//------------------------------// // Murderer Big Mac // Story: PLR Pony Liberation and Resistance // by Caesar2013 //------------------------------// All right, so it seems like Big Macintosh bit off more than he could chew and is now caught between the PLR and the Mannehattan Police. Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to My Little Pony. That is the sole property of Hasbro and Laura Faust. The fan fiction is mine. Enjoy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Realizing over the sound of police sirens that he might be killed over seeing the PLR, Big Mac began to cry a little. Bucephalus seeing a comrade breaking, rushed over to him and said "Get a hold of yourself comrade!" Bucephalus said while shaking Big Macintosh. "If the police capture you while you are with us, they will kill or exile you as well. Either way, you're with us" Bucephalus cocks his crossbow rather menacingly towards Big Macintosh. "Or… you are against us…" Big Mac couldn't think properly. This was too much for him so he simply said "Eeyup." I'm … uhh with you." Bucephalus responds "Good comrade. You have made the correct choice. Can you use a crossbow?" Big Mac was a pacifist by nature; he'd only shot a crossbow at targets, but never a living pony! Police ponies to be exact. "Take the crossbow comrade!" said Bucephalus as he tossed Big Mac the menacingly looking crossbow and several clips of crossbow bolts. "Comrades" Bucephalus said looking at Silver Tail and Ground Rider. "Let's move out! Double time!" The other two stallions said in unison "Yes comrade." Thus the four stallions left the room to evacuate from Mannehattan. Going from room to room, they rallied the PLR ponies against the police awaiting them outside. "Comrades!" roared Bucephalus "The imperialists outside have come to kill us! They have raped and marauded our kind without mercy! They deserve none in return!" The members the PLR cheered as they took the ammo and weapons from the crossbow racks and equipped themselves." The PLR set up snipers by the windows and set several ponies outside to defend the entrance, among them were Bucephalus, Silver Tail, Big Macintosh, and Ground Rider. "Bucking imperialist mules!" Ground Rider yelled as he fired yet another bolt at the police ponies. "You're all dying nothing!" The PLR stallions were trapped, their only hope to escape was through the police, yet that would be suicide. If they'd run into the building, the police ponies would simply storm it room by room, until the PLR conspirators had been killed. "Comrade Bucephalus! Didn't we lay explosive charges around the premises of the building?" asked a member of the PLR as they returned fire after getting shot at during the last five minutes. Bucephalus looked surprised. "Oh yes we did comrade!" Bucephalus reaches into his coat and pulls out a radio of sorts. "Comrades!" Bucephalus says to the radio as crossbow bolts zoom past his head."The time has come to initiate danger close! I repeat danger close!" Through the static, Big Mac manages to hear that the explosion would be too close to them. "Just do it comrade!" yells Bucephalus! Moments later a multitude of explosions rip through several of the buildings killing many of the police ponies as well as an unknown number of civilians! "Comrades!" Bucephalus yelled into the radio "The time has come to evacuate Mannehattan! I repeat evacuate! Burn the building down and report to subway station alpha minor b! I repeat alpha minor b!" Big Mac was frightened of what he had just seen. Never in his life had he'd seen so many ponies lay dying in the street nor did he hear so many cries of pain and suffering. Looking at Ground Rider, Big Mac could see that the stallion was taking in the situation was a sort of a sadistic pleasure. He'd walk around executing the surviving police ponies as they lay in the street along the burning rubble of buildings, begging to be spared. "Comrade Ground Rider!" Bucephalus called out "Now is not the time to be doing that! We've got to go!" Ground Rider made a frown at stopping what was for him one of life's many pleasures. "However, comrade Bucephalus is right." Ground Rider thought "There would be other times to kill imperialist agents of Celestia." Seeing as they had a clear path to escape, the remaining PLR who haven't been killed had to fight through the streets. In the streets of Mannehattan, the city was under lock down as the PLR fought their way out of the city. "Forward comrades! Do not let them slow us down!" yelled Bucephalus as they fought through another road block. "Comrades, see as they try and stop us, we true earth ponies are prevailing fight on!" Big Mac was confused. Many of the ponies the PLR had killed were earth ponies. But Big Mac had survival mode on, and was concerned about dying in the streets, accompanied by terrorists. "Comrades, we are close to the substation!" said Silver Tail as what little PLR forces that were left to fight began to gather. "All right comrades listen closely; this subway will take us far from the city allowing us to escape. Push on!" Bucephalus yelled as he charged into the subway metro. Seeing as how it was his only chance to escape arrest, Big Macintosh