//------------------------------// // Spy // Story: PLR Pony Liberation and Resistance // by Caesar2013 //------------------------------// A week after the raid on the gas facility in Fillydelphia, Bucephalus, leader of the PLR gathers his officers for an important meeting. Inside the PLR war room, the officers and commissars begin their discussion on the revolution. There are also several zebras and crystal ponies in the room as well, representing their respective ponies to discuss the idea of helping revolution in their kingdoms. "Comrades" said one Commissar said "We must bring the revolution to Equestria's so called ally or their fellow collaborators, the Crystal Pony Kingdom. Our revolution can only succeed if the whole world has been liberated!" Other Commissars in the room gave their input as well. "No! We have to focus on one area to liberate at a time!" said one. "No Comrade! The zebras to the south need our help just as much as the earth ponies in Equestria need our help." Big Macintosh, newly promoted commissar, just sat there, and watched quietly as the meeting began to get chaotic. Eventually, Bucephalus was annoyed at the direction the meeting was going. "Enough!" Bucephalus screams, silencing the whole room. "Comrades, nothing can be accomplished with this quarreling amongst ourselves. Yes, we must liberate our brothers and sisters to the north and south. But no liberation can be done successfully without the success of our revolution here and now in Equestria." Bucephalus gets out of his seat and walks around the room amongst the PLR commissars and the ambassadors. "Comrades, we are nearing the completion of the revolution in Equestria." Bucephalus began his speech. "Though many of you seem skeptical, but the imperialist's will to fight the common pony is drawing to an end. Soon our brothers within the Equestrian armed services will begin their orders they have been given. The imperialist officers will be gone, and there will be no one to lead the Equestrian army, navy and air force. Thus, the princesses will be forced to abdicate their thrones. Symbols of our oppression will finally… be eliminated." One commissar was curious about what Bucephalus had just said to them. "But what of the present, Comrade, Bucephalus? There are still ponies fighting in the name of the imperialist regime. " Bucephalus nods his head towards the commissar. "Have no fear Commissar, yes, there are traitors to the common pony who fight in the name of Princess Celestia… and Princess Luna. But, soon they too will fall." The PLR and the ambassadors from various zebra and crystal kingdom pony organizations make mummers of approval. "However, at this time, we must take control of a village called Ponyville." Bucephalus said to the ponies in the room." Getting out a map of Equestria, Bucephalus pointed his gigantic hoof towards Ponyville and the areas surrounding it. "Comrades, Ponyville has a mixture of earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi living throughout the town. Our scientists have figured out a way to harness unicorns magic. We will need it for Project: Magic Curtain." "Magic Currtain?" asked a curious commissar. Ground Rider, who was sitting next to said Commissar smiled and said "Forget it; the details are out of your rank, commissar." Bucephalus nods at Ground Rider. "Thank you comrade, now, to help with the post-revolution world, we must subjugate the unicorns. Only their magic, under the guidance of earth ponies, can we hope to prosper for once. Meeting adjourned, you may go. Ambassadors of the various Zebra city-states and the representatives of our brothers and sisters of the Crystal pony kingdom, go with Ground Rider, he will give you your much deserved aid." As the ambassadors left with Ground Rider, Bucephalus left the room as well. The revolution was going better than expected. The loss of the nerve gas facility proved to be not that significant. Production of weapons from the city Stalliongrad, was still going smoothly. There would be no shortage of weapons for the soon to arrive storming of Canterlot. "Soon… the revolution will be complete." Bucephalus said to himself. Inside Ground Rider's office, Big Mac was having a discussion with Ground Rider. "Congratualtions Comrade, or should I say… Commissar Big Macintosh, for your promotion. You see, loyalty and service is properly rewarded in the PLR. Just… be sure to never betray our cause like Coal did. Such action…. Is dealt with… quickly. "Ground Rider gets out of his seat, and opens a file compartment, retrieving a piece of paper. "Your first assignment Commissar is…." Ground Rider began to read over the paper. "Ah! How convenient, your first assignment, is to spread the truth to the citizens of Ponyville." The shy Big Macintosh felt uneasy having to talk to ponies in his home town. "Well… comrade" said Big Macintosh. "I don't see myself as much of a talker." Ground Rider smiled towards Big Mac. "Do not worry comrade, for