//------------------------------// // Truths Revealed // Story: PLR Pony Liberation and Resistance // by Caesar2013 //------------------------------// Spoiler Alert, read last chapter before this one. Sorry about killing off Shining Armor folks, but I felt like he had served his purpose in the story, thus I had him eliminated. Or is it possible that he gets brought back to life… No, that's pretty impossible. Slitting someone's throat is pretty deadly. Disclaimer: I do not own MLP. It is the sole property of Lauren Faust and Hasbro. Neither of them I have any affiliation with. "This…imperialists, is the price you must pay for your transgressions!"" said Silver Tail on the video screen. Sitting in the chairs, the leaders of Equestria watch as the recorded video sent by the PLR showed their leader executing one of their own in cold blood. "Oh… my…" said Princess Celestia in a rather shocked expression. Never in her life has the old alicorn ever witnessed something so awful. The room sat in silence as Shining Armor finally died and the video ended. After a few minutes of joined silence, Princess Celestia spoke up. "This is a time of mourning for many of us. This… will not be the best of days for my niece, Cadence, and Twilight Sparkle." When Princess Celestia mentioned Twilight's name, the generals in the room had pained look in their eyes. "What is it you're hiding from me? The ruler of Equestria." Princess Celestia said sternly towards them. Then one of the generals spoke up. "Your highness, as of last night, there are three in total of the elements of harmony that are missing. Rarity, Applejack, and Twilight Sparkle. We assume they are being held in a PLR prison facility located near in the Everfree Forest." Deep in the Everfree Forest, the leader of the PLR is pacing back and forth. "Hmm" said Bucephalus. "We have captured the elements of harmony themselves… But I must be off with my arithmetic. Commissar Coal, correct me if I am mistaken, but there are no less than six elements of harmony, we only have three." Commissar Coal knew he was in a tight situation, seeing as how he commanded the PLR hijackers of that particular train. "Well ummm comrade, you see they managed to escape." Bucephalus angrily responded "I KNOW! It doesn't take an Albert Hoofeinstein to figure that out! How could you let this happen?! You are…." Bucephalus finally calmed down"You are failing me Commissar Coal." Commissar Coal knew that if he did not give a "correct" answer to his leader, he might as well be killed as a traitor. "Do not worry Comrade Bucephalus! We are recovering the other three as we speak!" Bucephalus began to laugh. "Ha ha, good! Good! I see you are quite the devoted officer. It is others like you that I need more of in the PLR. Your future is a bright one if you do not fail. I do not wish to have to kill a dedicated comrade like you, Commissar Coal." Commissar Coal gulped at what his leader had just told him. "We have the other three detained if you wish to see them. "Yes, that will be excellent." Said Bucephalus. " Perhaps I can show them the error of their ways. " Coal led Bucephalus down a flight of stairs. As they reached a secured room, Commissar Coal spoke up "This is it comrade." Bucephalus called the guards away and entered the room. Inside the dark room, Bucephalus could see that the three ponies in the room had been bound, gagged, and blindfolded. "Oh dear, how rude of us" said Bucephalus as he took the blindfold off Applejack. Applejack was finally able to see after a few hours of being blindfolded. Looking around, Applejack realized that she is in the presence of the PLR, leader, Bucephalus. But only she knew of her relationship to him. "Do you know who I am?" asked Bucephalus to Applejack. "Oh. How stupid of me." Bucephalus said after noticing Applejack's gag. After removing the gag from Applejack's mouth, Bucephalus repeated the question. "Do you know who I am?" Applejack nodded "Yes, yer that fella who's going around killing innocent ponies!" Bucephalus laughed a little at that. "No dear, Applejack, is it? I am not a killer, I merely serve the will of the common pony. The unicorns" Bucephalus points towards Rarity and Twilight "Are the enemies of the common pony and it is they who will be punished. "I think you've had too many apples fall on yer head." Bucephalus smiled a little and laughed. "Big Macintosh is your brother, yes?" Applejack eyes went up "Why? So you can hurt him?" Bucephalus calmly told Applejack "No, quite the contrary. You see not too long ago, I met our dear comrade Big Macintosh at my office in Mannehattan." Applejack then thought to herself "So that's why Big Mac went to Mannehattan. Oh Mac,not you too!" Bucephalus spoke up again. "It's quite unfortunate you see. A comrade's younger sister is a traitor to the common pony. Thus…. I'm afraid we will have to treat you as such." Bucephalus pulls out a blood stained knife. The very same one used to execute Shining Armor. "Wait! You can't kill me!" Bucephalus raises his eye brow, eager to learn why this "traitor" wanted to be spared. "Why? What is it that makes you so special in your eyes? Speak!" Bucephalus commanded to Applejack. Being so intimidated to the gigantic pony before her, Applejack finally broke. "I don't know, but I'm apparently yer grandfilly!" Bucephalus stared blankly before Applejack, before erupting in a rage. "HOW DARE YOU?!" Bucephalus said as he flipped the chair Applejack was bound to backwards with very little effort. "How dare you use such lies to protect yourself?! The lies of which you have told me is impossible, as my children were killed by the griffons. Start explaining before I make your death more painful than it should be" If looks could kill, then Applejack would've been dead the moment she mentioned what Granny Smith had told her. In an attempt to try and stave off what seemed like an inevitable death, Applejack mentioned "Granny Smith! Did you know Granny Smith?" Bucephalus said "Yes, but why does that matter?" In an attempt to stop the annoyed stallion from killing her Applejack started explaining "Granny Smith said you two were close. Colt and mare friend ya'll was. A little event got her pregnant with my daddy. So please for your sake and hers, you wouldn't kill me or my friends." Applejack was crying a little with tears in her eyes. Squinting her eyes to stop herself from seeing what was certain death, Applejack was preparing for an untimely death. Instead, Bucephalus cut the ropes that bound her. "I ... Guess this complicates things a bit. I will not kill you… yet… maybe. You may free your friends, but neither of you will be allowed to leave the facility. You three may roam select parts of the facility, but you are not to be allowed to leave." With that Bucephalus left Applejack and her friends alone, slamming the door behind him. "Oh sweet Celestia" said Applejack "I thought I'd was a goner for sure." Seeing as how she'd been freed of the ropes that bound her to the chair, Applejack got off the ground, and wiped the tears from her eyes. Looking at her friends, Applejack went over to untie them. After they'd been untied, Rarity looked at Applejack and said "That monster is your grandfather? Darling that's… that's… horrible!" Applejack turned away from her friend, saddened by the fact they now knew. "Rarity, please! She's been through too much… we all have." Applejack turned away again. "Okay, I know ya'll hate me now." Normally, Applejack was not one to cry, but after all that she has been through, and the thought of being blamed for what her grandfather has done by her friends was too much. "Darling" said Rarity. "We don't hate you; he may be a monster, that doesn't mean you a monster. Besides, you are more the pony then that brute will ever be." Applejack laughed a little. "Thanks all yah. But ya'll just say that to make me feel better." Twilight jumped in "No of course not, you are not Bucephalus, your grandfather. You're Applejack, our friend." With that, the three ponies in the cell had mass group hug. After that, they sat down and fell asleep. Inside Bucephalus' office, the leader of the PLR was sitting on his chair, drinking apple liquor (his favorite alcoholic beverage). Bucephalus was in a tight spot. Seeing as how he'd kidnapped his own grandmare, also a fellow earth pony may hurt his cause. Then the door opens. Bucephalus turned around in his chair and as expected, it was Big Macintosh. After hearing of Applejack's revelation, Bucephalus called in his favorite comrade, now revealed to be his own grandson. "I called you in, yes?" asked Bucephalus. "Eeyup" said Big Mac as he took a seat in front of Bucephalus' desk. "Apple Liquor, comrade?" offered Bucephalus. "Nope." Replied Big Mac. "I don't drink." Bucephalus understood, and put the glass bottle of apple liquor away. "Now comrade, I must discuss why I've called you in." said Bucephalus. "You, when you kill one, it's a tragedy breaking even the princesses to their knees. Kill ten million and it's a statistic." Bucephalus laughed a little. "They call me a killer, but I assure you, I live only to serve the will of the common pony, and it's the common pony's history that will judge me." Bucephalus then got out a map of the world. "Equestria's borders will stretch from corner to corner. We will liberate our brothers and sisters throughout the world, whether they are the zebras, griffons, or bulls." Bucephalus sighed a little; while Big Mac sat there wondering what was the point of this conversation. "You see comrade, in my eyes you are the ideal earth pony. Modest, hard working, strong, fit. You know, what must be done. I would like to see it that you are my heir and successor." Big Macintosh sat up straighter. "But uhh comrade, are you sure you want to do that?" Bucephalus replied with a stern face. "Comrade Big Mac, the truth may shock you. I am... your true grandfather…" Big Macintosh was a little shocked, but eventually understood. "Take your place in the PLR comrade Big Macintosh, my own flesh and blood, and your future is as bright as the star of the new world" Bucephalus finished.