PLR Pony Liberation and Resistance

by Caesar2013

Shining Armor's Last Stand

Well, now that some character building has been done, it's time to begin the civil war. Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony. It is owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

Inside a secure meeting room, the leaders of the PLR are discussing the latest news of the war against the imperialistic Equestria. "Commissar Coal, what is the latest news of the nerve gas? How long did it take for it to work?" asked Bucephalus. Commissar Coal, one of the newly promoted officers in the PLR nervously looked at his leader and said "It depended on the size of the victim. For the buffalo's calves, it was 12-18 seconds. The buffalo bulls took longer, around 30-42 seconds before finally dying." Bucephalus smiled at the news. "And no survivors?" Commissar Coal shook his head no. "None of the buffalo who were in the village at the time of the nerve gas attack survived." Silver Tail slammed his hoof onto the table. "Comrade Bucephalus! Brother! Was it necessary to kill the buffalo tribe neighboring Appleloosa? After all, they too are persecuted by the imperialists. " Bucephalus made a glare towards his younger brother. "Comrade Silver Tail, we had given the buffalo tribe adequate warnings to abandon their alliance with the Appleoosans. No matter how much we offered them aid, they rudely refused. They were then enemies of the common pony when they refused and were justly eliminated." Bucephalus turned his attention to Commissar Coal. "Commissar Coal, send a message to our comrades in Fillydelphia. They are to begin full production of the nerve gas." Said Bucephalus. Commissar Coal read another intelligence paper. "Comrade Bucephalus. There is something just as important. Intelligence reports that the PLR are facing heavy resistance from the Appleoosans." Bucephalus looked at Coal and said " They have refused our offers of friendship as well as refusing to break ties with the tyrants Celestia and Luna. Destroy the town, kill everyone in the town. Take no prisoners, and leave no survivors. "

About a week later, news of the massacre at Appleloosa shocked many citizens of Equestria. Nearly all of the inhabitants had been killed, including foals and mares. There was but one survivor. A certain pony, named Braeburn, who had only managed to survive by being in his apple orchard at the time of the attack, until the PLR set fire to the orchard. In which case he ran for his life, and was found by the survivors of the attack on the buffalo. Seeing as how dreadful things were, Equestrians called for the end of the war. Those against the war wanted the rulers to give a slice of Equestria up to the PLR, in an attempt to somehow appease them. "They just want to be free of Celestia. If we give them what they want, they will leave the rest of Equestria alone." Some ponies had argued. Others like the war horses group (Ponies for the war) argued that the PLR didn't want a separate country; they wanted Equestria for themselves, free of Celestia and Luna.

"Enough is enough" Yelled Celestia to her advisors angered over what the PLR had done in Appleloosa "We have no choice. Negotiation is out of the question. We must use the elements of harmony to bring an end to the war." The royal advisors said they would have to send a message out to the six bearers of the elements. "Due to the extreme danger of escorting such important ponies. I will send the royal guard itself to protect the girls. Shining Armor, would you have a problem in accompanying your sister as she comes here to receive the elements?" Shining Armor smiled at his royal ruler. "Why of course princess. I will move out immediately… It's just… it's just that…. Cadence is pregnant my child. If I were to die…" Princess Celestia understood her subordinate's situation. "If you choose not to go on this mission, I understand." Shining Armor spoke back. "No Princess Celestia, it is my duty to help Equestria. I cannot turn my back on them." Princess Celestia understood. "Very well then, Shining Armor. Please make sure the girls arrive in Canterlot safely."

"Compartments secured. Let's go!" said one of the many soldiers. As the train moved across the ground the six girls had chatted amongst themselves. "Oh dear me!" said Rarity "I'm short on my beauty sleep." Pinkie Pie was quite hyper. "Oh boy! We're going to a party!" Applejack sat there quiet, if what her grandmother told her was true, and then would her friends turn against her for being the granddaughter of a terrorist? Meanwhile, Shining Armor was playing with a toy figurine of a pony, he signed for his unborn child. "Don't worry Armor." Said one of the guards "I'm sure you'll get back in time to see your foal be born."

Meanwhile, the Mane six ponies talked to each other ("Are you all right Applejack?" asked Twilight , loud noises began to be heard throughout the train. "Hijackers!" Yelled the soldiers. Shining Armor burst into the room "Girls, Twilight! Stay hidden! Do not let anyone see you!" Flutttershy jumped out! "EEEK! Behind you!" Shining Armor turned around and saw one of the PLR hijackers charging through. Raising his spear in time, Shining Armor had managed to stab and kill the PLR member before he could capture or kill the Mane 6. "Stay here!" cried Shining Armor. As he left the room, to continue the fight. "Please oh sweet Celestia!" cried Twilight. "Don't let anything happen to him!" As the mane 6 hid, they could hear the cries of battle. The entire scene was a massive brawl. Some PLR and the guards were shot by crossbow bolts, others were hit by moving objects, as the train took up speed. "The hijackers have taken control of the conductor!" cried someone on a loud speaker. "Oh thank Celestia!" said Shining Armor. "They've retreated off the train." It was true as of what Shining Armor had said. The PLR were seen leaving the train. "They're not retreating! Look" said one pony. As some of the guards looked outside, they could see what had happened. The PLR had taken out the bridge. "Stop the train!" yelled one guard. But by then the guards realized they were too late, as the train speeded down into the ravine.

