PLR Pony Liberation and Resistance

by Caesar2013

Goodbye Baltimare

Sorry about the delay, had a little car accident. Luckily, I just smashed my lower lip. I don't need lips to type though, so I'll be fine. MLP is owned by Hasbro. I own nothing.

"No! You're lying! You're lying!" cried Twilight at the revelation of her brother's death. "I'm sorry Twilight" Celestia said putting her hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "I know it must be very hard for you right now. Please, Twilight, you need to rest after all that you've been through." Twilight gave a look of defeat. "All right Princess, I'll go to bed."

Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack headed to the door, when Celestia spoke up again. "Wait, before you go, Applejack, would you mind staying for a bit so I may speak to you… privately?" Applejack turned around and looked at the regal princess. "Uh sure thing princess."

Princess Celestia walked over to Applejack and closed the door. "I .. heard, Applejack. I want to make something clear, I don't "Applejack knew what Celestia was talking about, her relations with the PLR leader, Bucephalus. "Look Princess! I have nothing to with that fella yah hear?" Princess Celestia spoke "Applejack, I don't blame you for his actions. You are not in any way involved with the pony." Applejack teared up and turned away, but looked at Celestia again. "Thank you princess, I knew you wouldn't judge me because of him. But what if he comes looking for me? Or comes to Ponyville?" Princess Celestia managed to calm Applejack down. "Don't worry Applejack, I will make sure that no harm comes to you, your family, nor your friends. You may go."

Applejack left the throne room to her given room in Canterlot. Deep in thought and couldn't sleep. Applejack just laid there in the fine guest bed, thinking about Big Mac, the older brother that had betrayed Equestria (albeit by accident.) Wondering whether or not Celestia knew about that or not. Eventually though all that happened, Applejack finally felt tired and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Silver Tail, brother of Bucephalus , is riding on his carriage to the city of Baltimare, where he is to deliver a package to the PLR sympathetic populace. "Why would Bucephalus, of all ponies, choose me to deliver this package? What is so important about it?" Silver Tail lifted the package, a rather rectangular shaped box with stamped marked words "DO NOT OPEN UNTIL DELIVERED". Whatever that meant, Silver Tail knew exactly that he had to deliver said package.

"Do you see them?" said a COLT fully uniformed with a gas mask in case the PLR used their nerve gas. "Negative, but when we do, we'll make them pay for Shining Armor." In a serious tone the other COLTS said "For Shining Armor!" The COLTS continued monitoring the streets of Baltimare for over an hour until. "I got a positive I.D. on Silver Tail. Yep the bucker is leaving the carriage now. Hold your fire, we don't want another Osama Bin Changeling incident." One of the COLTS groaned. "Quiet, we need him alive."

"All right, Bucephalus sent me to personally deliver this package personally to our dear comrades in Baltimare." Said Silver Tail to an earth pony. "Why couldn't our comrade Bucephalus come himself?" Silver Tail shook his head. "Dear comrade, something has come up in comrade Bucephalus' life. He is busy with that right now. For now I will aid the operations in the area." The two ponies shook hooves, and Silver Tail delivered the package over to the other earth pony. "Is this it?" asked the earth pony to Silver Tail. "Of course, though even I do not know the contents of said package, I do know that Bucephalus knows that you will enjoy this."

"All right I have a visual, aiming." Said one of the COLT's sniper teams. "Take out the other earth pony, wound Silver Tail, we need him alive for interrogation." The COLT sniper laughed. "Don't worry boss, one shot, and one kill." The COLT sniper took aim and fired hitting the PLR earth pony in the head, causing him to fly over onto the ground. In a panic, Silver Tail made a run for it.

"He's making a run for it!" the COLT's leader yelled into the radio. "Don't worry boss!" said one of the COLT's team on the ground. The Colt laid a small charge explosive near a corner, knowing this was the only way out of the alley way. "Kaboom" the COLT said to himself.

"Damn it!" Silver Star cursed to himself as the COLT spec ops team cornered him. Taking a right turn, Silver Tail had barely anytime to react when the explosion ripped into him. Though the explosive was mostly non-lethal, Silver Tail was a very old, light weight pony which the force of the blast easily made him fly hard, head first into a wall.

"BUCK!" yelled the COLT leader as the COLT team moved in on Silver Tail. "Non-lethal methods only! Who's bright idea was this?!" There was no answer as Silver Tail, though bleeding heavily tried crawling away. A COLT, seeing the PLR 2nd in-command struggling to get away, kicked Silver Tail hard in the head and stomach. "That's for Shining Armor you bastard!"

Silver Tail began laughing to himself when he realized his attackers were fellow earth ponies. "AHAHAHHAHA" The COLTs all looked at one another. "What's so funny buck face?" a COLT said to Silver Tail. "Comrades, you are all traitors to your own ponies, yet you do not realize you've lost." Silver Tail began to cough up blood. "Soon, you too will die as I will. But I, Silver Tail, die a martyr. With that Silver Tail went unconscious. A COLT medic, walked over to Silver Tail to listen for a pulse. "Damn, he's dead." The COLT leader slammed his fist into the wall. DAMN IT!" The COLT leader continued hitting the wall eventually creating a hole. "He was our only lead in the PLR. Now we may never get to him!" As the COLT leader finished his words, his radio started beeping. Answering it, the radio spoke up. "SIR!" a voice cried in panic. "That package!" There was some static on the radio, so the COLT leader said. "Speak up corporal we can barely read you." The radio continued. "It's a bucking wireless detonator! The PLR must've set up explosives throughout Baltimare! We have to evacuate ASAP!"

About ten miles outside Baltimare, several COLTS under the command of Ground Rider and Big Mac (now protégé to Bucephalus) and grouped up. "Ah, COLTS, you have returned. What is the news of the explosives?" The traitorous COLTS nodded back at their leader's representative. "Explosives laid throughout the key areas of Baltimare. Several in the port area, some in the government district, along with the train stations." Ground Rider made his psychotic look on his face and turned to Big Mac. "Remember comrade Big Mac, this is what we've been waiting for. The time we finally strike. Nothing can stop this. Not the COLTS loyal to the imperialists, not the elements of harmony, not even… Celestia herself." With that, Ground Rider pulled out an ominous detonator. "Today will change Equestria… forever." Ground rider detonated the charges, causing explosions to rip apart Baltimare. Even from ten miles away, many could see the dust and debris fly into the air. In a panic and anger, Big Mac yelled at Ground Rider. "This isn't war! Its murder! Its madness!". Ground Rider made yet another smile. "Comrade Big Mac, this isn't war… This… is a revolution."

A news report: "About two hours, ago, explosives ripped through the city of Baltimare. The death toll is uncertain at this time, but it is expected at least 110,000 ponies, including mares and foals have been killed. All due to the terrorist group, the Pony Liberation and Resistance. Covered Letter now takes you live into the remains of the city."

Princess Celestia and Luna wept as they saw the destruction of the city of Baltimare. Weeping that they weren't able to save anyone.