//------------------------------// // The Incident // Story: PLR Pony Liberation and Resistance // by Caesar2013 //------------------------------// All right, the answers are the PLR (People's Liberation and Resistance) from Battlefield 3. Fun Fact: Bucephalus is the Name of Alexander the Great's Horse. The more you know :) .I do not own MLP I do not own Battlefield 3, if I did there'd be some changes. Also for a personal writer's note, my goal is to write two chapters a day. I already know exactly what I'm going to write. But it's up to me to decide when the story gets updated. This chapter begins in Ponyville close to Sweet Apple Acre Farm. Enjoy PLR- Chapter 1 The sun was unusually hot that day for autumn. The birds were migrating to warmer climates. Big Mac had gone into town to buy supplies needed for the coming winter; Sweetie Bell had gone off with her friends, and Granny Smith was asleep in the house. This left the responsibility of apple bucking onto Applejack, a job she excelled in. After loading several buckets of apples onto her wagon, Applejack was ready to turn in, when she noticed a stranger standing outside the farm. This stranger was an earth pony, much like herself. He was a brown, fairly young stallion, but showed a gleaning appearance one shows with experience in life. "Can I help yah stranger?" Applejack said with her accent. "As a matter of fact, yes" the brown stallion spoke up. "I'm looking for the owner of this farm" the stallion said with a smile on his face. Nervously, the blonde element of honesty spoke up "I am as well as mah family. But who are you stranger?" The brown stallion smiled again "My name is Ground Rider, my, I didn't expect the owner to be such a lovely mare such as yourself". Frowning a bit, Applejack was a bit nervous and distrusted this brown stranger, Ground Rider. "Well mah name's Applejack. Being the element of Honesty, Applejack was examining Ground Rider for any hint of distrust. The moment she felt uncomfortable, she'd ask him to leave. "Well, ground Rider, what do ya'll want?" Applejack spoke up. "Dear Applejack, do not be alarmed I am here to help you and others like you." Ground Rider Spoke up once more. "You see there are others like ourselves throughout Equestria that need to be freed." Applejack looked at Ground Rider like he was crazy. "Freed from what?" Applejack questioned. "You see, Applejack. We earth ponies are the 80 % yet the majority of the wealth is in the hands of the other races like pegasi and unicorns. We earth ponies are practically slaves to them." Applejack shocked at this stallion's words spoke up "What are you talking about, Ground Rider? Nopony throughout Equestria is a slave. Princess Celestia wouldn't allow it to happen." The stallion looked at Applejack as if she'd been drinking cider. "But Applejack" the Stallion spoke with a serious tone. "Princess Celestia and the other royals are part of the problem. They keep us earth ponies in chains (figuratively) while they can relax and enjoy themselves". Applejack couldn't stand anymore of this Stallion's words. "I think you had some apples fall on ya'll heads. You're crazy!" Applejack exclaimed "Please stranger just go, and stay away from mah friends." The stallion smiled weakly at Applejack one last. "Very well Applejack, I'm disappointed that you didn't want to hear what I had to say." The Stallion turned away. "Do not worry, Applejack, we at the PLR always liberate our brothers and sisters from their oppressors, whether they be willing or not." The Stallion made his way to the road and left. 'What a weird fella" Applejack said to herself "Wonder what happened to his brains to go thinking up such nonsense. Meanwhile, back in Ponyville, Rarity is helping Twilight pick out a dress for a coming winter-ball. "Oh you look marvelous my dear in that dress!" Rarity said "But it's a little tight" Twilight said "But the dress looks so…. It makes you absolutely stunning." Rarity replied. Spike just sat on the floor hoping that Rarity would be done helping Twilight so he could ask her for another time to go with him to the upcoming winter ball. A thunderous loud voice outside of the store is heard "Go back to Canterlot Unicorns!" With that comment brick is sent crashing through the window, sending glass everywhere. Spike, Twilight, and Rarity jumped up in fright as the ordeal past. "Oh good heavens what's going on?!" Rarity cries out. Seeing as to how her stores front window had been shattered, Rarity began to cry. "There there, Rarity, I can help fix this!" Spike said as he tried to comfort Rarity as she cried over the attack. Twilight went outside to see what was going on. On the right side of the store, Twilight sees in bright, red, spray paint "Unicorns go home". Shocked and disgusted at this, Twilight goes back into the store and says to Rarity they should call the police ponies. "Oh heavens yes!" Rarity cries out. "I want the most undelightful pony to pay for the damages he's caused!" Rarity exclaimed with anger seething through her. Twilight turns to Spike and says "Spike, call the police, I will write to Princess Celestia and let her know of what had just happened." Spike looks back and says "Right Twilight! Don't worry Rarity we're going to get through this!" Twilight using her magic picks up a piece of paper and a letter and writes: "Dear, Princess Celestia My friend Rarity's fashion store had just been attacked! Someone drew in red spray paint "Go home unicorns!" I do not understand why. Unicorns and other pony races have been living and co-existing side by side for years. Why is conflict breaking out now? I'm afraid for my friend Rarity. What if she's attacked again? What if other unicorns in Ponyville are attacked? Please send a response as soon as possible. Your Number 1 Student, Twilight Sparkle Twilight sighed softly as she rolled up the letter. Spike came back and said the police should be arriving soon. "Spike! Can you send this letter to Princess Celestia?" Twilight asked Spike. "Sure Twilight! No problem." Spike took the letter, and sent it to Princess Celestia. Twilight thought to herself as she sent the letter. Outside of Ponyville, Big Macintosh is bringing his cart full of supplies in town. As he walked along the dirt path, Big Macintosh came upon a brown colored pony. The pony stopped Big Macintosh along the road and says to him. "Hello you must be Big Macintosh." "Eeyup" replies Big Mac "Hmm you seem to be a hard working earth pony. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Ground Rider." Well that concludes chapter 1. What does Ground Rider want with Big Mac? Will there be justice for Rarity's window? Will the PLR be stopped? Wait for next chapters to find out.