Mein Kampf

by Darkswirl

Marsch durch den Schnee (teil zwei)

We tromped on in relative silence, the only sound being the soft crunching of snow underneath hooves.

By now, Stonehill had come into full view- and we could all tell that something was dreadfully wrong here.

Banners flew loosely in the wind, clinging desperately to their poles in order to keep from flying away and being lost in the frozen north while doors lay ajar or off their hinges. Personal belongings, along with common goods to be sold by street vendors, lay scattered about the street. Carts were overturned and a few weapons were to be found deep in the snow, covered in rust.

"Lieutenant!" I ordered firmly, my voice carrying my request throughout the entire deserted town. I heard the somewhat comforting sound of quickly approaching hoofsteps.

"Yes, milady?"

"What hath transpired here? We hath had contact with Stonehill recently- less than a week ago, in fact! Explain to us how the entire desertion of a town is possible without foul play."

Skyward Sword followed my gaze as I continued to scan the town square for any signs of movement. Guards were idly picking through what lay in the streets, either out of curiosity or boredom, but we were the only life to be found.

And my fears of foul play proved correct when a shout from a guard below us called my attention to the town hall.

"Milady!" He cried, waving his hoof frantically until I landed in the snow before him, peering inside through the open doorway.

Like the other doors, this one had been forced inwards from the outside. Unlike the other doors, however, this one was adorned with scratch marks that seemed to have come from hundreds of scrabbling hooves and even a few horns. Something was dreadfully ominous about the whole situation and, as I stepped through the doorway, I was met with a horrifying sight: Scattered throughout the main floor of the town hall lay skeletons. Skeletons of ponies, both Unicorns and Pegasi and Earth Pony alike. Their bones were twisted and malformed, as if something had morphed them.

I felt my fury rise to the point that I started to levitate myself, but something broke my concentration: A little droplet of some foul smelling liquid. My head turned upwards in confusion as I landed on the floor and I found myself staring up at the ceiling, where hundreds of cocoons hung- all broken from the inside, out.

My eyes returned to the deformed skeletons, who I now realized lay on their sides on makeshift bedding- as if they had escaped their prison and attempted to rest before fleeing further. But if these cocoons were meant to change ponies into something, as the deformed skeletons suggested...What was it? And why were there so many cocoons, but so little skeletons? Where had the others gone?

"Lieutenant!" I called again, waiting for him to trot into the room.

"Yes, Princess?" he asked with a slight worry.

"Lead us to the nearest town. Stonehill is gone, and our sister must be notified of their undoing- whatever that may hath been."

"I understand, milady. Platoon! Form up, we art leaving!" Skyward Sword shouted before giving the order. His troops marched along with a purpose as I followed a few steps behind them, casting a wary, sad glance back at Stonehill.

I swear I saw something look back.

Skyward Sword's cutie mark rubbed against mine as we sat together inside the cold cave.

It was purely for warmth, I assure you, as the measly fire was doing little to warm everypony.

It was time for night, and I had raised the moon- albeit a bit reluctantly, as it would only further the advancing cold that fell outside- before stepping back inside.

Most of the Guard was asleep already, with two standing guard at the entrance, one tending to the fire, and Skyward Sword shifting in his armor with a concerned, confused look on his face.

"Lieutenant? Doth something bother thee?"

"Nay, Princess...I am fine." he replied, incredibly unconvincingly.

"Skyward, if something bothers thee-"

"I am fine, Princess." he interrupted firmly, surprising me quite a bit.

But, I did not snap on him as I would have any other pony. He was a soldier and, even if he wore gold rather than onyx, if war came he would have been under my command.

I always treat my soldiers well.

However, I was incredibly curious, and almost tempted to cast a little scrying spell on his mind. But, that would have been a gross invasion of his privacy, and I was far above that.

Instead, I watched silently as the Pegasus gave a small, sad sigh before curling up into a ball and falling asleep.

