//------------------------------// // Earth Pony Manifesto // Story: PLR Pony Liberation and Resistance // by Caesar2013 //------------------------------// Hmm so it seems the PLR terrorists have officially declared war on Equestria. Seeing as how Bucephalus left a parchment detailing his demands last chapter, the demands will be given out. Disclamer: My little Pony is the property of Hasbro, and Lauren Faust. I own nothing Seeing as how the PLR were gone, Celestia turned to a guard. "Guard, call out for medics and the other guards. There are sure to be wounded throughout the palace! We have to help them." Celestia cried. "Yes princess!" the guard responded. The attending party going ponies had enough of the situation and began to leave. Shining Armor had sat himself next to a still standing pillar in the midst of the rubble, exhausted by the fact that the giant stallion could've easily overpowered him. A short time later, only the mane 6, the princesses (including Cadance), and a few guards remained. "Look!" cried Twilight. "Bucephalus left a parchment!" Seeing that Twilight had picked up the parchment, Princess Celestia wanted to see it. "Please Twilight, read it. But be prepared to be alarmed." Twilight began to read the Parchement. "The Earth Pony Manifesto" The time has come for a change in government, for a revolution. Our corrupt leaders, have everything that anypony could want: Power, wealth, prestige. And it has made them turn a blind eye towards the needs of the common pony. They have water for cleaning, while many of the poor do not even have enough water to irrigate their crops. The bit has become more influential to the outcome of decisions than what is right. For the earth pony to truly be released from the bonds and shackles there are many things that must be accomplished. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are to abdicate their thrones. Immediately. Their rule of an autocratic dictatorship makes them blind to the needs of common earth ponies. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are to face trial for crimes against the common pony. And have been unanimously sentenced to death The Equestrian Military is to be purged of 90% of its officers. Many of them have gotten corrupt and complacent of their positions. Their laziness costing the Equestrian Military fortunes in bits and unnecessary casualties. That includes the sea pony navy, and pegasi air forces. The most dangerous of these corrupt leaders are to be killed. The power is to go to the representatives of the common pony. No more corrupt rulers simply because they were born into that position. All private property is to be abolished, and taken into the hands of the state. To each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs. All farmers are to combine their farms into large, state owned farms. The civilians are to be forbidden to leave Equestria unless they have gained a special permit to leave. No longer will useful skills leave Equestria. Education is to be reorganized into a single education government branch. Intellectuals are to be removed from their positions in academia, and moved to labor camps to perfom special services in place of working ponies. Those who can be trusted by the PLR to work in areas approved, may work in academic realated areas. The rest, are to be trained in trades and useful jobs. All citizens are to be guaranteed an education, free health care, housing, and a ration of food. Enemies of the common pony and the PLR, you have until two days to come agree to all demands. Or suffer the consequences. Bucephalus Leader of the PLR Hero of the Common Pony Those listening to the words from the parchment looked as though Bucephalus had lost his mind. "Well ah shucks" said Applejack. "We won't give up the farm we've had for generations! It just won't happen!" Applejack began to cry. Princess Celestia moved in to comfort her. "Don't worry Applejack, they won't win. We won't let them." Twilight was a little scared; her mentor was given a death threat. Should Equestria lose the up and coming civil war, her teacher, and mother figure would be killed. "Twilight" Celestia said to Twilight, knowing her saddened expression. "They will not and won't kill me Twilight I won't let it happen. But considering what has happened. Things will change, and it won't be for the better.