my ears told me to stop... A sound I have never heard myself filled me. Heart, mind, soul, every fiber of me felt strange. I found myself falling back against the chair and looking at Vinyl with the most amazed expression I have ever known myself to show. I could not even fathom what I was hearing... Vinyl Scratch, DJ PON-3... Was playing my violin...

That pure, un-explainable moment of bliss I had hearing that. She offered not a word to me before, during, or after. She only played, left me, and went to bed... And I am not ashamed to say that I followed her to bed soon after...

She is... different, yes. I have said that... But she is a different that I am beyond interested to explore and see where it leads. And if it continues to go how I have seen... I may very well desire nothing more in my life then Vinyl Scratch.