PLR Pony Liberation and Resistance

by Caesar2013


Well it's been awhile. Sorry about the delay, dear dedicated readers. I just had too much going on in real life now, but I'm good now, let's get back to PLR: Pony Liberation and Resistance, shall we? I do not own MLP, it's Hasbro's not mine.

Inside one the intelligence room, Big Mac is getting fitted with special surveillance technology. "Now Big Mac," said one Intelligence officer. "This tech, will allow you to record everything that goes on in the PLR." Big Mac was nervous, it was one thing to burn fliers that might anger the PLR, but to spy for Equestria, Big Macintosh hoped he wouldn't be caught. If he were to be caught and imprisoned by the PLR, well... Big Mac decided not to think about that.

"All right, you're all fitted up." said the Intelligence agent. "Now move out."

Meanwhile... at the PLR Head Quarters.

"The time is close at hand, comrades!" said Bucephalus to his audience, hundreds upon hundreds of earth ponies have arrived to see their leader speak for the last time before the assault on Canterlot.. "The time has so nearly come for the earth ponies to finally take what is rightfully theirs. We have all suffered at the hooves of injustice! They are the true aggressors. They have destroyed our economies, our cultures, our livelihoods. Spilled our blood, my blood (Picture of Silver Tail appears on the Microhoof Magicpoint), on their hooves. They will bow to the wishes of the common pony... or... suffer the consequences of their actions." At that point, the audience began cheering as canisters of the remaining nerve gas was brought out. "As I speak, our comrades, are already beginning the first stage of revolution and your liberation."

Under the darkness of the night, a team of colts, led by commissar Ground Rider, have taken up positions around the house of "Golden Crown, are you sure your father will be home?" asked Ground Rider, getting his black armor on. Golden Crown nodded his head. "Sure he will, the bastard will probably be getting drunk, hehe. He may be my father in name, but he's never loved me. So … this is probably for the best."

Ground Rider looked over his team, several of the COLTS, having been sent to aid Ground Rider, take up positions to the house. "Careful, Diamond Heart is a fairly paranoid stallion... of course we at the PLR have been waiting to get him for years..." Said one of the COLTS. Turning to his comrades, Ground Rider speaks up. "Comrades, take the left side of the house, and watch for any incoming civilians. Last thing we need is for the neighbors to come over... for pie" Ground Rider finishes that last statement with a laugh. "All right comrades, move out."

The lights of the cart made a sharp light as two ponies made their way to the house. Stepping out of the cart, was Officer Diamond Heart, and his friend, Colonel Mighty Hooves. "All I'm saying Diamond, is that the PLR can't be stopped on an open battlefield. Your campaign to force them to do so will be fruitless." Diamond Heart glared at his friend. "The sooner we do so, my friend, the sooner we end the war. Now if you insult me , further, you wont be getting any coffee." Colonel Mighty Hooves just laughed at his friend's joke

It had been a long night for the two , meetings here, speaking to the brave soldiers out on the front lines, battling the PLR wherever they showed. After a traffic jam, more fruitless meetings, Diamond Heart was ready to come home. Slipping his hoof into a pocket, Diamond Hoof searched frantically for his key. "Celestia damn it! I can't find me keys!" Diamond Heart searched his pockets to no avail. "Diamond, isn't your daughter living with you? Maybe she's still awake." Diamond Heart, made a look and put his hoof to his face. "How stupid of me" he said as he began knocking. "Cadence? Hello? Cadence! Open up, this is your father..." Knocking some more, the door opens. "How odd?" The two ponies simply walk into the house. Even stranger was the fact that the lights were off, with the door open. "Damn it Cadence" said Diamond Heart said as he looked for the lights.

From the kitchen, both Mighty Hooves and Diamond Heart could see a figure sitting in the living room. "Cadence?" Diamond Heart asked as he approached the figures. Turning on the lights, the two stallions could see Cadence, bound and gagged to a chair. "Cadence?!" Diamond Heart says as he rushes towards the living room, only to see a chair flung towards him.

BANG! The chair slams Diamond Heart in the head, nearly breaking the wooden chair, and sending Diamond Heart to the ground. "WARAHHGH!" Diamond Heart calls out in pain. Mighty Hooves rushes over, only to end up in hand to hand combat with one of the colts. Mighty Hooves punches one of the colts hard, knocking him back a few steps, another manages to kick Mighty Hooves in the ribs, causing him to jump in pain. Grabbing Mighty Hooves by one leg, the taller COLT flings the colonel to his back. Struggling through the pain, Diamond Heart, manages to pull out his issued crossbow on his assailants, only for one of the COLTS to kick the crossbow away. "Not this time, imperialist scum." The COLT says as he proceeds to kick and beat Diamond Heart. "That's enough!" a voice calls out. Looking over, they COLTS see their boss walking over to them, Ground Rider.