"Oh my head." Said Shining Armor. "Wake up Captain!" said a guard shaking his captain. "Sir! We have secured the Mane 6, and they're fine with only minor bruises. But the PLR have surrounded us!" Shining Armor immediately went into soldier mode. Have the surviving guards escort the girls out of here!" The guard looked shocked. "Sir! You can fight them off!" Shining Armor took a deep breath. "I want my foal to grow up in a world surrounded by his family, and free of fear. If my sacrifice gives him that… "The guard understood. "Err yes sir! You heard him! Fall out!" The ponies had exited the damaged train. The sky was dark as the train had left under a particularly dark night provided by Princess Luna. With only the fires from the train giving light, the ponies saw that the PLR were approaching quickly. "Get my sister and the others to safety!" said Shining Armor to his subordinates.

Twilight Sparkle was panicking. "Where's my brother" Looking around, she saw that the PLR were hurrying towards them, shooting crossbow bolts as they marched to the train. Shining Armor made his way to Twilight, hugged her and said. "Twilight, I'm sorry. Tell Cadence I'm sorry and that I love her with all my heart and… and…" Shining Armor began to cry, knowing what he had to do in his part to save Equestria. "What are you talking about, Armor?! We've gotta-" Shining Armor yelled over her "GO! I have them taken care of!" Shining Armor took a crossbow from a subordinate, and headed out to meet the enemy. Seeing as how Shining Armor had left them, the others had too, pulled out.

Firing bolt after bolt, Shining Armor was going to keep his sister, one of the holders of the elements of harmony, and the others safe. Even…. If it meant his death. The PLR had surrounded him, and pretty soon Shining Armor's crossbow had run out of ammo. "Die Imperialist!" Shining Armor turned to his right side just as a PLR had hit him hard in the head. The blow knocking Shining Armor off his hooves, as well as knocking him unconscious.

"Uhhhh" Shining Armor woke up to see that he'd been gagged, as well as bound to a chair. Struggling to break free of the bonds, Shining Armor tried with all of his strength to overcome the ropes, but it had been to no good. A door had opened with a creak sound. To Shining Armor's horror, it was the leader of the PLR himself, Bucephalus. "Hello" said Bucephalus. "We met at the party. Didn't we? Why you were so brave then.. Taking on the PLR. And now you're here captured by the PLR. Unfortunately, your efforts were in vain. You see, Shining Armor, my ponies were able to capture, well perhaps not all of them, but a good number, of the Elements of Harmony themselves." Bucephalus showed Shining Armor a picture, which… to his horror, showed Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight Sparkle, bound, gagged, and blindfolded. "We were quite fortunate to capture them, considering the priceless value of the unicorn put up a fight. But you see, we earth ponies have quite a technical ability. You see the device on your horn shuts off all magic abilities." Shining Armor looked at his horn, and saw a circular object similar to a shock collar was around his neck. Walking back and forth, Bucephalus took a few good looks at Shining Armor before continuing. "Is this toy pony your foal's?" Shining Armor saw that the toy pony held by Bucephalus was the exact one that Shining Armor wanted to give to his unborn foal. 'Now foals are so attached to trinkets and toys. But do you know why? Because... it reminds them they are loved. But… part of growing up is excepting the fact death is inevitable. The inevitability, Captain Armor, of death… but you will be hero to those that knew you. I hope that gives you some sort of comfort. But take note we won't release the girls. Brother!" Shining Armor still bound to a chair looked up to see a thin pony enter the room, Silver Tail. "All right comrade" Silver Tail spoke up, you may begin filming in.. 5…4…3…2…1…" After the countdown, Silver Tail, the second in command of the PLR began his speech "What a shame and pity this is. We the earth ponies are simply persecuted. You come over and enslave and murder us… our children and others. Yet, you call us terrorists and murderers for defending him! This…imperialists, is the price you must pay for your transgressions!" Silver Tail pulled out a rather large knife and handed it to Bucephalus. "Oh please no" Shining Armor thought to himself as Bucephalus moved the blade's edge to Shining Armor's throat. "NOOO!" cried out as the knife went across his throat. As the darkness began to overtake him, a single tear dropped from Shining Armor's cheek. A tear of regret… for his unborn foal.