//------------------------------// // Recruited // Story: PLR Pony Liberation and Resistance // by Caesar2013 //------------------------------// All right, this story has finally sunk in. Okay, so now begins the interesting part of the story. This chapter won't have the PLR (Pony Liberation and Resistance) as much. Don't worry, I promise we'll go back to the PLR and Bucephalus next chapter. For now let's enjoy the mane 6. Oh and I do not own MLP which is the property of Hasbro and Laura Faust. On the road to Sweet Apple Acres, Big Mac is continuing his conversation with this stranger, Dirt Rider. "What do ya'll want?" said Big Mac in a confused look. "Please Big Macintosh; it's not what I want, it's what you want. Tell me have you ever felt, a little dissatisfied with your life? Did you ever wish you could've had more to life than you have now?" Big Mac thought about this and said "Well I feel happy with my life, I have all my needs taken care of. But I guess I could use a better life." Dirt Rider made a grin and spoke "Big Macintosh, let me tell you something, myself, my associates, and the organization I work for make sure that everywhere that earth ponies are treated as equals not second class citizens. You see for years unicorns and pegasi have taken advantage of us." Big Macintosh was confused. He'd never been taken advantage of in his life. Had he? "Why would they all do that?" Dirt Rider looked in one direction and said. "Years ago, earth ponies were economically stable, they could grow enough food to support themselves, but then came the pegasi and the unicorns. They took advantage of us earth ponies and forced us to work the fields in nothing in return. Nowadays nothing has truly changed. Earth ponies are still toiling away while the Pegasi and Unicorns are free to run other operations." Big Mac was confused even more; his sister was friends with unicorns and pegasi. Were they truly friends? Or taking advantage of them? "What sort of organization is this?" Big Mac said now interested in what Dirt Rider was telling him. "Our organization is dedicated to protecting earth ponies from the tyranny of the "higher order" ponies everywhere. Our leader is making another speech in Mannehattan; perhaps I could schedule you to go." Big Mac took and card detailing some information on the PLR (Pony Liberation and Resistance). "Hmmm" Big Mac thought to himself. "I could use a vacation for the first time. The apples have been bucked. When is this meeting?" Once again Dirt Rider Smiled. "In two days time our leader Bucephalus will make a speech to the ponies, catch a ride on the train and meet at the location given on the card. And please, for our sake, don't ask around. We wouldn't want a …. accident to happen." With that, Dirt Rider walked off towards PonyVille. "Hmm" Big Mac thought "This sounds to be good." As before Big Mac started again his trip back to Sweet Apple Acres. Inside the Carousel Boutique, two ponies and a dragon are explaining the attack on the store. "Oh it was simply dreadful" a teary eye Rarity said fighting back the tears. "Here we were, minding our own business, when some monster yelled some horrible speech and threw a brick right through the window! It was horrible!" The police pony looked at Rarity with a saddened look. "Yes we found graffiti on the side of the store, saying "Unicorns! Go home!"Now I don't want to alarm you, but this isn't the first such attacks on unicorns and pegasi have happened." Twilight sat there confused. "But sir, unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies have been living together in harmony for years. Why are tensions breaking out now?" The police pony looked back at Twlight and said "We don't know for sure, but we may think there is a group of malcontent earth ponies vandalizing property of pegasi and unicorns. But do not worry dear mares, the police have this handled. These ponies will be brought to justice and will pay for their crimes." Rarity stopped crying and sat up. "Yes!" Rarity roared. "I want the monster that did this to my store to pay for this!" Rarity just stood there, huffing and puffing. The police pony felt he had spent enough time here. "Why don't you close up now?" the police pony said to Rarity. "Don't worry about the store though; we'll make sure that no one trashes the place again." Rarity had enough of worrying about her store. "Please don't let anything happen, but what if he comes back?" The police pony simply laughed a little and told Rarity: "Now if he has any thought of coming back, we'll just arrest him and bring him in for questioning." With that, Rarity, Twilight, and Spike walked out of the store. "Twilight mind if I stay with you?" asked Rarity. "But what about Sweetie Bell, Rarity? Don't you have to take care of her?" replied Twilight. "Twilight" Rarity said "Sweetie Bell is staying with Scootaloo and Applebloom at Sweet Apple Acre, I'd rather not bother her with this whole mess. Please Twilight can I stay with you tonight? I don't know if that creep will try and do something dreadful while I'm having my shut eye." Spike's eyes widened at the thought of his crush, Rarity, staying over with them. "Please Twilight! Don't worry, if anything happens I'll protect Rarity." Rarity blushed at the notion of Spike protecting her. "Oh Spikey-wikey" Rarity said as she rubbed Spike's head "Why aren't you my dashing little knight. See Twilight, even Spike agrees." Twilight sighed "All right Rarity, pack up your things and come to the library when you're ready." Rarity jumped for joy. "Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Twilight! I must say you should be the element of generosity for helping me in this time of need." With that, Rarity ran off to her house while Spike and Twilight returned to the library. In Canterlot, Princess Celestia is tensing up at reading Twilight Sparkle's letter. While she was calm on the outside, Celestia was horrified on the inside. This was the 15th attack on a unicorn in this month alone. This wasn't a disorganized lone wolf attack. From detailed reports from the Royal Equestrian Intelligence Service (REIS), this was a systematic attack on pegasi and unicorns everywhere. "How can we put an end to this madness" Celestia thought to herself, "and bring harmony to ponies everywhere as we were before?" Celestia sighed as she rolled up the letter. "Hey Tia" Princess Luna called out. "I was looking for you and I" Princess Luna looked at her sister's saddened look. "Tia! What happened?" Princess Celestia looked in the direction of her younger sister and softly spoke. "Luna, there's been another attack on a unicorn, this time one of Twilight Sparkle's friends". Luna was scared and angry too, Twilight Sparkle was Luna's first real friend after her 1000 year exile. An attack on Twilight and her friend was to Luna an attack on herself. "We must find this culprit!" Luna cried out. "And bring thou to face punishment!" Celestia moved towards her sister softly and said "Luna, in time we will find the ones responsible for the attacks. In the mean time, we still have our job to do as rulers of Equestria. I'll lower the sun to make way for your moon. Same as it is every day." Luna sternly replied. "I will raise the moon, but I will investigate the matter." With that, the two regal sisters made their way to the balcony to end the day, and begin the night. So ends chapter 2. While this may seem like a massive block of dialogue. Its allowing me to move on to more of the PLR, the antagonists of this fanfic. So it seems like Big Macintosh has taken an interest in the PLR. But will he decide to keep with the PLR? Or stay away from it altogether? Bucephalus is making his second speech next chapter, and a hint of what's next, let's just say that Big Macintosh will meet Bucephalus face to face.