Ground Rider began stroking Princess Cadence's hair, which he began rudely pulling. "What a pity." Ground Rider calls out Diamond Heart. "You'll Never Win!" Colonel Mighty Hooves calls out with his crossbow, only to be shot down by the COLTS and Ground Rider. Putting his crossbow away, Ground Rider says "Humph. What an idiot.." Angered, Diamond Heart yells out to his captors. "What do you want? Why are the COLTS here?!" Diamond Heart points his hoof at the COLTS. "I thought we were on the same side!" The COLTS in the room proceeded to laugh at the misery of their so called commanding officer. "Silence!" Ground Rider calls to his subordinates.

Leaning down over the broken stallion, Ground Rider proceeded to taunt Diamond Heart, all the while with Cadence watching helplessly. "That... is a yes and no answer. You see... years ago the COLTS were created to defend Equestria yes... but they were loyal to their boss... my boss... Bucephalus first. However, when Bucephalus was forced out of the military, the program of choosing COLTS based off their skills and of course their political leanings... was canceled. Now we have this riff raft of ponies with crazy ideas that we're all equal, that maybe we were meant to... how do the imperialists say it? Live in harmony? No, we are all equals... but" Ground Rider made his signature smile. "Some... are more Equal than others." Ground Rider, then shot and killed Diamond Heart.

With Diamond Heart dead, the COLTS were ready to go back, as they thought their mission was complete. However, Ground Rider had other ideas. "Bring him in." Ground Rider says. The COLTS left the room for a minute, and came with a golden colored pony, Golden Crown. "Oh sweet Celestia! He's dead! But … but! That isn't what I wanted." Golden Crown began to call out. "Cadence!" Turning towards Ground Rider and the others, Golden Crown called out. "Did you hurt her?!"

Being asked "Did he hurt Cadence" Ground Rider began to laugh. "No..." Ground Rider turned towards the helpless Cadence, and shot her in the chest. "Now I... did." Ground Rider began laughing manically as Golden Crown rushed towards Ground Rider. Seeing this, the Colts tasered him.

"Aghhhh!" Golden Crown cries out, as the bolts of electricity shoot through his body. "Did you really think we'd take in a alicorn like yourself. Bucephalus may have saw you as an asset... But as far as I'm concerned, your usefulness has ended. But" Ground Rider put a crossbow in Golden Crown's hoof. "You have one last job to do." Ground Rider grabbed the hoof that held the crossbow, forced it towards Golden Crown's head and fired. "Ping" The crossbow goes off killing Golden Crown.

There were now four dead ponies in the room: Princess Cadence, shot in the chest. Golden Crown, shot in the head. Diamond Heart also shot in the head as well as his friend, Colonel Mighty Hooves, who was shot in the eye. The whole assassination was made to look like that Golden Crown had killed his family, and then committed suicide. All thanks to the planning of the psychopath, Ground Rider.

"Now that the deed is done comrades." Ground Rider said as he got up after murdering Golden Crown. "Let's move out... the revolution will begin soon."

With that, the assassins moved out quietly out of the house and escaped under the cover of dark.

Big Mac was with Bucephalus in his office. A rather big one, obviously meant for Bucephalus as the room was wide enough for the both of them. "Comrade Big Mac, the time has come. Soon the common pony shall march on Canterlot. There we shall finally bring an end to the overlords, the imperialists in power who wish for the slavery of the common pony." Beep … beep... Bucephalus' phones goes off. "I am terribly sorry, comrade, but this phone call seems important." Picking up the phone, Bucephalus answered. "Hello? Ah comrade Ground Rider, how did the mission go? So the pig is finally dead?" Bucephalus smiled towards Big Macintosh, and turned back to the phone. "All right, report back ASAP. Good bye and good luck comrade."

After the phone call had ended, Bucephalus sat down to talk to Big Mac. "Comrade Big Mac, I'm sorry we couldn't make this a fruitful meeting, but it's getting late. Go home and have some rest, we will contact you when it is time." Big Mac stood up, nodded at Bucephalus (His grandfather), and left. Bucephalus turned around in his chair and pondered. Opening his desk, Bucephalus pulled out an old black and white photo of his village. "Comrades, the time has come near for me to avenge you all. Especially... you father." Bucephalus sighed and put down the photo. Closing his eyes, the old stallion fell asleep.