//------------------------------// // Option 1 Shoot Ground Rider // Story: PLR Pony Liberation and Resistance // by Caesar2013 //------------------------------// So you decided to make Big Mac a hero by shooting Ground Rider. All right, you asked for it. MLP is the property of Hasbro, I own nothing. "Don't you hurt my sister!" Big Mac Yells as he shoots Ground Rider in the back with his crossbow. "ARRGHH!" Ground Rider yells in pain as the bolt goes through his back. Staggering for a few steps, Ground Rider sees that he's been disarmed and cornered. "This... is not over!" Seeing as his escape has been cut off, Ground Rider jumps out the window, shattering the glass, and falling several stories into the water below. The Mane 6 and Big Mac look over the broken window, down towards the water. "Is... is he dead?" Fluttershy asks. "We don't have time for this!" Rainbow Dash yells as she struggles to open the door." Twilight Sparkle, using her magic, manages to open the door. After gathering them in a circle, the elements of harmony begin to shine. Just then several COLTS walk in. "SHIT!" the COLTS yell as the magic of the elements expands, knocking not just them out of the palace, but the vast majority of the attackers on Canterlot. "We did it girls." Twilight says... "We saved Canterlot. "Yay!" Pinkie Pie Screams. "Let's have a party!" Meanwhile in the Castle Courtyard. "Bucephalus drop your weapon!" The guards call out to Bucephalus. "You are hereby to be under arrest, to face trial and possible execution for murder, treason, and conspiracy to commit treason." Bucephalus calls out to them. "You may have won the battle! But you cannot resist the will of the common pony. I assure you, there will be a day when the common pony shall gain more power, and we will rise again!" The guards were getting impatient. "Drop your weapon!" Bucephalus realized that he was going to be killed either way, and shot his crossbow at the Wonderbolt Soarin. "Ahh!" Soarin yells as he is shot down. "Open fire!" The guards begin riddling Bucephalus' body with bolts. Soon, even the old war horse couldn't take it. Bucephalus died there.. in the castle court yard next to the statue honoring those fallen in the battle of Stalliongrad.