Although my domain was night, I could not let these brave ponies change their schedule around my sleeping habits if there truly was a threat against Equestria.

Despite this, I did not sleep that night...

Hello, Princess Lunarias...

"Excuse us? Who art thou? Show thyself!" I commanded in response to the bodiless voice.

I was stuck in my own dreamscape, listening to an unknown voice..

What's wrong, Princess? Unhappy to speak with someone who understands your doubts?

"What doubts? Present thyself, creature- less we flush thee out and do with thee as we please!"

A soft chuckle filled my head, only causing me to grow more furious with the uninvited guest.

Everypony has doubts, Lunarias...Doubts as to whether or not their parents love them, whether or not a dress looks good on them...Whether or not their sister is sending them on a wild goose chase for a group of ponies that don't even exist, perhaps?

"We will not repeat ourselves! Show us thy face, or face our wrath!" I commanded, my voice booming within my own head as my dreamscape avatar began glowing.

Before me, the shadows of my mind parted to reveal a creature from that of a near horror story.

A seaweed-like mane lat slightly curled, hanging down from the side of the creature's head as a jagged horn protruded from it's forehead. A quick look to it's back confirmed my suspicions of an Alicorn, and to my horror it's legs were riddled with numerous holes.

Was this how I saw myself, in my worst form?

"Greetings, Princess Lunarias; Daughter of the Night." the creature before me said respectfully, bowing slightly. "I am Queen Chrysalis, ruler of an ancient race and current leader of the order you pursue."

"You are the one threatening to overthrow our peaceful kingdom?"

"Indeed, I am. Your sister has sent you to apprehend me as a test of loyalty for what she has planned in the days, coming."

"Loyalty? Our sister knows we are loyal to Equestria!"

The creature tilted her head to the side slightly, searching my face for something. "You don't know, do you?"

"We are the owner of a great many knowledgeable subjects." I said in defense, causing the being to let out a slight chuckle.

"Fear not, Princess Lunarias...Everything will be revealed to you shortly, and when it does, you must choose who your loyalties lie. To your sister, or Equestria..." the being said solemnly as she began to back away form me, the shadows of my mind enveloping her once more until I could not feel its presence any longer.

And then, I awoke.

Gasping from my dream, I sat up hurriedly and scanned the surrounding room.

Guards still lay in a heap on the floor where they had fallen asleep, with Lieutenant Skyward Sword still snoring peacefully beside me.

The fire had long since died down, and the soldier tending to it had fallen asleep beside it's warm embers.

Nothing was out of place, and nothing was wrong.

So tell me, why did I still feel the need to dread the coming days? Why was I so suddenly afraid of what was to come, from the simple words of merely my imagination?

'Queen Chrysalis'? I laughed inwardly at the name. With such a random slur of syllables and sounds, the name couldn't possibly exist- easing my doubts for a while that it was simply my mind torturing myself.

Cracking my neck to the side as I stood up, I noticed several guards begin to stir as well.

It was time to leave for Stalliongrad once more.

"Princess?" Skyward Sword's voice came, pulling me from my thoughts as we trotted with a purpose through the snow, the satisfying crunching of it as we stepped down playing in my head.

"Speak, Lieutenant."

"Art thou alright? Thou seems...A bit depressed, if I ma say so..."

"We are fine, Lieutenant." I said simply, not averting my gaze from my freezing hooves.

While Skyward Sword and his platoon's attention were focused on the path before them, my attention was elsewhere, to much darker subjects...

In my mind, I was searching through every memory and snippet of information I had ever acquired, trying to recal my feelings on each and every one.

What had I said to myself about doubt? What did I doubt from my sister?

I could not find anything in the short time available; I had trusted my elder sister with my life on more than one occasion and she had not let me down.

Perhaps I was feeling a bit abandoned because Celestia let me go on this quest so easily? Usually, I had to beg her for days on end before she would even consider agreeing.

Shaking my head clear of the matter, my focus returned to the looming towers in the distance.

Stalliongrad was within the day.