//------------------------------// // Revolution // Story: PLR Pony Liberation and Resistance // by Caesar2013 //------------------------------// The time has finally come folks, to begin the revolution. However, the outcome of it, depends on you viewer. Yes, you. You see I decided to have a split in the time line, you may choose a character's decision (separated into different chapters) based on your own desires. We've gone along way, now it is the time for earth ponies to arise against their masters and march on Canterlot to seize control of Equestria. MLP is the property of Hasbro, I have no affiliation with them. Bucephalus is walking back and forth amongst the army. Mares and Stallions of earth pony descent alike have armed themselves with crossbows, swords, pick axes, pitchforks, all armed for the single purpose of revolution. The time of struggle has come near to an end. "Comrades, on Celestia's birthday, the common pony shall rise against their imperialist oppressors. We shall tear the symbols of our oppression to pieces. With your crossbows, with you swords, with your bare hoofs. Do the same to their wretched defenders! URAHHH!" With the end of their speech, the army of PLR moved out from Stalliongrad, boarding a train moving towards Canterlot. Meeting with several divisions from Fillydelphia, the PLR hope to take Canterlot completely by surprise. "Uh... comrade.." Big Mac asks Bucephalus. "We can't expect to.. take the city in a frontal attack. They'll see us coming." Bucephalus understood his grandson's question and nodded back to him. "You are right comrade." Bucephalus answered. "However, you see there was a mining operation done under the city... I've sent some... specialists in... to prepare the way for us." Bucephalus laughed, and turned away from Big Macintosh, and checked his crossbow bolts. "Soon comrade, the common pony will be free." "I must say I absolutely adore your hat." said one unicorn of noble descent. "Pardon? Ah, thank you. Yes my hat came from the finest of craftspony with gems imported from the griffon kingdom specifically for this hat." replied the other pony. "I will need it for Celestia the Great's birthday party. It's not everyday royalty have special events such as this." The other pony laughed. "And those, earth ponies of the … PRA? PRL? And no sense of extravagance or connoisseurship. Hahaha. But enough of those simple commoners who lack proper breeding and background. I must go and attend Celestia's birthday celebration at the palace. Good day dear sir." The other noble pony answered. "Good day to you too dear sir." Inside the palace, Princess Celestia reads of news of her nieces apparent murder. "Golden Crown, you idiot, why did you have to cut these lives short? Even you had a good sixty years left." Celestia said to herself. Angered by these turn of events, Princess Celestia crumble the obituary and throws it to the ground. "Tia? You in here?" Princess Luna asked opening the door. "Tia? Tia! It's your birthday! Come on, have some fun." Princess Celestia turned away from her sister. Giving some shock to Luna. "Tia, I know our niece is dead, but everything is going to be all right. Your student, Twilight Sparkle is here looking for you." Princess Celestia made a sigh of defeat, and went out to enjoy the party. "Oh sweet Celestia, I'm bored. " said the newest guard to the Canterlot Royal Guard. "I wish I was an internal guard instead of a border guard. Just once I'd like to go to one of those parties." His superior officer just glared at his subordinate. "You just better shut up and keep an eye on the tracks- Hey! We aren't scheduled for a train..." The sergeant pointed towards the tracks as several trains approached them." The two ponies walked towards the train. Only to hear loud explosions and screams coming from the palace. 5 minutes earlier... Ground Rider and his team of COLTS have successfully navigated through the crystal mines. Thanks to their special training in stealth, the team manage to sneak into the palace. "Hmm, Ground Rider, do they honestly think that their heightened security will keep us out? I mean... we're already in the palace..." Ground Rider smiled at his subordinate. "Not at all... Comrades do a weapons check." The five stallions checked their newest crossbows. The repeater 2000s, a new crossbow developed by the PLR, able to shoot many bolts without reloading or the need to cock the crossbow. Sneaking around, the COLTS stand exactly outside the door that will lead them to the party... "Remember comrades" Ground Rider says to his team. "No Canterlot." With that they open the doors. No pony notices them right away, other than one young colt. "Hey! I know you ponies! You're the COLTS that saved us from the griffons! Mommy! Daddy! Come here!" Ground Rider was annoyed with the colt who had ran up to him, and thus, he grabbed the young colt and stabbed him in the chest. "Waahhaha" the colt manages to cry out before falling to the ground. "Open fire!" Ground Rider calls out. At that point, the team begins shooting their crossbows in all directions. Some hitting several guards who hadn't expected the sneak attack. A group of ponies fell to the ground as bolts ripped through their bodies. "Ahhhh! Run!" some ponies call out as the homicidal PLR members shoot heir way through the ball room. "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" One pony calls out just before Ground Rider shoots her down. Princess Celestia soon realized what was going on and manags tofind the Mane 6. "Girls! Go to where the elements of harmony are! Quickly use them to defend Canterlot! This is our only chance!" Twilight wasn't going to leave her mentor. "But Princess!