//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: PLR Pony Liberation and Resistance // by Caesar2013 //------------------------------// My first full- length My little Pony Fan fiction. I have placed many references of other games and media in this fanfic. Lauren Faust owns My Little Pony … well you get the idea. I own nothing… If I did I'd hurry up with season 3. Enjoy :) Prologue: Rereading his note again, Dark Star squinted his eyes in the dark of the night and read: "Hello Agent Dark Star, Today's assignment is to infiltrate a group of suspected terrorists, the PLR (Pony Liberation and Resistance). The group regularly stages protests and strikes throughout Equestria's industries. Often these turn out violent. You are to examine their meeting in Stalliongrad, and report back to Canterlot, as soon as you have credible evidence of criminal mischief and other revolutionary activities. Enclosed is a dossier on the PLR and the PLR's leader, Bucephalus. We expect nothing but the best from you. Signed, HQ Colonel Mighty Hooves." Realizing he had missed the dossier, Dark Star continued to examine the PLR's leader, Bucephalus. Bucephalus was a rather big earth pony (probably one of the biggest in all of Equestria). Bucephalus was also an old war pony, having lost a leg and an eye at the claws of the griffons. "Why in Celestia's name would an old war hero pony turn against her?" Dark Star thought to himself. "She is not cruel, she has watched over us". Dark Star stood there confused to himself why anypony would rebel. "Anyways" exclaimed Dark Star. "I still have a job to do." Dark Star continued searching the streets of the industrial city of Stalliongrad. Dark Star knew he was on a trail when he began finding PLR fliers. Many of the fliers had strange ideas that confused Dark Star. "What are these chains they speak of?" Dark Star asked. Continuing around the city, Dark star had finally found the location he was looking for. Knowing he'd wouldn't be able to get into the area the PLR was preaching to the Earth Ponies, Dark Star climbed in an air shaft (as he was rather small for a unicorn) and continued climbing until he could see ,through a gap in the air shaft, a gathering of ponies. In the center, was a rather big pony, he had an eye patch as well as a prosthetic leg. "He must be Bucephalus", Dark Pony thought. Turning on his recording device, Dark Star grew quiet and watched the meeting. Suddenly, a pony, a rather tall skinny earth pony, perhaps middle-aged, stood up on the stage and said "Comrade Earth ponies", the tall and thin earth pony said, "We ask for your silence to listen to the wise words of our teacher and leader, Bucephalus". The earth ponies clapped their hooves as Bucephalus made his way to the microphone. Dark Star listened closely as Bucephalus made his speech. "Ahem" Bucephalus cleared his throat and began. "Comrade Earth Ponies. For too long we have suffered under the toil and hardship made by our glorious imperialist leaders." There was a mummer of approval throughout the audience. Bucephalus continued "We Earth ponies outnumber the other races by 80%, yet we the hard-working and laborious earth ponies, are eaten down into poverty, denied economic advancement. They get fat off the fruit of our labor yet we suffer from cold and hunger." The crowd began getting wilder. "But no longer comrades! We will rise as a power in the face of corruption and tyranny. We have trusted Celestia and Luna to deliver us in prosperity. But instead we earth ponies are put into chains and forced to labor under the beating sun for almost nothing in return." The crowd could not contain themselves; they were shaking with excitement and rage. "We earth ponies are the slaves of the others, alicorns, unicorns, and pegasi. But we shall not be enslaved. " Dark Star watched in awe as the Titanic earth pony roared throughout the meeting hall, as if he was a lion in a pony's skin. "The time has come fellow earth ponies to show our true strength. They underestimate us. But let us show we no longer fear them. Together we shall free our brothers, sisters, and comrades from oppression! Our cause is just and true! As I speak there are like minded ponies throughout the nation of equestrian ready to begin our objectives. We will bring justice to our corrupt leaders. Just as they lay waste to earth ponies everywhere, we shall lay waste to them! Together comrades we shall build a better world for ourselves, our children, and their children!" Dark Star realized what this meant, Bucephalus and the PLR are planning to lead a revolt against Princess Celestia herself! "I have to warn her!" Dark Star said to himself. Crawling quickly through the air shaft, Dark Star tried to leave, but the air shaft could not contain Dark Star's weight and crashed to the floor. "Look out" one pony yelled. All of the attending ponies gathered around the air duct, inside they find a frightened Dark Star and his recording device. The tall and thin earth pony approached. "Bucephalus" he calls out. "We've found a spy within our midst". Bucephalus calls back from the stage "Very well Silver Tail. Comrades! Brothers in arms! This is another one of Celestia's spies. They send them out, to keep you in fear. Tie the spy up and bring him to the stage!" Dark Star finds himself being bound with rope, and no matter how hard he tried. No matter how much he thrashed. Dark Star couldn't get out of the rope. "Comrades our story begins with this" Bucephalus is handed a spear by the thin pony, Silver Tail. "Please no!" Dark Star is begging for his life. "Down with the tyrants" Bucephalus yells as he thrusts the spear into Dark Star's chest. Once removing the spear, Dark Star falls to the ground. He does not get up. Well that went well. Don't worry, Celestia and Twilight as well as other actual MLP characters will show up next chapter. First comes the prologue. Trivia: Question 1:What is the PLR based off? Question 2: Who named their horse Bucephalus?