PLR Pony Liberation and Resistance

by Caesar2013

PLR Vivtory Ending

Time for the final ending. The PLR victory. Hasbro owns MLP:FIM not me. If I did, season 3 would be here by now.

Warning this ending is graphic.

"For your crimes against the common pony" Commissar Leon Trodsky said reading the death warrants of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. "You are hereby sentenced... to death." The PLR ponies grabbed the now bound in chains Celestia and Luna Luna, and led them to the gallows. Their wings and horns had been clipped and sawed-off, thus preventing escape and potential resistance. Wrapping the rope around their necks, Princess Celestia began pleading for their lives. "Please... this... isn't right. We only thought of your best interest-" The annoyed executioner was tired of hearing Celestia cries for redemption, and shoved a clothe into the regal pony's mouth, gagging her. Tears were rolling down the eyes of the Twilight Sparkle (whom was spared by Ground Rider for more sadistic purposes) , was were... cruelly made "Guests of Honor." In other words, they were forced to watch.

"Three... two... one... NOW!" With that, the two regal ponies fell through the floor. The rope, wrapped tightly around their necks, stopped their falls. The force of the fall, wasn't enough to break their necks. They had a slow... agonizing death of asphyxia (strangulation).

After the completion of the royal sister's execution, a vast majority of Canterlot's nobility was lined alongside a wall.

"And for your crimes against the common pony." Commissar Trodsky said on the microphone. "You too have been sentenced to death." Regardless of the crowd's pleas for mercy. They too were mercilessly shot down. Prince Blueblood himself was executed by Bucephalus. Who always saw Prince Blueblood as the very embodiment of everything he hated. "Good riddance, imperialist pig!" Bucephalus says after shooting down Blueblood.

After the executions were complete, a parade was established through Canterlot. With Bucephalus, Big Mac, and Ground Rider, all sitting down watching the parade from inside the palace.

"See comrades." Bucephalus points out towards the parade. "See how these ponies have rejected their old oppressors for their liberators. I will make sure that we all are well taken care of. Isn't that right comrade Ground Rider?"

Making his psychotic smile, Ground Rider simply responds "Of course... comrade." Bucephalus was in a great mood. Though his granddaughter had been killed, his life long goal... his father's goal, to finally establish a society of equals. "Comrades!" Bucephalus says to the other ponies. "It is time to celebrate!"

At that moment, Ground Rider came in with a jug of Apple Cider. "Cider?" Bucephalus asks. "Why not? Today is a good day for refreshing apple cider." Bucephalus take a cup and pours himself a cup of cider. Taking a sip, Bucephalus makes a smile. "Ah this is excellent cider, Ground Rider. Mmmm this is marvelous."

Ground Rider made an almost maniacal laugh, as Bucephalus told him that. "I made it... just for you."

Bucephalus eyes went wide, as he drop the glass of cider, shattering the glass as it hit the floor. Bucephalus began to feel light headed and sick to his stomach.

"Arrggh" the old stallion clenched his stomach in pain. Through the pain, Bucephalus tries to talk. "Ground Rider... Blarrgh" Bucephalus vomits a mixture of blood and vomit onto the floor, and collapses the table as he falls on top of it.

Big Mac jumps in panic as he sees the gigantic pony, collapsing in pain. All the while watching Ground Rider laugh as his boss suffers from the poison.

"Poison? Ground Rider?! You … you bastard!" Bucephalus yells. Ground Rider laughs and says. "Yes comrade, poison... a specialty of mine. I must thank you, all potential enemies have been removed. Congratulations is certainly in order... When I first met you.. Bucephalus, I wondered if you were the right stallion for the job. You mourning the loss of that little whore of a wife."

Bucephalus was in a rage, and would've killed Ground Rider, however the poison began ravaging Bucephalus' body. "Arrrgh" Bucephalus calls out.

"However..." Ground Rider began speaking again. "You went through with flying colors. As for your reward... I shall grant you a quick death of poison.. instead of a slow one by the ravages of time and age. Hahahaha."

At that moment, Bucephalus makes one last cough of blood, before finally dying, soaked in blood and vomit.

"What a pity, the great general Bucephalus dying by my hooves. Hahaha.. Ah Big Mac, you are still here?" Big Mac made a look of fear towards Ground Rider.. "Who are you?" Big Mac asked Ground Rider

"Comrade, I'm still Ground Rider... However, I wanted power... and that old stallion was in the way. So, I joined the PLR and helped it gain in power. Who would've thought that a bunch of idiotic earth ponies were going to overthrow the great and powerful Princess Celestia?"

"But.. I thought you cared for the .. uh... common pony?" Big Mac asked Ground Rider. "Comrade, Big Mac, the earth ponies are good for nothing, that is why they are where they are. However, Bucephalus was right, they make up 80% of Equestria. I guess they just needed a little reason to help me on the path to rule over a place that has always been rightfully mine."

"So this where the path to power ends, comrade Big Mac." Ground Rider walked around the table and corpse of Bucephalus, towards Big Mac. "I guess this makes me the new... Premier … no... not of the PLR, the new Premier of Equestria."

Big Mac backed away from the now power crazed Ground Rider. "Where are you going Big Macintosh? You still need your reward." Big Mac makes a look of fear as Ground Rider pulls out his crossbow, and points it towards Big Macintosh. Cocking the crossbow, Ground Rider fires the crossbow, launching the bolt into Big Macintosh's head. Big Macintosh falls to the ground. Dead. "Your... eternal reward." Ground Rider finishes.

At that moment, a spy, loyal to Ground Rider runs in. "Ground Rider, your enemy, Leon Trodsky, has fled Canterlot. We believe he is heading south to try and gain asylum with the zebra kingdoms."

Ground Rider laughs. "I guess I have work to do."


The Union of Pony Soviet Republics has been created. Capital moved to Canterlot. All private property has been confiscated to create large farms run by the state. The Apple family resist all attempts to confiscate their lands. Annoyed with this turn of events, Premier Ground Rider orders the entire family to be either shot or sent to labor camps.

The unicorns of Equestria were rounded up. Many of them beaten or killed for resistance, they are led to magic generators throughout the newly established Union of Pony Soviet Republics. There at the generators, their magic is used to create a wall around the entire country. Creating Project Magic Curtain. At first the Griffon Kingdom thought this was an attempt to keep them out. They soon realized it was never meant to keep anyone out. It was meant... to keep them in.

The pegasi were enslaved, winter was banned (bad for harvests). On one occasion, a pegasi would make a snow cloud just to brighten moods. That particular pegasi was shot.

The earth ponies were rounded up to establish labor camps throughout Equestria. No longer did they have a freedom of choice. As years went by, many ponies wonder whether or not they fared better or worse under the old regime led by the princesses. But they knew that couldn't be the case as Comrade Ground Rider was always right.

All ponies were kept under a 24-hour surveillance. Those making jokes or mentioning anything unfavorable towards the new regime was arrested. There was no attempt to distinguish the age of the criminal, be they the old timers who remembered when Celestia was their ruler, to young foals.

All resistance was crushed in Equestria. Leon Trodsky was hunted down by COLTS, and executed for treason. But those COLTS too were executed... for they had a taste of the outside world, and were a threat to Ground Rider's power.

Thus, Equestria began it's dark new era. One that it will not recover from... for generations

The End