followed the group of terrorists into the metro. Pushing several civilians out of the way, the stallions went from station to station while being gripped at the throats by police. "The imperialists mules won't give up!" yelled Ground Rider, firing his crossbow at the police pursuers. Suddenly without warning, a police pony jumped out of hiding and tackled Big Mack. The sturdy pony, found himself rolling down a flight of stairs with the police pony on top. Angered and in the heat of the moment, Big Mac bucked the police pony "Now you get off!" off of him down another flight of stairs. Big Macintosh got up to see what happened. The police pony was a rather young fellow, possibly on his first day. "Oh sweet Celestia" thought Big Mac as he saw that the police pony was very much alive with a broken neck. "Oggghfh" moaned the police pony, unable to make comprehensible words."Comrade Big Macintosh" said Ground Rider "You are quite the sadist." Big Mac turned around to see the giant Bucephalus, Silver Tail, and Ground Rider as they walked down the stairs to join their comrade. "But I swear" Big Mac jumped up all teary eyed "I just bucked him off me and-" Bucephalus turn towards Big Mac and said "This pony had seen your face, and you with us. Should he live, he will testify against you. We have no choice, you must finish him off." Bucephalus handed Big Mac the crossbow that he had dropped when the police pony tackled him. "Do it. NOW!" ordered Bucephalus. Big Mac couldn't stand the tortured look on the eyes of the police pony. "I'm err very sorry." Big Mac said aiming, but not looking, at the police pony. "I'm very sorry. Eeyup." With that, Big Mac pulled the trigger, releasing the bolt, killing the police pony. Big Mac saw that he had reached a point of no return. He was now a murderer. "Oh sweet Celestia what have I done?" Big Mac cried out as he realized the magnitude of what he's done. "Comrade Big Macintosh" Ground Rider said. "There's no time for that! We have to move." The four stallions climbed back up the stairs onto a subway station. There they regrouped with the PLR and boarded subway alpha minor b. Bucephalus looked over at Big Mac, seeing as he was downtrodden about killing the police pony. "Comrade Big Macintosh." Bucephalus said as he took a seat next to Big Mac. "I was once a soldier myself. I had served in the Royal Equestrian Army, during… the battle of Stalliongrad." Big Mac sat up at this. Stalliongrad was the bloodiest battle in Equestrian history. The average life expectancy for a soldier during that battle was measured in hours. Seeing as how Bucephalus survived, he must have killed a lot. "You know, the hardest is killing for the first time." Bucephalus said to Big Mac as the subway continued its journey underground. "I myself had a hard time killing the gryphons, but eventually I had gotten used to it. However, you had quite a time with your first kill." Big Mac turned away from Bucephalus, ashamed at what he'd done. "Comrade Big Macintsoh. You are now an outcast in the eyes of your peers. They will look at you like you are a terrorist. An evil man. We at the PLR know the truth, you can either join us and be pardoned… or…. Refuse and be turned over to the authorities." Big Mac was terrified now, he had committed a murder and the PLR are threatening to turn him in if he doesn't join. "Uhh all right sir, seems like I have no choice. But to join. But please make this goaway." Bucephalus smiled and put his hoof on Big Mac's shoulder. "You have made the right choice comrade. We will help you, as you will help us." With that Bucephalus got up from his seat and handed Big Mac a ticket. "This ticket" said Bucephalus, will take you back to Ponyville on the first train at 8:30 am. Do NOT miss it. Also you must tell no one, friends and family about what you have seen today." Big Mac sighed a little and said "Eeyup sir." At the Sweet Apple Acres Farm, it is 10:00 at night; Applejack couldn't sleep and decided to watch a little television. Suddenly a breaking news story reports "BREAKING NEWS: PLR attacks Mannehattan.. 107 police ponies and civilians killed, 31 wounded. About two hours ago, the police have raided a compound in the city of Mannehattan controlled by the PLR. When suddenly explosions shook the city, killing and injuring many police and civilians as they ran for cover. It is believed that former Equestrian Army General Bucephalus is behind the attack. We take you live to the scene." "Oh my!" cried Applejack "Big Mac was in Mannehattan! Oh sweet Celestia's ghost I hope he's all right" The camera switches to a picture of a young stallion. "Private. Stillcolt, rookie police officer has been seen heroically trying to stop a PLR terrorist (the video clip shows a stallion tackling a familiar looking pony). Though Pvt. Stillcolt was killed, he will be remembered as a hero to his friends and family. It seems like the citizens of Mannehattan will have trouble sleeping tonight. Our hearts and souls go out to those killed in the horrible terrorist attack." Applejack sat there stunned, So much death and distruction in the city. With so many killed, Applejack just prayed to Celestia that Big Macintosh will return safe and sound.