Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

New life (Updated)

If you do not have it in you to make it past Part 1, it is recommended skipping to the start of Part 3. The story improves there immensely and will make part 1 more bearable if you ever wanted to go back and read it.

(EDIT: 2022) if you are just arriving here because of the new updates, I must warn you: the first 140 or so chapters were published back in early 2012. So as stated later, grammar leaves a lot to be desired. Also this has some very offensive content sprinkled throughout, because the early chapters were written by a teenager. This story is pure 2012 cringe, but part 3 and onward is brutal and fun. Good luck.)

Here is a link to an ongoing Let's Read of this story. It's better than the story itself, trust me.

Here is an animation of the first two chapters. Well worth a watch.

And here is a trailer made in 2012 for this story:
Living the Dream - Official trailer

Chapter 1

   "Do you think it will happen?" asked Jan.

   "I have no idea, probably not," I said with a small grin.

   It was around 11:59 pm December 20, 2012. The day the world was supposed to end.

   "Yeah, don't worry guys, it's not going to happen," I said with a laugh.

   James looked at me. "Dude, it will happen. We are a few seconds away from the end of the world."

   I laughed again. "Lets just watch the clock. Once it's 12:01, I'm going to bed and leaving you guys here."

   "Well, we are about to find out. Almost 30 seconds left!" Jan said excitedly. 

   I laughed at her. "Why are you so excited about this?"

   She twisted around to face me and glared. "The world is going to end. And when it does, I want to be the first one to rub it in your face."

   I stood up and looked at the clock. "Looks like about ten seconds. You guys are about to find out how stupid you are."

   "Shut up, Lance. You should wait till it happens," James said with a little anger in his voice.

   "I'm going to laugh my ass off once it passes twelve."
   I grinned and looked at the clock. Three seconds left. I couldn't control myself, so I started to laugh. But stopped long enough to see the second hand pass twelve.

   I closed my eyes and fell back laughing. "I told you guys, it wasn't going to happen!"

   I open my eyes to see nothing but whiteness all around me. I jumped up to my feet.

   "What the? Hey guys, are you here?" I yelled in confusion.

   Then, out of nowhere, a booming voice answered me. "Silence, young one. You have survived the rapture, and now have a chance to live again."

   I blinked in confusion, still in shock at the sudden change of events. "Wait, so it was real? The world ended, and I survived it?"

   "Yes. You lived a wonderful life, thus earning you a reward."

   I looked around, looking for the source of the voice. I couldn't see where the voice was coming from. Then what it said hit me.

   "Wait, what do you mean I have earned a reward?" I asked with a confused look on my face.

   "You have three choices, you can go straight to heaven or straight to hell."

   "I can choose where I go? That's kinda surprising..." I murmured under my breath. "So, what's the third choice?" I questioned.

   "With the third choice, you get to choose a world to live in. It can be the world of your dreams."

   A world of my choosing? I can choose?

  Huh... where should I go? Does any world mean like the real world, or a made up world? If it means I can go anywhere, then maybe...

   "Can you send me to Equestria, as a pegasus?" I questioned in a unsure tone.

   "Yes, I know what world you mean. A world that you and so many people have enjoyed watching."

   My eyes widened at the answer I received. I was not expecting it to be a yes. "So can I really go there?"

   "Yes, you will appear there at your current age of seventeen. You'll also appear there in your current clothes. No one will know you, and you will live there till you die again."

   "Will I still have my current memory?" I asked, a touch of excitement in my voice.

   "Yes, you will keep your current memory. Now close your eyes, and when you open them. You will be in Equestria."

   I close my eyes. A small feeling of nausea washed over as I slowly opened my eyes.

   I looked down at my hands, only to see hooves and something like armbands on them, my fur was a light blue, cyan maybe? My tail was black with a red thick streak in it, so that means my mane is also black with a red streak.  

   I looked at my wings and stretched them out, surprised that I could do that without thinking about it. I then looked back at my flank, but it was covered by a black small cape like coat and a tight suit under it. 

   I then looked back at my wings and smiled to myself, I wonder how easy it is to fly.

   After a few failed attempts, I began to flap my wings slowly, gradually getting faster. I lifted up a few feet.

   "Nice, let's see what I can do." I flapped my wings hard and went straight up into the sky.

   Well, that was easier than I expected. 

   I looked down into the forest below. I wonder if that's the Everfree forest. I scanned the landscape before me, looking for any buildings or towns. 

   To the north is a town, that must be Ponyville, past that is a farm, which should be Sweet Apple Acres.

   "Umm, looks different in the show. Well I guess I could head towards Ponyville, or I could stay here and talk to myself."

   I hover in place for a few seconds, looking at the area around me.

   I descended slowly to the ground and took a few steps, amazed at how it feels so natural to walk on all fours. 

   Wait, I can't just walk up to a pony and say 'I'm Lance'. I'll need a pony name... but what? Well, I could use my neighbor's dog's name...

   Screw it, I'll just go with Girokon. It has a nice ring to it.

   Now that I have a name, I think I'm ready to check out Ponyville. I hope.

  I jumped up and flapped my wings again, almost falling back to the ground. After I was in the air, I began to fly forward.

  After flying for a few minutes, I stopped when I saw a small blur of color far ahead of me in the clouds. 

  A blur of color? I think I know what that was.

   I smiled to myself and took off towards the pony, already knowing who it was. 

   Once I was where I had seen the pony, there was nothing around except for clouds. Then I looked up and saw a colorful tail hanging off of a cloud.

   There she is, now just to make it look like I was just flying by. I flew back a little and flew upwards, towards the cloud with the pony on it.

   Once I was close, I went just a few feet above the cloud. I looked down and saw her laying there, probably either asleep or relaxing. 

   I stopped and said, "Hey, are you that pony who is the best flier in all of Equestria?" There, hopefully she'll take the bait and talk to me... I sound like a nerd, but who cares?

   She opened her eyes and looked up, and grinned, "Yes I am, you are looking at the fastest and bravest pony in Equestria."

   I landed on the cloud, "So I heard right. You can also perform a sonic rainboom right?"

   "Yep, that's right, I'm the only one who can do it."

   "I can tell," I say, almost a little bored.

   She looked me over. "Nice clothes, what are you supposed to be?"

  I thought for a second before coming up with an idea, "Oh, those clothes? I'm just a retired guard is all."

  She looked unimpressed. "I know too many retired guards, you're nothing special, I'm heading up to my house. Don't follow."

   I tried to hide my disappointment, there goes my chance at impressing Dash. "Well okay, nice meeting you then I guess."

  And with a heavy sigh, I jumped off the cloud backwards and twisted in mid-air and flew towards the small town.