the most part; all you have to do is distribute fliers to the citizens of Ponyville. However, you may be expected to speak. Now then comrades, go to Ponyville, and spread the word." Back in Ponyville, the Mane 6 managed to return to see again. "Twilight, Rarity, Applejack!, You're safe." said Fluttershy "What did they do to you?! If I only If I were that, I'd hit them there, I'd hit them there!" said Rainbow Dash punching and kicking the air. "Oh sweet Celestia! That monster killed my brother!" Twilight said, speaking of Bucephalus "Oh my is simply was awful girls." Said Rarity. "I have so much grooming to get caught –"Rarity stopped when she noticed a glare coming from Twilight. "Which isn't that important hehehe." Fluttershy, noticing something was wrong with Applejack, turned towards her. "Is there… something wrong Applejack?" Applejack was troubled by the knowledge that her true grandfather was none other… than Bucephalus. "Uhh... no sugar cube… I'm fine." Applejack was obviously lying, but Fluttershy decided to drop the subject. "Well that's… all right… if you say Applejack." Applejack pulls Twilight aside, and says to her "All right Twilight, I know you're all depressed about your brother, but I need you to write a letter to Celestia." 'After the girls had gotten back together, they separated once more to rejoin their Applejack returned home, she knew there was one pony she had to confront, her own brother Big Mac. "Applejack!" cried Applebloom "You're back!" Applejack turned towards Applebloom. "Applebloom ! I've missed you girl. Sigh… Applebloom, is … Big Macintsoh here?" Applebloom looks confused "Of… course big sister. Big Mac is here. Why?" Applejack had a glare in her eyes, one that Applebloom had never seen before in her life. Causing the young foal to step back a few feet. "Because I have to have a few words with him... So please Applebloom, go outside for a bit" Applebloom ran outside, fairly scared, wondering why her sister was so angry at Big Mac "BIG MAC!" yells Applejack storming into Big Macintosh's room. "Uhh Applejack! You're back … and safe!" says Big Macintosh. Applejack in rage raises her hoof and hits Big Macintosh hard in the face "Smack!" The hoof makes contact with Big Macintosh's face. "How dare you Big Mac!" Applejack hits Big Macintosh again with a hoof. "How dare you join a group of killers?!" Big Macintosh jumps to the ground and cries "I'm sorry little sis! I didn't know they were killers!" Applejack is just about ready to hit Big Macintosh again, before a voice calls out to Applejack. "That's enough Applejack!" The two ponies turn around to see Princess Celestia standing before them. "So... It's true, is it? That you Big Macintosh, are a member of the Pony Liberation and Resistance?" Big Mac fell face down to the ground in fear. "Oh please … Princess! I didn't know they'd do this! First it was him telling me about, next thing I know I see them kill a lot of ponies, then I'm –"Celestia hit her hoof on the ground. "Silence! Big Mac please, I know you aren't truly with these ponies in your heart. That they are partially blackmailing you to stay. However, we know about you and a certain … member of the police in Mannehattan." Big Macintosh was now crying like a baby. "I didn't mean to kill him! It was an accident! They made me finish shoot him!" Celestia lifted Big Macintosh up with her magic. "I know Big Mac, I Know... My spies in the PLR also know that you were promoted to the rank of junior commissar. A certain position of small power within the PLR. So I ask you this, Big Mac, will you spy on the higher leaders of the PLR? And in return, I will work towards you getting a pardon." "Princess Celestia!" said Applejack who was still in the room. "I'm still angry at Big Mac here for lying to us. However, I also don't want that crazy stallion, Buce- something running around hurting innocent fellers." Celestia nodded at Applejack, "I understand, Applejack. Do not worry, when this is over, we will bring all of the PLR to face justice for their crimes. Now tell me, Big Mac what were you doing before we came here?" Big Mac showed them a stack of fliers given to him from the PLR. "I was burning these your highness. I want nothing to do with them ponies. So I was going to burn what they gave me." Celestia took one of the fliers. "Propaganda… one of the PLR's weapons. What am I doing wrong? I didn't think I was this bad of a ruler." Princess Celestia began to weep as she read parts of the flier saying that Celestia is a tyrant fighting the common pony. "Don't worry Princess. Just because a few bad apples say you're bad, doesn't make it so." Princess Celestia calmed down a bit. "Thank you Applejack. Now as for you Big Mac, you will have to give us regular updates and information on the PLR whenever you can. I must go now. Applejack, I think we should leave Big Macintosh alone for now." Applejack didn't say anything, but instead followed Princess Celestia out of the room.