//------------------------------// // Promoted // Story: PLR Pony Liberation and Resistance // by Caesar2013 //------------------------------// Special thanks to hawkeye35 for allowing me to use his creation, COLTs, be sure to read his fanfic, COLTS when you have the chance. MLP is owned by Hasbro I own nothing. The war room was somewhat spacious, albeit crowded a bit with gloomy Equestrian officers. Discussing the latest events of the war, from the genocide of the buffalo, to the recent bombing of Baltimare. "All right, those buckers are gonna' pay for what they've done to Baltimare." Said one officer. "My family was bucking killed by them!" The enraged officer slammed his hoof onto the table producing a loud noise startling Princess Celestia. "Please Colonel; arguing amongst ourselves will not stop the rebellion. At this time, casualty rates are going up on all sides." Celestia turns to a pony dressed in black. "General, can you lead your colts to an important target?" The officer shook his head towards the regal alicorn. "Of course princess."The general brought out a projector, setting it on the table. Dimming the lights, he began the show. "As you can see" The general shows pictures of dead ponies, all victims of the nerve gas employed by the PLR. "The recent PLR gas attacks on the buffalo, Troddingham, and various villages and cities throughout Equestria have taken their toll. Our new gas masks are expected to arrive in about two months." Shocked and angered, one of the officers exclaimed "Two months?! By then the PLR would win! We can't take massive civilian casualties. These terrorists are still seen as heroes throughout Equestria, even though they've massacred innocent civilians. Next, ponies everywhere will give into the PLR demands. We have to stop them, now!" Seeing as how the uproar in her war room was taking control of the meeting, Princess Celestia stepped in. "Silence!" the princess roared through the room. "No Colonel, the PLR will … NOT WIN! They will be tried for their crimes and brought to justice. General, please continue with your presentation. I apologize in the Colonel's place for the interruption." The colonel made a glare towards his ruler, but turned away when he saw that Celestia was looking at him, annoyed about his behavior. "Thank you princess" the general turned a new slide to continue his presentation. "As you can see, the PLR have set up base in Fillydelphia and Stalliongrad. We can't simply take over either of the two cities, as each is to the core, PLR controlled. Every mare, foal, and stallion are fanatical to the PLR's ideals. They will fight to the death to defend these cities. So an open assault is out of the question. Even worse, we were forced to end our propaganda campaign due to our wonderbolts nearly getting shot down. Heck, even Spitfire didn't go unscathed, going through several months in the infirmary with multiple wounds and injuries received from one run over Stalliongrad. Therefore, we have decided to send in a team of colts to take out their gas production in Fillydelphia." Miles away from Canterlot, in the PLR- controlled city of Fillydelphia, several Colts have taken position throughout the town. Mission: to destroy the Nerve gas production center in the city. "All right, Colt Rain, what do you see?" called out one COLT to his compatriot. Using his binoculars, the COLT scans over the facility. "I see several compartments, each looking as though they contained the nerve gas." His leader responded. "All right, we'll target those containers with the explosive charges. We'll use silenced crossbows only. No one goes loud. The moment we're caught, the PLR bastards will swarm us like a mare in an all stallion prison. All right, let's move out, Double time!" The colts separated from each other to place their explosive charges throughout the facility. Some had even managed to infiltrate the facility itself. "Sir, you better look at this." Said one Colt. On his video feed, the Colt realized the PLR were testing the effects on captured supporters of Celestia, even mares and foals were amongst the dead. "Dear sweet Celestia" a Colt says to himself before vomiting in the corner. The putrid stench of the dead almost overwhelming. Taking out a camera, the COLT takes several pictures before seeing the shadow of a PLR guard. "DIE Imperialist!" cries the PLR member thrusting his spear at the COLT. With superior speed, the Colt, jumps to the side, out of the spears way. The PLR member turns to face his COLT adversary, trying to hit the COLT with the edge of the spear. Retaliating, the COLT grabs the spear's point, the colt snaps it off the spear's pole. Twirling it around at the surprised PLR guard, the colt thrusts the spear point into the chest of the PLR guard. "Aggh!" cries the PLR. Though the guard had been stabbed, he manages to