A Old Friend Back In Town

by The Amazing Horse Man

Through Forest We Must Go

The pair of pegasus walked through the forest, hearing weird noises every so often. But never that close. Though, thy did see a few patrols of changelings flying through.
"They must have gotten much more organized the past few years." Said Fluttershy.
"Eeyupe, no wonder they found Spark. The love coming form you two must've made their throats dry by the thought."
Fluttershy didn't know if she should take that as a compliment or a insult, but she just carried on.
After a day of traveling they encountered something really weird. It was a sleeping creature, but they had no idea what it was. But it seemed to know the place, so they did the dumbest thing ever, they woke it up. The thing woke up, shook it's head and roared, looking right down at the two scared ponies.
They did the best thing they could, run. They ran as fast and as far as they could, and finally lost it. Then they continued their trek. Though, they aren't dumb ponies, they ran with the trail, since it was the clearest path to go. So they just kept walking, not disturbing any more creatures.

Author's Note
Sorry for the extremely short chapter, the next few will be longer, I swearsies.
Though I will try to get those chapters in by next Friday. I hope you're enjoying the
story so far. Sorry for any misspelled words, My keys sometimes do type. Thank
you goodbye.