-" Princess Celestia cut her off. "GO!" The PLR team continued their indiscriminate slaughter of the party goers. Many of them being killed simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Some tried to pull family members and loved ones away from the shooting, only to be shot down. Others bravely used themselves as shields to protect the weaker elders and children. Looking around, Ground Rider could see a group of guards coming towards them. "The Equestrian Guard are here... Use your explosives." Ground Rider says to his subordinates. Taking out their griffon grenades, the COLTS pull the pins and throw the explosives at the incoming guard. With the loud explosions, the entire palace is rocked around. Back to the train station. "What in sweet Celestia's ghost!" The guards look back at the palace. Then facing the trains, they are horrified to see them open, and out coming the mob. "Oh mother of Celestia!" The guards say before they are shot down by the mob. "Comrades!" Bucephalus yells as he climbs out of the train. "Hand me the microphone!" One of the pones hands Bucephalus a rather large microphone. "Let us send a message to our oppressors." Turning on the microphone, Bucephalus begins to speak as the mobs of earth ponies begin their assault on Canterlot. "Citizens of Canterlot. The time has finally come for the common pony to finally take what is rightfully theirs. Abandon your homes! Abandon your posts! Abandon all hope! A ring of common ponies make their way choking the life out of your city! But we are here to liberate you! URRAHH!" Bucephalus calls out as he rushes to join the fight. The city of Canterlot was in chaos. Mobs of earth ponies smashing windows and businesses. Others began looting banks and shops. Some even indiscriminately killing all who stood in their way. Be it military or civilian. Buildings began to be set on fire as earth ponies threw Molotov cocktails through the buildings. The pegasi set about trying to put out the fires, some, even drawing clouds miles away to help. As brave as they were, the pegasi began to die one by one as the PLR shot many of them down. Big Mac waled through the city, disgusted by what he saw. Ponies killing one another in the streets. Some hacked to pieces by swords, shot by crossbows. Others literally torn apart by an angry mob. "Comrade Big Mac!" Bucephalus calls out to Big Macintosh. "We must head to the palace. Ground Rider will require our assistance. The sooner we take over their command post, the better. Let's move!" BOOM! Another explosion hits the palace as the PLR begin shelling the city with artillery. "Eep! Cries Fluttershy as she hides behind something in an attempt not be so scared. "Come on Fluttershy!" says Rainbow Dash who was struggling very hard to lift Fluttershy out of her hiding spot. "We have to go!" Fluttershy struggles to hold on to her spot. "NO! I'm sorry! I'm just to scared." Rainbow Dash eventually gives up. "You know Fluttershy, the sooner we get this over with. The sooner the violence stops.!' Twilight says trying to reassure her friend. "Are you sure Twilight?" asks Fluttershy. "She's telling the truth Fluttershy." says Applejack. "Oh... all right then... but... I haven't seen so many ponies hurt before." Fluttershy then gets out of her hiding spot slowly, and staggers a bit. BOOM! Another shell explodes, causing Fluttershy to jump and then faint. "Oh brother!" Rainbow Dash says as she lifts the now unconscious Fluttershy on her back. The six ponies continued their way to the room where the Elements of Harmony are held. The Bucephalus and Big Mac led a mob into the palace, ready to overthrow Celestia. "Your fellow earth ponies require your final commitment! Only the Canterlot Honor Guard and the Princesses stand in our way to final victory" Bucephalus calls out to the mob. "Crush the final resistance and this night our banner will fly over Canterlot! We must not falter!" The mob cheered "URRAH!" and charged into room by room, as they fought all who encountered them. "Big Mac" Bucephalus calls out to Big Macintosh. "Our dear comrade Ground Rider is being sent to intercept the Mane 6, go and join them. I will lead the rear echelon to track down the princesses! Now go!" The mane 6 continued their way into the Elements of Harmony Safe Room. "Here it is girls." Twilight says to her friends. CREEEEEEK. The door opens. "All right lets get the elements going. I cannot stand such brutes killing in an uncivilized manner." Cries Rarity. "Ah, so I finally get to meet the Mane 6 themselves." a voice called out to them. The Mane 6 turn around, and see it is none other than Ground Rider, pointing his Crossbow Repeater 2000 at them. "It is rather unfortunate. Remember me Applejack?" Applejack looks shocked. "You! You're the one that made my brother join you!" Ground Rider made his signature psychotic smile at them, causing the Mane 6 to back away semi frightened. "It is rather unfortunate, that I have to kill the six of you." Ground Rider said as he pointed the Crossbow Repeater at Applejack. "And I think I'll start with you." Applejack took a few steps back. A second later, Big Macintosh came running around the corner. "Ah Big Mac, you are just in time, to see the PLR victory." Applejack calls out to her brother. "Don't let them do this Big Mac! I love you! Don't let your sister die!" Big Macintosh is in a dilemma. Now he must decide, let the PLR win by doing nothing to save the Mane 6, or should he shoot Ground Rider, and save his sister and his friends. Next Chapters Option 1: Shoot Ground Rider Option 2: Do Nothing The choice is yours. The red pill or the blue pill?