hit the colt, who hadn't expected much of a fight after he stabbed the guard. POW! The hoof makes a dent onto the COLT's helmet. Angered about getting hit, the COLT goes berserk sending several hooves towards the PLR guard. Even though he hadn't, gone through the augmentation process himself, the guard still manages to hold his own, even managing to head butt the colt, causing the colt to stagger, a bit before he managed to regain control of the situation. Eventually, the PLR guard slowed down a bit, the blood loss having taken its toll on his body. Seeing his chance, the colt kicked the spear point hard, causing the point to deepen inside the guard's body. The guard makes one last cry of pain, before collapsing on the ground. Checking to make sure the PLR member wasn't getting up; the vengeful colt grabbed the spear's point, and stabbed the PLR again. With a quick kick in the face for luck, the COLT placed several explosive charges as he left to rejoin his fellow squad mates. "What took you so long COLT bravo?" asked the COLT team leader. "I thought you made it a point to arrive on schedule. COLT bravo laughs a bit "Hahaha sir, a guard was in the way. His leader nods. "I understand, now we have to get out of here, the charges should go off any minute now. As the COLTs left the facility, they could hear loud pops behind them, eventually becoming loud explosions. "YEAH!" the Colts cry in unison. "That's for all the ponies you killed BUCKERS!" The squad leader turns to the colts and says "Remember this day COLTs, for today marks the end of the civil war, and the PLR!" The COLTS cheered as they returned to the capital city, Canterlot, with the news. Bucephalus, leader of the PLR was in a rather unpleasant mood that evening. His COLTs acted out of line, and destroyed a rather important facility. As he was thinking in the PLR meeting room, the door opens, Bucephalus turns around to see his comrades and advisors. Bucephalus jumped out of his seat in a rage. "YOU!" Bucephalus points his large hoof at Ground Rider. "You said this would not happen!First, my brother is killed. Ne my COLTS turned against me!" Bucephalus was enraged now. Facing him in a rage was a rather frightening experience to behold, seeing how the veins in his head popping out. Commissar Coal stepped in. "Clearly, Ground Rider is at fault! I bet he knows the punishment for such a crime!" Ground Rider wasn't making his usual smiles, knowing that at any moment, Bucephalus may schedule his execution. "You!" Bucephalus points his hoof at Ground Rider again. "You have failed me comrade for the last time! Guards! Take this filth out of my sight! Take him out and shoot him!" Realizing he was to be executed right there and then, Ground Rider manages to butt in. "Comrade Bucephalus, I've researched the situation myself! I am not the one at fault!" Bucephalus, Commissar Coal, Big Mac, and several of the PLR leaders simply give a strange look at Ground Rider as he attempts to defend himself. Commissar Coal was himself very confused. "Then whos fault is it comrade?" Coal says in a sarcastic voice. This moment, Ground Rider makes his signature psychotic smile. "It is your fault Coal. It was your responsibility to give each COLT their program device (This allows the PLR to control the COLTS), you've only given them to a few COLTS (not including the COLTS of the 1st generation. Not only that… COMRADE… you were the one responsible for the loss of the facility at Fillydelphia. After all, Fillydelphia is under your command after all. Isn't that right, comrade?" Realizing he'd been trapped, Commissar Coal shrinks away. "Is this true? Comrade Coal?" asks Bucephalus. "Well sir, yes, but I felt the-"Before Coal could finish, Bucephalus jumps towards Coal, gripping the smaller pony by the neck. "You've disappoint me…. Coal" With a loud snap in the neck, Coal falls to the ground, a lifeless corpse. Bucephalus turns to Ground Rider and Big Macintosh. "Ground Rider, consider this… your redemption. You may keep your post in the PLR. However, fail me, and you will find yourself dead like Coal here. You all, but Comrade Big Macintosh, are dismissed." All of the ponies leave but Big Macintosh. "Uhh... comrade… what did I do?" asks Big Mac to Bucephalus. Bucephalus laughs for a bit and then smiles. "No comrade... or my grandson… you did nothing wrong. Today, you take your place in the leadership of the PLR. You've shown yourself in a matter of months to be far more competent than Coal. Today, you are promoted to Commissar. Your first assignment begins next week. Comrade Big Macintosh, you may leave now." Big Mac took that as his queue to leave. Hoping to get out of this mess, Big Mac hopes that his new position as commissar won't involve violence or any sort of bloody matter. "Oh I wish I never bit off too much." Says Big Mac to himself.