//------------------------------// // Option 2 Do Nothing // Story: PLR Pony Liberation and Resistance // by Caesar2013 //------------------------------// So you decided to do nothing and instead allow Ground Rider to stop the Mane 6. All right then, you asked for it. MLP is the property of Hasbro. I own nothing. "Please... don't!" the Mane 6 backed away, hoping that if they begged enough, they would be spared. But unfortunately for them, Ground Rider is not the one to spare any pony, be it a stallion, mare or foal. "Sorry, but I have orders girls." Ground Rider slicked the safety off his crossbow repeater 2000, and opened fired. The bolts made its mark into the Mane 6. In just thirty seconds, the Mane 6 had fallen to the floor. The floor was now covered in their blood and corpses. "Ah comrades you're here." Ground Rider said as the COLTS arrived to give Ground Rider backup. "Oh! What have I done?!" Big Mac yelled as he covered his tears and ran out the door.